They're not going to piss off day one buyers by doing a heavy discount within a week or so of being released, especially given that people are more willing to spend money this time of year. It'll be this price for a bit.
$20 is an okay price. Hoping for $16 sale price.
Where is that screenshot from?
What's wrong?
I'll accept a generous donation of GZ from one of you, but no need to rush I'll just be here waiting. *patiently turns into a skeleton*
They're not going to piss off day one buyers by doing a heavy discount within a week or so of being released, especially given that people are more willing to spend money this time of year. It'll be this price for a bit.
I'm done. The game runs at steady 60 FPS all the time on high/medium settings for me, without any drops.
Controls work fine and mouse movement is great, except menus don't work with mouse, you gotta navigate them with keyboard.
from the /v/ chan guy.
He also posted tons of screenshots.
You may be in luck. I am picking this game up for several friends of mine (and myself, of course!), and will likely have some ducketts left over afterwards. If I do, I gotcha!
His specs? I wonder what it'd take to run at 60 in 4k.
"I have an i7, GTX 660 and 8gb of RAM."
How many hours till this launches from my post?
Oh nice! I just mistook this for the Steam thread and was joking around. lol
Heh! I'll send you a message to give you an update tomorrow!
So if I converted the time correctly.. People in Europe (Netherlands, in my case) will have the game at 7:00 PM? :-/ Damn.
from the 4chan guy.
Btw. i made a new thread for those new screens -
My body is ready
He said he had an i7 920 which is 6 years old. Not a recent one. Which might matter.
eh? I don't have any updates to download in the Geforce Experience yet.
eh? I don't have any updates to download in the Geforce Experience yet.