And your cellphone number...
Do they require it now? Weird. Even then a fake cellphone number takes 30 second to get anyhow![]()
Ever lasting summer, always the same sky: the way we all go. Love at first sight, voices from the sea. When the cicadas cry without within always remember me. Long live the queen if my heart had wings.
That's not a Visual Novel!
They send you a confirmation code on the phone that you have to input to create the account.
That's not a Visual Novel!
ah thats fineI am trying it, it's not like normal difficulty skips the combat entirely. It's just less of a hassle and more fun for me, preparing potions and oils isn't as important and such. And meditating restores your health.
very much not pissed off/dont careIf you're into that sorta thing, I'm sure it's spectacular.
I'm going to piss you off now by telling you that for me, it was just a +1 to help convince SEGA to port more PS3 games (Bayonetta, Vanquish) to PC.
it's a really cool game if you can stand the sort of things that come from it being a 2007 game made like it was 2004 or something.Upon being urged by a friend I played a bit Witcher last night. Was already late, so only about an hour, thus I didn't even finish the tutorial but despite some jank I had fun.
Visually it is definitely very different than W2/W3. Movement is super weird. He moves very fast forwards and backwards but strafing is comparably painfully slow. Had to set camera movement to 1 but it still moves crazy lot.
The biggest surprise once combat started. I clicked furiously on the enemy but Geralt would just stand idle. Only then I realized that I have to click only once and subsequent clicks break the attack - unless chained. That I did not know. Combat is still fun, especially with the three different stances but it feels much more passive than I imagined.
Characters are already interesting. Animations and looks are a bit plastic-ey but that I can easily forgive. Really enjoying that there seems to be a good story and lore.
Just came to the point where I learned my first sign and coupled with the ability to pause the game at any moment, I can totally see some nifty combat combinations happening in the future.
Glad I listened to my (only) friend who suggested me playing it instead of skipping straight to Witcher 2.
Here some screens for ya.
But I called Higurashi and Long Live the Queen which are not lewd. Why do you want to push little girls into lewdness?But it's still lewd!
The only problem is the PC ports wanting the 360 triggers while the PS3 triggers SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK so you have to bumper switch some games.
Ruin your account further and do me!![]()
My Imgur account is ruined by the amount of these I have on there now.
If CDPR made Gwent into a standalone game ala Magic or chirst the flavour of the month Hearthstone, I think I'd be losing a lot of time to that.
They send you a confirmation code on the phone that you have to input to create the account.
Wondering how long after Windows 10 launches does MS announce the Master Chief Collection for the windows 10 store? I'm just trying to figure out if asking for an XB1 for the holidays this year is worth it or if I should just hold off since the only thing i'm interested it might still come to PC.
I was in that area a hour tops.
I saved the image so if you wanna delete mine is ok. I can always upload to minus or
they kinda/sorta did .... the Xbone CE comes with a deck![]()
Ruin your account further and do me!![]()
Telltale who?
Telltale will remember that.
Yeah and they will hurt your feelings, opposed to the route of the other choice whereTelltale will remember that.
Wondering how long after Windows 10 launches does MS announce the Master Chief Collection for the windows 10 store? I'm just trying to figure out if asking for an XB1 for the holidays this year is worth it or if I should just hold off since the only thing i'm interested it might still come to PC.
If you preordered Witcher 3 on GMG, you apparently got a 40% off promo code in your email.
fuck this head
If you preordered Witcher 3 on GMG, you apparently got a 40% off promo code in your email.
Can I have it :V
I wish a publication would try to address the elephant in the room and ask if Microsoft intends to release its Xbox app-integrated/Win10-exclusive games on Steam.
If you preordered Witcher 3 on GMG, you apparently got a 40% off promo code in your email.
This is something StallionFree would more over want to hear but for anyone else who uses ShadowPlay, the latest beta version allows capture upto 130mbps now. Bye bye hard drive space.
Their save file corrupted so they will forget anyway.Telltale will remember that.
Fuck, my new monitor has a stuck pixel.
Left bottom corner, so not immediately noticeable, but with my OCD surely will drive me bonkers...
Not sure what's Dell policy on those... Supposedly one stuck in my monitor (U series) warrants replacement, but I seriously doubt I'd manage to get a new one.
Any of these 'let's cycle colors on screen to get pixels unstuck' apps work? Anyone tried these?
I once fixed mine with slight pressure on that spot. But that is me behaving crazy and it is not recommended to do that.
Fuck, my new monitor has a stuck pixel.
Left bottom corner, so not immediately noticeable, but with my OCD surely will drive me bonkers...
Not sure what's Dell policy on those... Supposedly one stuck in my monitor (U series) warrants replacement, but I seriously doubt I'd manage to get a new one.
Any of these 'let's cycle colors on screen to get pixels unstuck' apps work? Anyone tried these?
well rum is my favorite drink
Finished up Axiom Verge...
Something, something AMD cries, something XD
P.S. How hard it is for Nvidia to implement Screenshot option in ShadowPlay?
Fuck, my new monitor has a stuck pixel.
Left bottom corner, so not immediately noticeable, but with my OCD surely will drive me bonkers...
Not sure what's Dell policy on those... Supposedly one stuck in my monitor (U series) warrants replacement, but I seriously doubt I'd manage to get a new one.
Any of these 'let's cycle colors on screen to get pixels unstuck' apps work? Anyone tried these?
Reminds me. Saw advertisment for Salsa's political campaign yesterday.
well rum is my favorite drink
Finished up Axiom Verge last night and I'm not quite sure how to articulate how I feel about it. It doesn't hide it's influences which makes it easy to compare to Metroid 1 but it also does things very differently so it's hard to take those unique aspects on their own merits. I definitely liked it, loved it even as I raced to get all the achievements but I also don't have the desire to replay it again. I may have burned out on it though I have many little issues with the game as well. On a basic level, it's like someone who loved Metroid (specifically the NES game) and expanded up on it. The aesthetic, the movement, the shooting feels like an alternate reality Super Metroid that expanded more on Metroid 1. Even the sound design is similar to Metroid 1 though it does lead to cacophony with the music blaring as you spam bullets. Though that's just the first impressions and overall feel, the game diverges in some pretty significant ways.
The most apparent one is more of a story focus. It's not a narrative driven game by any means but one of the types of collectables are journal pages. The story seems to more of that cryptic, meta level story that wont make complete sense on a first playthrough but to be honest, I skipped most of it. It's not why I play these games.
Gameplay wise, the most unique things are the huge variety of weapons and specifically the Address Disruptor. It was certainly interesting to see it on my own, so spoilers just incase.The weapons on the other hand are feel kinda superfluous. The vast majority of them are purely for combat and even then most of them aren't even that fun to use. There is a novelty to to finding one and using it for a while but the system just seems bloated for no reason. It makes the weapon wheel increasingly cumbersome, even with the ability to set 3 quick select. That feeling kinda permeates throughout the entire game, interesting ideas that aren't fully integrated to the entire game.It's my favourite part of the game. Like its name implies, it allows you to disrupt enemies and an the environment through what looks like messing with the games games code to glitch it out. It very much looks like a playing an NES game when it's freaking out. Sprites will flicker, they overlap weirdly, enemies take new properties upon being glitched, it's a very interesting mechanic. It's very tightly designed into game and it's obviously not really causing bugs for you to exploit but it does feel like that at times.
Outside of those two aspects, it's very much like Metroid where you find abilities and fight bosses to progress but even then the upgrades themselves diverge from typical Metroid morphball->bombs->weapons->suit etc progression. Even the analogs are clever unique takes. The Metroid series is so appealing to me because it has the first level of playing it for the first time where the world is like a giant dungeon like in Zelda. It's not sectioned off into discrete puzzle areas but as you play the game your mind races with how you could possibly reach that ledge or what that new ability opened up. Axiom Verge gets that feeling pretty well, even better than something like post SotN Castlevania. It's very unique feeling in Metroid and I'm not even quite sure how to articulate how it feels. It's more than the definition of Metroidvania, it's also the ability progression in the world and how the enemies are placed within it and Axiom Verge has it for me.
The problem for me is that it doesn't quite get to that second level where you gain mastery of the world and your abilities and speedrunning/sequence breaking. The game, at least to me in my experience, feels very tightly designed. There is little room for deviation when it comes to collecting the critical path items. Which is fair, the Metroid series itself has pretty much half the games like this with Metroid 2, Fusion and parts of the Prime series. There doesn't even seem to be any useful exploits, intended or unintended, that allow you to forge your own path. It's very early into the game's life and I'm by no means deep into speedrunning so I could be missing obvious significant tech, but the only one I found was a way to get infinite height but even that seems pretty limited. The speedrunning aspect isn't absent from the design, the game has a speedrunning option which disables the story moments and even built in splits but I'm not at that level where I would want to map my own routes for 100% completion. I would be interested to see a 100% speedrun but even personally doing a mostly critical path speedrun didn't feel different enough unlike something like Zero Mission where you can skip a lot of the critical path.
I'm sorry for rambling on and I think I sound negative but the bottom line is Axiom Verge is fantastic. That I'm picking it apart like this only speaks to how highly I think of it. Not to mention how it's 100% made by a single person, it's amazing what Tom Happ accomplished. I hope he can maybe get a group of people to help him out with his next venture because the game is not lacking for interesting ideas.
Can't connect to steam either.Steam community or something is down?