What the shit? 250 € more? For what?
Can't really judge with those images. Not only are they very small but while presenting a new engine something more "fancy" should be portrayed.
Vlachos wasn't presenting the engine, he was talking about VR rendering.
That's even worse... why would you present VR with something so unattractive and drab?
Have you seen what's been shown for VR so far, especially on the PC?
That Valve demo looks like toy story 3 compared to the rest of the VR stuff. the only thing that looks better are some of Sony's Morpheus demos
I was kinda interested in OSX because of some exclusive programs but no way am I gonna buy and Apple PC with this consumer unfriendly attitude. Really can't comprehend all the hype and sales Apple is getting to be honest. I used an Ipod Touch 4G and Ipad 1 & 4. Compared to the Galaxy S3 & Note3 their functionalities seem pitiful.The value of the going down. It's still not below 1:1, we got ripped off already by higher prices before any hikes and the stronger the $, the cheaper Apple can produce so it's more a 'let's see how high we can go before those fools stop buying' situation.
And now, just like it happened in Dark Souls 1, a very rare occurrence. I got, not one, not two but three (!) consecutive Titanite Slab drops. And the best, I didn't even use any Item Discovery gear!![]()
Looking Glass fight was a perfect ending for a perfect area. Loved it so muc, I put my sign down and helped others at least 7 times. Still plan to do again later. It is so fun.![]()
Not gonna lie. Sometimes I get a nice grin while reading messages.![]()
This guy. Urgh. He hits hard and the area has flame pools which really takes a toll on my concentration -_-
But the worst is I forgot to summon Lucatiel, so I will need to Ascetic the area and take on him again.![]()
Woot! I met theI guess? Was a pretty surprising meetingScholar![]()
It's crazy! I have 6 (six) titanite slabs in my inventory. Without even trying to get one. But only one Chunk, so I can't even upgrade my weapons to make use of the slabs, haha.
no Hotline Miami 2 keys.
That's consistent DLC I suppose.
I love my Soundblaster ZXR. I went from "why would i buy a soundcard" to splurging on a ZXR mainly because i wanted to use my HD800s with my PC and felt they deserved something decent. Zero regrets. And the "audio control module" with the built-in mic that comes with it is the best thing ever.Bought a Xonar DGX because why not. I haven't had a dedicated sound card since, uh, the ESS 1868.
I have not interest in VR, so no, but why do we ever need it if it sucks so much? just asking![]()
GMG hasn't given me my key yet either, for what it's worth.
That's consistent DLC I suppose.
You should parctice parrying on weak enemies until you can do it confidently.When a powerful enemy is chasing me (Dark Souls), I get really scared. I run like hell!
But then I get that desire to kill him since he may have something valuable, so I try to sneak up on him for a backstab or jump on him from a high place.
Decisions like this really make the game.
I have not interest in VR, so no, but why do we ever need it if it sucks so much? just asking![]()
So hype. I think I even get home just in time for the unlock.Cities: Skylines | Review Thread
as expected (and as I was saying) - the SimCity we were supposed to get, but never did![]()
can't wait to get my hands on that one![]()
So hype. I think I even get home just in time for the unlock.
You should parctice parrying on weak enemies until you can do it confidently.
I am serious. Parrying and Riposte give the most amount of damage possible by your weapon. It is crazy and even the biggest hunks go down easily.
Just check out this short video guide. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNlQ1W9Wrlg
Best thing, when parrying successfully, you will get no damage whatsoever. Doing it right is super OP.
Well a Xonar DGX (replacement for the old but relable DG) is cheap as chips and as long as you set it up correctly Dolby Headphone give's games without a binaural mix but 5.1/7.1 sound a welcome boost.
However good onboard sound has become, and that varies strongly from board to board/vendor to vendor, a dedicated card is often preferable. Though I'd say the one JaseC bought isn't that much better (sorry).
I love my Soundblaster ZXR. I went from "why would i buy a soundcard" to splurging on a ZXR mainly because i wanted to use my HD800s with my PC and felt they deserved something decent. Zero regrets. And the "audio control module" with the built-in mic that comes with it is the best thing ever.
It even has a daughter board! I have no idea what the hell that means or what it does, but dammit if you tell me your product has a motherboard and "daughterboard" you can just shut up and take my money.
Thanks for the guide. Will come in handy when I attempt to play the game. Tired if dying so.fucking.much :/You should parctice parrying on weak enemies until you can do it confidently.
I am serious. Parrying and Riposte give the most amount of damage possible by your weapon. It is crazy and even the biggest hunks go down easily.
Just check out this short video guide. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNlQ1W9Wrlg
Best thing, when parrying successfully, you will get no damage whatsoever. Doing it right is super OP.
Cities: Skylines | Review Thread
as expected (and as I was saying) - the SimCity we were supposed to get, but never did![]()
can't wait to get my hands on that one![]()
Gotta make some muney. Porn isn't paying for itself.wait, wait, wait just a moment ... you actually go outside?!?!?!? O_O
Presence doesn't require great graphics.
If you're not interested why are you even arguing?
Presence doesn't require great graphics.
I have a Soundblaster Zx... that I decided to put up a WTS (on my local forums) just last week - you guys are making me rethink that decision again.
I do have a dedicated USB DAC for music though so that's why. thought I wouldn't really need the DSP functions on the Soundblaster :/
I haven't tried out the ACM - heard it messes with the Sound Quality
Does internet porn knows you are cheating on it?Gotta make some muney. Porn isn't paying for itself.
I also purchase digital hentai doujinshis, so no harm done on that endDoes internet porn knows you are cheating on it?
Only review that matters
So Ori and Cities Skylines getting stellar reviews, with Hotline Miami 2 likely to follow.
Good week for the platform.
With a month vacation starting next week, will be drowning in the awesomeness of new gaming releases. Life, if greatSo Ori and Cities Skylines getting stellar reviews, with Hotline Miami 2 likely to follow.
Good week for the platform.
So Ori and Cities Skylines getting stellar reviews, with Hotline Miami 2 likely to follow.
Good week for the platform.
Plus Sid Meier's Starships. Which disappeared from GMG VIP before I could buy it. :/
Pretty sure he wanted to use his playfire monies.well ... it's still on nuuvemnot THAT much cheaper ... but at least it's still there ... and still 1 cheaper
Anyone else having issues with Steam gifts sent via e-mail not reaching their destination? Ubi added everyone's favourite AssCreed game to Rogue's pre-order subs, so I have a couple of copies to give away... once I get the redemption URLs.
I was kinda interested in OSX because of some exclusive programs but no way am I gonna buy and Apple PC with this consumer unfriendly attitude. Really can't comprehend all the hype and sales Apple is getting to be honest. I used an Ipod Touch 4G and Ipad 1 & 4. Compared to the Galaxy S3 & Note3 their functionalities seem pitiful.
Oh well, whatever floats people's boats I guess.
Thanks for the guide. Will come in handy when I attempt to play the game. Tired if dying so.fucking.much :/