The saga of Dark Souls continues.
I kept exploring the Goddamn Hellhole (Blighttown) and learned (the hard way) how to deal with poisons. I think I may be missing something, as moving on water is quite slow, but I found a technique after thinking of an old videogame colleague. Do a barrel roll.
After a thousand poison mosquitoes and rock flinging bastards, I came into this strange mound. I saw a couple of strange egg-guys on the ground. Non hostile. Are they praying?. Yeah I would not like to have my daily pray to Superman to be interrupted as well. I let them be.
Soon I saw the fog door and prepared myself with my best armor. Oh neat, boss intro, I like these.
You remind me of an ex-girlfriend.
Yep, just like her.
Man, she kicked my butt, sword attacks and lava spits! I kept trying a couple of more times and she kept killing me. Then a friend asked me "why don't you summon help?". And so I did. Turned human, killed an invader (a computer generated one seems to me) and summon a nice and aggressive fella to help. We reached the mound and another summon brought an almost naked lady. With such amounts of help, the fight was a cake.
Everybody was kung-fu fighting!
I parted from my buddies and moved on.
I rang the bell (hey I had forgotten about this quest!) and saw in a cutscene as a door near the blacksmith opened. Also a fire message instructed me to discover a secret passage and found another egg-guy and another ex-girlfriend. This one seems ill and I felt tempted to kill her, but I spoke to her and she reinforced my Estus Flask and gave me a stronger Pyromancy. Good Spider-Girl. I kinda like you now.
No, I'm not staring at your boobs...
After exploring a bit more, came into the Demon's Ruins or something like that, But I don't feel like exploring a lava level right now. Tracked back all the way to the blacksmith but discovered that somehow the Firelink bonfire no longer works. Need to investigate this further.
I went into Shen's Fortress and found a new enemy, Snake Man!
I defeated them and advanced, but the next room is a Tomb Raider like level with hanging gigantic axes. That wasn't truly difficult, the problem comes from a Snake Man sniper up there. Decided to come back and buy some arrows. When I was with the blacksmith I remembered something. That Hydra from the forest had lived for far too long, a visit was in due. I was surprised how easily I killed it, a single heavy hit from my axe killed a head. I went upwards from the waterfall and came into another forest, and what I believe is the other side of the magic door near the bonfire. I was killed by a sneaky knight and a sorcerer. But I will return.
My saga of Dark Souls... is far from over.