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STEAM | March 2016 - This thread is badass

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I remember liking Spirits Within at the time and so did a couple of friends of mine who also watched it. It didn't have the mass appeal SE thought it had though. A lot of FF fans felt that the movie wasn't what they wanted and for the general public there wasn't really much appeal.

Yeah, FFXV is in dire need of same AA. The trailer made me feel hyped for the game for the first time since it was renamed to XV though, some cool scenes in there.


The Path, like most Tales of Tales game, sucks.

I like a lot of artsy fartsy indie games so my tolerance is high, but Tales of Tales are like the stereotype made flesh.
Which Groupee bundles are the generally good ones and which are ones to stay away? I picked up Be Mine Anniversary 3 bundle earlier and that turned out well.

The Be Mine ones are probably the best ones, they usually have the rebundles at a minimum. Though they are normally the most expensive to pre-order. $2.5 pre-order and $4 after to get everything.


The Path, like most Tales of Tales game, sucks.

I like a lot of artsy fartsy indie games so my tolerance is high, but Tales of Tales are like the stereotype made flesh.

I thought the Path is first one that doesn't suck, at least I remember reading some positive impressions about it.

I remember liking Spirits Within at the time and so did a couple of friends of mine who also watched it. It didn't have the mass appeal SE thought it had though. A lot of FF felt that the movie wasn't what they wanted and for the general public there wasn't really much appeal.

I think it's more of a name problem, the general public wasn't interested because it was a game movie, which in fact it wasn't. I'm not sure, but it could be that naming it only Spirits Within, without FF might have helped, a movie doesn't require you to be familiar with FF franchise, although it's nice to see ties and
a living planet
idea come to fruition.

edited: and before someone points it out, it's not a contradiction, SW is not a FF movie, but it is heavily FF inspired movie.
fake edit 2: it kinda is a contradiction now when I think about it. Just look at it as a dualism.


I'm not excited about battleborn but I am excited that it might be a flop and will lead to the eventual downfall of randy pitchford

I know what I quoted has nothing to do with this but I saw you mention it earlier but am too lazy to go back to that post but not lazy enough to type these extra words
Well i dislike randy too but i am more worried about these games not lasting very long as their concept and idea is fine but the appowch is questionable


Kingsglaive trailer looks good to me. I've said enough times that if companies would go ahead and produce full-length CG features in the style of their promotional trailers, I'd totally watch them. This looks like an interesting action-fantasy romp - hope it does well for S-E.


you can say whatever you want, Spirits Within is a good movie and it looked like a damn marvel back then, it still looks impressive if you remember its age.
IDK why people didn't go to see it, it made no sense to me, as it being supposedly horrible opinions. Where do these people even come from? Do they even watch movies? Which movies they compared it to, to find it this bad? Nothing made sense, nothing!
Then again life in general doesn't, like for example, in spite of buying SE games just fine (on PC), we still will have to wait for FF15 PC release goddess knows how long.
As I said, nothing makes sense!

I loved every minute of the movie as I watched it in the cinema.


Do you people know that according to steam, about 300 games (and dlcs) will be released in April alone... it's getting out of hand, 300! just think about it, that's like 10 games a day, every day.

I skimmed through the list and hopefully I'll pick only Dang 2. I'll skip DS3 for now, too pricey and I'll have no time for it this year anyway.

edited: BTW do we know anything about Battlefleet Gothic: Armada? It looks not bad and releases in April too.
Do you people know that according to steam, about 300 games (and dlcs) will be released in April alone... it's getting out of hand, 300! just think about it, that's like 10 games a day, every day.

I skimmed through the list and hopefully I'll pick only Dang 2. I'll skip DS3 for now, too pricey and I'll have no time for it this year anyway.

edited: BTW do we know anything about Battlefleet Gothic: Armada? It looks not bad and releases in April too.

Out of the 300, 250 will be shitty "my first project", 30 will be medicore games, 10 will be good games and 10 will be good games, that no one will pay attention to.


I finished FFXV Demo with around 290 crystals. I don't know what to think. It was ok i guess. Visually it is nice game but it is nothing special. You can see low res textures and low poly models everywhere and draw distance is so-so. Music is nice but combat is boring in demo (in my opinion).


Any chance SE will release FFIX today to use the hype generated from the event?
Answer: No, iOS version is still selling a bit.
Final giveaway for a while as I go away on vacation for a few weeks.

ModBot said:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below containing the game you want to enter for. Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.
Want to make your own ModBot giveaway? Click here for a quick tutorial thread. Please give generously.

ModBot Basics:
- This giveaway has a manual blocklist. The giver has identified members who abuse giveaways and restricted them from participating.
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (SockyJohnson, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- You must have given away a game through ModBot to become eligible for this giveaway.
- If you are a lurker you are not eligible for this giveaway. You need five or more posts in either the current Steam thread or the previous one to be eligible
- This giveaway is a raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 3 hours after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.

Hyper Light Drifter -- MB-9B6CEFF5CF1BAA07 - Taken by Lain. 59 entrants total.

'Mods that have phishing tools to steal your Chrome passwords'

Are you kidding me with that shit? Nobody who is stupid enough to fall for those kinds of things is modding PC games.

I try not to get angry over Internet things but these last few threads talking about UWPs have really pissed me off. I can't tell if some of the stupidity that gets posted is out of ignorance or platform warrior bullshit or straight up astroturfing.


From the other FF thread:

Dr. Square-Enix: or how I learned to stop caring and downgrading my games

If people don't call them for that (not only because of this image) i will be disappointed. Game doesn't look bad but when you compare it with trailers (gameplay ones) it doesn't look that good. Beside really impressive lightning everything else feels mediocre in my opinion (i played demo on PS4).
If people don't call them for that (not only because of this image) i will be disappointed. Game doesn't look bad but when you compare it with trailers (gameplay ones) it doesn't look that good. Beside really impressive lightning everything else feels mediocre in my opinion (i played demo on PS4).

I dont know. Checking out the Screenshots in the demo thread and the ones S-E released the game looks actually not good for a PS4/Xbone game and reminds me of late PS3 games. I know it started on the PS3, but all the other trailers, "tech demos" they show of the game looking gorgeous.

Now it looks really... bad compared to that.


And Tell's Attack of the Backlog continues with... Bionic Commando!

Wasn't really sure what to expect going into this one, since Rearmed didn't really click for me and I wasn't too sure about the transition to 3D. Only a little ways in, but I'm enjoying it. Hasn't been enough combat yet for me to really weigh in on it yet (I've only offed a few grunts so far), but the swinging and grappling feel surprisingly good.

I'll post more impressions from here in the distant past as I go, unless you tell me to shut up. :p

Any stories on the XB1 wireless dongle breaking yet?

"Breaking your dongle" sounds like one of the dangers of "appreciating" too much hentai. >.>
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