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STEAM | May 2015 - Paid Mods? We hardly Nuuvem!

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Also today we got Ubisoft E3 conference time and it is one hour later than usual. Now i only wait MS and Sony (and Nintendo maybe) to finish E3 schedule :D

I'm calling it now, Sony will have too late for all Europe to watch, because that's what they do and MS... I better will stop here

Nintendo at E3? is it a parallel universe?

You need more B.U.D. in your life.


I suppose it's generally to do with many games trying to target an older demographic and presenting a more realistic world. [B]If you want the common shounen story with the cheery, wide-eyed child/teenage hero saving the world - that still exists in western canon, but is usually relegated to saturday morning cartoons.[/B][/QUOTE]

don't you sound condescending beyond belief?
... some subtlety would help.
Actually... when you read this, you understand what's wrong with us, no? so, thanks I guess?


Hi SteamGAF, is it worth playing Witcher 1 and 2 before 3 comes out? I tried a bit of 1 today and it seems quite janky and hasn't really grabbed me. Are they worth the time? Will I be missing much?
Skip 1, play 2.

If you like 2, it's safe to say that 3 will be up your alley as well, they seem very similar.

Aaron D.



So that just happened.


Then I read on the Steam forum that the game campaign is 2 hours long.


After watching the last 3 UbiCon's, I can safely say that I can skip this.

They have good trailers :p

I'm calling it now, Sony will have too late for all Europe to watch, because that's what they do and MS... I better will stop here

Nintendo at E3? is it a parallel universe?

Sony was always around 02:00CET in EU and Ubi is usually 1 hour so Sony can do it again at same time. But we will see.


ugh this air theme! Fat bar.. spacing of text in certain areas..clicking stuff to get simple info. Gonna throw this out the window.

Anyways off-topic: Anybody looking at that Ark : Survival Evolved?


And here's me thinking you'd stay around for the lady boners. Pressers may be dull as ditch water and just glorified adverts but Aisha is a breath of fresh air.

She's too intense for me!

All I want this year at E3 is for Konami to go out on a blaze of glory. 2010 but to the Extreeeeeeeeeme.

isn't Konami skipping this E3, or do you think they need to reannounce some more games?



not invited
[SPOILER]but wanted at comicon[/SPOILER]

[quote="Kirosia, post: 163783825"]Konami will announce Silent Hill 2. It will come as a DVD, and play in PS2 consoles. The world will rejoice once more.[/QUOTE]

or they'll unnanounce it as if it never was.
[SPOILER]ninjas will come for your copy too, at night, when you are sleeping[/SPOILER]
Again, thank you to all who believe the fresh vegetable and sent things my way, even just chat messages or posts in here. Whether it is or is not my birthday, I'm floored by your generosity and even just those who take the time to wish me a happy birthday. :D

Now the 3 sets of matching gifts? I don't know how y'all pulled that ish off when I had a wishlist of over 300 games... 3 very "lucky" coincidences, or you guys are coordinating just to drive me a little bit more insane. :3
Hey, it's the least I could do. After all, you only celebrate the big 50 once!
Happy birthday grandpa!
PCars looks pretty great in most cases, but even with SMAA on Ultra there are a lot of jaggies to be seen.

I messed up bad here.
Looks really nice but yeah, there is aliasing. And a lot of blur :p
I seem to remember reading that some AA sometimes does not work when an effect is "in front" of it. Like the dust in one pic. Maybe I remember it wrong though.
Grief.exe got banned, why?
From the Witcher 3 downgrade thread huh? Shouldn't be long and defo not perma considering his tone and trackrecord of not-thread-shitting.
Still must suck. Would be cool to have a thread for PC folks to freely rage about "shitty, underpowered consoles" without repercussions. Maybe threads for all console+pc folks would get less of system war posts and more actual on-topic game talk?
So there it is

Developer Insider: The Witcher 3 Was Downgraded From 2013 List of All Features Taken Out &Why

Wanted to read but the page won't load? Help
Ok, working now after a couple tries.


For those who finished Wolfenstein The Old Blood, what are your thoughts on it?

I completed it yesterday and I have mixed feelings. On the one hand, it's more Wolfenstein which is obviously fantastic. The combat is as fun as ever. But then there were lots of small things about the game which kind of bothered me. To the point where I rate the experience significantly below The New Order. I remember replaying that game multiple times and going for all the achievements whereas I deleted The Old Blood immediately after finishing it.

I don't want to post spoilers for the stuff that I found annoying but I will say this... they should rename idtech 5 to Carmack's Mistake and just lose the code for the engine forever. It was designed for the sole purpose of getting 60fps on the last gen toasters. Those toasters have now been abandoned by the market and this engine should go with them.

I wrote a bit about it a few days ago. In short, I liked it. Not as much as TNO, but mostly because the story and characters aren't there in Old Blood. I loved the combat, I played on Uber exactly like TNO.
The game runs very well for me, better than TNO, but that's because I upgraded from a GTX 670 to a GTX 970 last month.

Anyway, I'm going for all achievements, I'm just missing a few challenge maps.


Groupees Greenlight Bundle 24 is live

Wild Island Quest
Icarus-X: Tides of Fire
Gravity Error
Three Days
Build 'n Bump

Dr Dogg

Really? It was quite cringe worthy to me.

I'll take her off kilter brand of hosting than legions of stuffy suits in business casual dress or awkward devs with no media training thrust out on stage way out of their depth any day. She might go over the top sure but she's genuinely given me a good chuckle compared to the usual hype machine bullshit at E3. Just look at Dracula's Andrew Wilson's performance at EA's presser last year. Or that guy who stopped Sony's one dead banging on about some Powers superhero nonsense and sales figures. Do you seriously want more of that?


or they'll unnanounce it as if it never was.
ninjas will come for your copy too, at night, when you are sleeping

"You only remember Konami for its greatest work, its most vital contribution to the milieu of gaming. And now we want it back. Silent Hill 2 was a mistake. It's nothing but trash."


I'll take her off kilter brand of hosting than legions of stuffy suits in business casual dress or awkward devs with no media training thrust out on stage way out of their depth any day. So might go over the top sure but she's genuinely given me a good chuckle compared to the usual hype machine bullshit at E3. Just look at Dracula's Andrew Wilson's performance at EA's presser last year. Or that guy who stopped Sony's one dead banging on about some Powers superhero nonsense and sales figures. Do you seriously want more of that?

I just want journos to shuffle into a theater watch all the latest trailers with intermissions inbetween consisting of the game company's designated representative playing about 15 minutes of "realtime" gameplay before moving onto the next game trailer.

No talking.



Steam-GAF's Official Ambassador to Gaming-GAF
I'll take her off kilter brand of hosting than legions of stuffy suits in business casual dress or awkward devs with no media training thrust out on stage way out of their depth any day. She might go over the top sure but she's genuinely given me a good chuckle compared to the usual hype machine bullshit at E3. Just look at Dracula's Andrew Wilson's performance at EA's presser last year. Or that guy who stopped Sony's one dead banging on about some Powers superhero nonsense and sales figures. Do you seriously want more of that?

oh, I TOTALLY agree .... she's definitely the best host of all the conferences, hands down ... plus it's always great how microscopic (and incredibly uncomfortable) Yves is next to her ;)

#TeamAisha ;)


oh, I TOTALLY agree .... she's definitely the best host of all the conferences, hands down

#TeamAisha ;)

Watch the new "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" and you will wish Drew Carey hosted the Ubi presser instead.

Actually, I would watch that.

Make it happen Ubi.

EDIT: Also fatten him up before the Con, if you are having him.
I just want journos to shuffle into a theater watch all the latest trailers with intermissions inbetween consisting of the game company's designated representative playing about 15 minutes of "realtime" gameplay before moving onto the next game trailer.

No talking.


do u watch wwe with no talking as well

talking brings the drama, its the icing on the cake


I really hate sounding this condescending while explaining obvious things, so stop me if you actually know what you are talking.
But 15 frames per second means there are only 15 frames per second in current animation, so if you want 60 frames, your have such options:
1. A game runs 4 times faster then it should.
2. You just duplicate every frame 4 times, doesn't change a thing only a game takes much more space.
3. Redo all animations from the scratch.

So kindly tell me, how is that easy?

Also how can you make a game look smooth and nice when you go from 256 × 192 to 1,920 × 1,080, especially easily?

This is 3D graphics we're talking about, we can have keyframes at 15 fps and interpolate movement between them, can't we?


I think with DQVIII release on 3DS there's a huge chance to get the game on PC too.
Meanwhile SE can port DS version of Chrono Trigger.

If it's based on their mobile port which was rebuilt from scratch using Unity, well, they should have no problem porting it to PC/Mac/Linux.

Would be great, but it's SE we are talking about.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Yeah, the angst is kind of something put on him, but for sure he's at least one of or some configuration of disinterested, angry, or gloomy at any given time in FF7.

My point was mostly that the statement is just too broad to have any real merit. Not only can it be easily disproven, the inference that Eastern games are the opposite is just as false. Hell, I just watched the Berserk anime that's on Netflix streaming, and those three words are basically the only ones I'd use to describe Guts. I'd have to add a distant forth by saying "swordsman."

To me, it's not so much a regional thing as it is a universal crutch of simple storytelling, an easy way to garner interest in a character without development needed by making them some combination of those three things to give them "mystique." East or West, doesn't matter.

Also, the true king of disinterest:


my post wasn't serious anyways since the thread was kinda getting boring :p


Who knows? They might actually do it :)

And talking about The Witcher, last night I started The Witcher 2 on Insane again. I died 3 times during the prologue: first against the dragon, then against a stupid soldier and last against... the fire at camp right at the beginning...
Anyway, I finally managed to get to Flotsam again. Yay! Tonight I'll try not to die by the troll like the last time I managed to make it this far.
You're insane woman. Admirable, but insane. Good luck D:
why is it in western-based games everyone is disinterested, angry, or gloomy
Lack of waifu as someone said on here. Women are important, find one and treat her right.

Wow that is... Huge. 0.o

#TeamAisha ;)
You should never been on team Aisha unless she's the only team you can pick.
Speaking of The Old Blood I can't get into it. Might be because I recently wrapped up The New Order and Advanced Warfare but it's pretty much more of the same as TNO with a bit of goofyness. Still "I'm a Hotdog" had me in stitches.

B.J. has a couple of really funny lines in the game but only a couple :(

And here's me thinking you'd stay around for the lady boners. Pressers may be dull as ditch water and just glorified adverts but Aisha is a breath of fresh air.

Mr. Caffeine > Aisha :p

I wrote a bit about it a few days ago. In short, I liked it. Not as much as TNO, but mostly because the story and characters aren't there in Old Blood. I loved the combat, I played on Uber exactly like TNO.
The game runs very well for me, better than TNO, but that's because I upgraded from a GTX 670 to a GTX 970 last month.

Anyway, I'm going for all achievements, I'm just missing a few challenge maps.

The game ran fine on my 670 too. I've luckily never had any technical issues with idtech 5 games. But we all know what kinds of nonsense many, many people have had to deal with when it comes to this engine. The thing is, even when it runs fine, it doesn't feel like it belongs in 2015. How can you have a game like GTA 5 that has 50x the scope of this game and still end up looking and (possibly) running better?

I think the short length hurts the game too. It was obviously being made as two DLCs which they decided to repackage as a standalone game for some reason. The New Order left a very obvious door open for DLC with a villain who was never actually defeated so I'm surprised they didn't use that. And (gameplay spoilers)
the forced stealth sections just bugged me. It's an antithesis of the action packed game that Wolfenstein should be. Plus the story (chasing a folder!) was weak and level re-use was blah.

I guess quite a few of my complaints are counteracted by the fact that it was a $14 game but still...


Fuck! All this Witcher 3 talk is making me want to get it - I still haven't played Witcher 1 or 2, and I'm pretty sure my laptop won't play Witcher 3.

Gaffers you suck! Making me want to buy a new laptop now...
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