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STEAM | June 2016 - Dear Valve, E3 is here, please release Ricochet 2

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I dont much get the VN "no gameplay" argument

but again when I talk about VN I always refer to Ace Attorney aka the best game series ever

and I think that's more involved than most of what's out there

yes it's all basically touching stuff, and there's a set outcome

but you do have to think about where to present certain evidence, what statements contradict each other, and paying attention and getting it right the first time amounts to a sense of accomplishment that makes you feel involved

that's gameplay
it's not much different from an adventure game, you just can't move

but like, cmon


I dont much get the VN "no gameplay" argument

but again when I talk about VN I always refer to Ace Attorney aka the best game series ever

and I think that's more involved than most of what's out there

yes it's all basically touching stuff, and there's a set outcome

but you do have to think about where to present certain evidence, what statements contradict each other, and paying attention and getting it right the first time amounts to a sense of accomplishment that makes you feel involved

that's gameplay

I always think of Ace Attorney as an adventure game first and foremost.


reading in games, like VNs, has to be snappy, it has to have a different quality to engage

it's an interesting thing. Like when people realize Uncharted 4 has basically the same plot as one of the National Treasure movies and go "oh.. maybe the plot is just great.. for a videogame, and not the second coming"

I love reading, but there's a point where im just cycling through lousily presented exposition upfront with no effort to keep me interested where I just glance at my kindle and go "yeah I could be actually reading something good right now"

Ace Attorney has me fucking glued to the tiny screen throughout. It's kind of a notable accomplishment. presentation and music have a lot to do with it

everything's very dramatic, there's sound cues for everything. that's where the anime-ness of it works. they use it right

that sense of momentum and fast pace is what had me as a kid losing my mind over a simple soccer match in Captain Tsubasa

it's the same thing but with lawyers


The music does like half the work for Ace Attorney. So good.

I like that the text delivery is held back

the fact that they dont give you control over it so the text that appears matches the sound cues and effects and all

5 got rid of that, you could skip with A, and it was a lesser game for it
Had some folks over last night for some extended "couch multiplayer" fun after we realized we'd been playing boardgames too often, and got some new stuff into the mix.

Ultimate Chicken Horse: surprise winner. Played 2 hours, could have easily kept playing, only stopped so we would get to multiple things. Held the attention of "most gamer" and "least gamer" equally; very interesting take on inter-player competition. Also might have had the most laughs.

Crawl: still great; new patch added some stuff since we played it last. We're about 3 hours in overall across 3 sessions, and I'm not sure how much "legs" the game has: we're still unlocking stuff but we've got the core gameplay loops down at this point. I could see us going back to it a few more times but it's probably not going to be a "forever" game

Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime: just expanded from 2 to 4 player co-op. Some people *loved* it, others were more lukewarm. The sort of "you're running a spaceship but there's more control stations than people" thing is still fun w / multiple players, but w/ 4 it tends to devolve into "one person stays on engines, one person stays on shields, and 2 people run around to the guns" which is way less frantic than the 2P version.

And we had Mount Your Friends, Starwhal, Nidhogg, and Rockets Rockets Rockets interspersed in as palette cleansers: all are still great, quick, and dumb, which is exactly what we wanted out of them.


It's funny this talk about writing in games, I've been playing Sunless Sea the last few days and absolutely loving it. It has fantastic writing... and yet I still find myself skimming or skipping a lot of it. Salsa makes a great point in how important delivery is. But it's a balance, I don't think Sunless Sea would be nearly as good without the great writing (it would be like a slower FTL), but the fact that you aren't forced to read page after page of stuff with very little interaction makes it much more enjoyable as well.

It does a brilliant job of self-served stories as well as emergent stuff like when I
hit a really high amount of terror and one of my crew members lost it and starting attacking the rest of the crew but I tried to capture her instead of just killing her and by the time I finally got her under control there was only one crew member left which made my ship start going really slow and I died to the very first thing I ran into
. But every aspect of the story also becomes a resource or a stat or something similar. I think it probably "gamifies" story telling better than anything else I've ever played.


Had some folks over last night for some extended "couch multiplayer" fun after we realized we'd been playing boardgames too often, and got some new stuff into the mix.

Ultimate Chicken Horse: surprise winner. Played 2 hours, could have easily kept playing, only stopped so we would get to multiple things. Held the attention of "most gamer" and "least gamer" equally; very interesting take on inter-player competition. Also might have had the most laughs.

Crawl: still great; new patch added some stuff since we played it last. We're about 3 hours in overall across 3 sessions, and I'm not sure how much "legs" the game has: we're still unlocking stuff but we've got the core gameplay loops down at this point. I could see us going back to it a few more times but it's probably not going to be a "forever" game

Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime: just expanded from 2 to 4 player co-op. Some people *loved* it, others were more lukewarm. The sort of "you're running a spaceship but there's more control stations than people" thing is still fun w / multiple players, but w/ 4 it tends to devolve into "one person stays on engines, one person stays on shields, and 2 people run around to the guns" which is way less frantic than the 2P version.

And we had Mount Your Friends, Starwhal, Nidhogg, and Rockets Rockets Rockets interspersed in as palette cleansers: all are still great, quick, and dumb, which is exactly what we wanted out of them.
Absolutely love local coops. Perhaps next time, you can try out Chicku and Stickbold.

Chicku is absolutely hilarious and good times can be had with Stikbold as well.

Forgot 8bit Fiesta . A collection of awesome mini games.


I'm starting Radiant Historia today just so I can prove Salsa wrong

Well I mean my first choice is Theatrhythm but I've already accepted it's not coming to PC. It makes too much sense for Square to port.

I can't believe you forgot about The World Ends With You. Any trace of friendship between us is officially erased from existence.

EDIT: I take it back, Salsa loves Ace Attorney, there's no way I could ever go against someone like that
I wish more games had VN-style sensibilities, like a chat log. I've skipped over some dialog in RPGs that I direly wish I could go back and read again.
It's funny this talk about writing in games, I've been playing Sunless Sea the last few days and absolutely loving it. It has fantastic writing... and yet I still find myself skimming or skipping a lot of it. Salsa makes a great point in how important delivery is. But it's a balance, I don't think Sunless Sea would be nearly as good without the great writing (it would be like a slower FTL), but the fact that you aren't forced to read page after page of stuff with very little interaction makes it much more enjoyable as well.

It does a brilliant job of self-served stories as well as emergent stuff like when I
hit a really high amount of terror and one of my crew members lost it and starting attacking the rest of the crew but I tried to capture her instead of just killing her and by the time I finally got her under control there was only one crew member left which made my ship start going really slow and I died to the very first thing I ran into
. But every aspect of the story also becomes a resource or a stat or something similar. I think it probably "gamifies" story telling better than anything else I've ever played.

The thing that works in Sunless Sea's favour is the cyclic nature of the events. The ones you repeat all the time are easily skimmed over, while the more interesting, rarely-seen ones can be savoured.

Y'know, I really believe that Faillbetter has the best writing team in all of video games. They give every word an artistry that no one else can match, breathing life and atmosphere into what would otherwise be a very clunky, slow game; instead turning it into this tense, mysterious, and otherworldly affair that's difficult to forget.

The Zubmariner xpac cannot come soon enough.
I may have went a little overboard on video game control devices this last week...



somebody kindly buy Stranger of Sword City and tell us how's port

I was beta-testing it, have ~35 hours played, and during that time i had zero crashes, and haven't actually encountered a single bug. There were also like a couple of bugs in total reported in the beta forum, all of which were pretty minor, and they were acknowledged to be worked on.

The only slight problem i have with the game is the button prompts being those generic "Button 1", "Button 2" when i use my Logitech controller - it's the same problem i had with Disgaea PC. Also, Picture Gate system, which allows importing any images to be used as character avatars in-game, is kinda clunky - you need to manually create 4 images of certain sizes and put those in specific folder, there was also no explanation on how to do that in-game.

I haven't played many games of this type, besides some Might and Magic and Wizardry games way back in the day, if that counts :) And i think this game is pretty good for what it is - there is some strategy involved in building your party, but the battle system itself relies pretty heavily on RNG, which is not that great tbh - you can negate most of RNG by grinding some levels, but then you outlevel the challenge as well.
RNG itself is not a bad thing - it becomes a problem when you consider the "death" mechanics in this game - each characters has a certain amount of Life Points depending on their age, they lose one Life Point if they are KOd, and if that Life Point was their last one, they are permanently dead. The problem here is, even though there are items that allow you to revive characters in the field and even restore their Life Points, those items are extremely rare - and if you are doing the challenging content and happen to get one of your guys KOd, you pretty much have to go back to town to get a replacement. And you can lose someone instantly, because crits in this game mean instant KO - this is true for both your party and your enemies, but while crit on an enemy means a faster battle, crit on your guy means your expedition is done and you need to do it all over again.

But in spite of this RNG stuff, the game is quite enjoyable, the art is great, the story is OK (i think i'm about halfway into it right now), dungeons are pretty varied with some gimmicks, character and gear customization are there.

tl;dr: good port, good game if you are into this genre, a bit grindy :)


Those are my two favorite!

That has me thinking, I wonder if I can get a local multiplayer game setup with all 4 devices, that would be a cool showcase of PC's capabilities.

You'll just have to find a game that let one player use kb/m and gamepad at the same time, for some reason there are a lot of games that only let you play local multiplayer if everyone uses a gamepad.
it always has been in Japan

and it'll be on Steam soon enough

This + Ghost Trick better fuckin make it.

Anyway, I can't spam enough of my Capcom dream list for PC:
Ace Attorney series, Ghost Trick, Okami, Asura's Wrath and God Hand. This freakin needs to HAPPEN asap.


Had some folks over last night for some extended "couch multiplayer" fun after we realized we'd been playing boardgames too often, and got some new stuff into the mix.

Ultimate Chicken Horse: surprise winner. Played 2 hours, could have easily kept playing, only stopped so we would get to multiple things. Held the attention of "most gamer" and "least gamer" equally; very interesting take on inter-player competition. Also might have had the most laughs.

Crawl: still great; new patch added some stuff since we played it last. We're about 3 hours in overall across 3 sessions, and I'm not sure how much "legs" the game has: we're still unlocking stuff but we've got the core gameplay loops down at this point. I could see us going back to it a few more times but it's probably not going to be a "forever" game

Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime: just expanded from 2 to 4 player co-op. Some people *loved* it, others were more lukewarm. The sort of "you're running a spaceship but there's more control stations than people" thing is still fun w / multiple players, but w/ 4 it tends to devolve into "one person stays on engines, one person stays on shields, and 2 people run around to the guns" which is way less frantic than the 2P version.

And we had Mount Your Friends, Starwhal, Nidhogg, and Rockets Rockets Rockets interspersed in as palette cleansers: all are still great, quick, and dumb, which is exactly what we wanted out of them.

Absolutely love local coops. Perhaps next time, you can try out Chicku and Stickbold.

Chicku is absolutely hilarious and good times can be had with Stikbold as well.

Forgot 8bit Fiesta . A collection of awesome mini games.

Try TowerFall Ascension if you haven't already.


If anyone is interested in tinkering around with an incredibly small demo thing, Morphblade by Tom Francis (Gunpoint, upcoming Heat Signature) is a fun thing he's been playing around with the last couple weeks. Heavily inspired by Imbroglio by Michael Brough, which is great! But I think mobile only for now.


too late, never come back

But... I bring penance

ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 3 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below that corresponds to the game you want. (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering). Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.
Want to make your own ModBot giveaway? Click here for a quick tutorial thread. Please give generously.

ModBot Basics:
- No need to thank me. Please don't post thank you messages in thread or in PM.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- This giveaway is a LIGHTNING raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 15 minutes after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.

Read Only Memories -- MB-EC4A96065AE16BC9 - Taken by darkchewie. 2 entrants total.
Cibele -- MB-0FFDB01A44400535 - Taken by Sammichu. 4 entrants total.
Her Story -- MB-8212E2F426C96B67 - Taken by gabbo. 3 entrants total.

Dead Rising 3 is still $50. Pass.

Operation Racoon City is the same price for the base game as the unreleased Umbrella Corp game. Capcom WTF are you doing?

Cool about FFXII. One game closer to Crystal Chronicles.

The Onechanbara reviews are something else.
Does anyone have recommendations for pleasant survival games?

Frontier maybe being bundled and keys out there for the Forest and Hurtworld have me thinking I might try one (or any other lauded game). I don't care for PvP and I don't want one where my stuff is wrecked while I log off. Thoughts?


Dead Rising 3 is still $50. Pass.

Operation Racoon City is the same price for the base game as the unreleased Umbrella Corp game. Capcom WTF are you doing?

Cool about FFXII. One game closer to Crystal Chronicles.

The Onechanbara reviews are something else.

The Apocalypse edition was just 12$ the other week on GMG. Nearly bit on it myself.


Does anyone have recommendations for pleasant survival games?

Frontier maybe being bundled and keys out there for the Forest and Hurtworld have me thinking I might try one (or any other lauded game). I don't care for PvP and I don't want one where my stuff is wrecked while I log off. Thoughts?

The Long Dark.
Operation Racoon City is the same price for the base game as the unreleased Umbrella Corp game. Capcom WTF are you doing?

On Steam, at least, Capcom stopped discounting games with GFWL long ago if they had no plans of updating it. There are a bunch of games that fit this trend: SFxT, Lost Planet 2, Lost Planet: Colonies, RE:ORC, etc.

Every once in awhile, another site such as HumbleBundle will have a discount, but they're few and far between. But Capcom seems to leave them at full price for the most part as a warning to people to not buy them because they're not going to be updated.
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