what fucking anime bullshit am i looking at right now
hey Yoko Taro is a dope guy. not anime if you cant see his face
what fucking anime bullshit am i looking at right now
their engine runs really well on almost anything
Also Doorkickers at 75% off, a new low price. I'll probably buy that.
Oh cool, Street Fighter franchise sale, maybe the DLC costumes will finally be on sale... or not. Capcom, pls. You're competing with mods on PC!
They said it is.pls dont be ps4 only
what fucking anime bullshit am i looking at right now
I didn't think Nier did very well, weird that so many people seem to be going wild over it. Cool that they are making it at least, nice to see some unexpected stuff.
pls dont be ps4 only
Guys, call me inpatient but im genuinely starting to not want ESO anymore, taking too long for my taste, especially for something thats not even amazballs.
you are answering yourself. its a niche game with a strong cult-like fanbase. of course GAF gonna shit pants
Fair enough, I just remember always hearing it was disappointing.
Fight meYou are impatient.
I didn't think Nier did very well, weird that so many people seem to be going wild over it. Cool that they are making it at least, nice to see some unexpected stuff.
Out of all of the series Square has languishing away....they dredge up Nier.
Nier 2 by Platinum... goddamn. dreams coming true every day now(sucks about the supposed PS4 exclusitivity if true)
Ooh, that Lara Croft mobile game looks cool.
Not much for me today. Just The Fall and that's it. Eh. At least there will be DreadOut tomorrow!(and hopefully DS2)
well after the FF7 remake whats left lol
maybe Chrono will pop up who knows
its the week of miracles bro
Wait is that a new Dragon's Quest?
Guys, call me inpatient but im genuinely starting to not want ESO anymore, taking too long for my taste, especially for something thats not even amazballs.
This ever happen to you guys? You want something but it takes too long so you dont want it anymore? This happens all the time to me
. Console version first, then PC version down the line.
I didn't think Nier did very well, weird that so many people seem to be going wild over it. Cool that they are making it at least, nice to see some unexpected stuff.
Distance? Please guide me, GAF. Is it fun alone or extremely mp focused?
Nier = Drakengard btw
its not like there was just one game in the world / lore
Really tempting, urgh.
What kind of showing does Capcom have planned?
Asking for Dragon's Dogma.
They added more damage stuff and changed some of the items (wormhole skips 10 levels every 100), that's all I know.
I can't wait for E3 to be over so that I can actually read about Steam stuff in the Steam thread.