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STEAM | June 2015 - Wait for the Steam Sale Thread You Bastards!

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I'm pretty sure that's mostly marketing's fault.

Man, Mirror's Edge Catalyst will have 2 melee attacks: one that get the enemy down and keeps your momentum, the other transfers your momentum to the enemy.
Unfortunately, it seems takedowns are third person.

Not necessarily there were plenty of gameplay demos and such where the devs/players said the same thing.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
no apology. Australians have no honor



heres my two cents on Distance

if Nitronic Rush means anything, i'll enjoy it very much when i eventually get it. until then, it's in my top 3 on the wish list


So... I'm really surprised we didn't see Borderlands 3 or Dead Island 2 this E3.
Dead Island I think is getting a decent overhaul. Remember they said it wouldn't have a story mode but I think they turned around on that. Since Deep Silver wants to have a actual franchise here.

BL3 is big enough that it'll probably have its own reveal next year like we see with COD and AC.


Does Gameworks stuff work at all on AMD? All that stuff in Witcher 3 and especially all the fluid Physx in Borderlands has me very reluctant to every move off Nvidia as long as they are still making deals with developers.

The majority of it nowadays does work on AMD just fine, yes. AMD likes to throw shit at Nvidia for not actively optimising stuff for their hardware, really.

They ofcourse also like to blame Nvidia for their own lack of optimising games for their hardware.

eat shit yessssssssssssssSSSS

Noone in their right mind would care about such a trash franchise owned by a terrible publisher developed by such a terrible developer.
Nintendo only exists to me when I'm making fun of Salsa. :p

Same here.
I do love bathing in the misfortune of others. :p

As do I. There are few people whose misery and salty tears I do not enjoy bathing in. You're one of these few.


So is there a badge higher than level 3000 in the clicker game?

I am obsessed with Witcher 3 right now, but I'm getting this urge to play Fallout 3 (have never really played past the intro). I need to stay strong.
I played F:NV for nearly 40 hours but I never finished it, in my new play through I'm discovering locations I haven't visited before like Cottonwood Cove or Seachlight Airport.


So is there a badge higher than level 3000 in the clicker game?

I am obsessed with Witcher 3 right now, but I'm getting this urge to play Fallout 3 (have never really played past the intro). I need to stay strong.

Goes up the 300000+ I believe


Sometimes I come in this thread and get excited about games coming to PC only to find out it's people discussing console titles in a PC-centric topic. It happened to me last week. I thought Bloodborne was making it's way over.
Came for the vegetable photo's and redheads and was blocked :(
Oh my goodness! You are Neil? I got so much spam-invites and your tweets looked like automated ones.
Unblocked and followed you man, sorry.
They showed it way early while Nintendo had their snooze-fest.
Liquid-cooled, HBM PC. They claimed it is the most powerful PC on the planet 😏
Oh my God! Battlezone II was soooo good. What a timesink it was for me. Perfect mix of strategy and vehicular/tps-combat.
i dont do bday posts, but without intending to do so i took my usual day or two off for a long weekend on my bday and e3 just happens to land on those days this year. Gonna spend some of that staycation time watching giant bomb watch e3 while i probably eat way too much pizza.
Happy birthday!


We can be undecided together. I got no responses earlier but reading the Steam forum the game is coming along nicely, they're working on a story mode and the majority loves it.

I must remind myself to get it tomorrow morning along with any other flash that interests me XP


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
is there a known issue with updating your credit card info on steam lately? trying to put in my new one because the one on there has expired and it wont let me >_>


Oh my God! Battlezone II was soooo good. What a timesink it was for me. Perfect mix of strategy and vehicular/tps-combat.

I think this new one's mostly just a VR hovertank shooter with pretty graphics and no strategy-based patriotic destruction of communists/aliens/communist aliens, but I'm just going by the trailer
Oh my goodness! You are Neil? I got so much spam-invites and your tweets looked like automated ones.
Unblocked and followed you man, sorry.

They showed it way early while Nintendo had their snooze-fest.
Liquid-cooled, HBM PC. They claimed it is the most powerful PC on the planet 😏

Oh my God! Battlezone II was soooo good. What a timesink it was for me. Perfect mix of strategy and vehicular/tps-combat.

Happy birthday!

Please anyone else feel free to just pm me any well wishes! I really appreciate it but I don't wish to have the thread spammed with nice folks being nice.


Sometimes I come in this thread and get excited about games coming to PC only to find out it's people discussing console titles in a PC-centric topic. It happened to me last week. I thought Bloodborne was making it's way over.

What games you wanna talk about? Also only two hours until the PC conference!
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