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STEAM | October 2015 - You had me at "game ... comes to Steam".

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help, computer won't start up. I pushed F1, but it's just stuck there. When I tried yo restart and get into the boot menu I only got into a black screen. What is going on

Watamote works in mysterious ways.
But in seriousness though that might be related to some bad ram. I remember having a similar issue on my sisters computer. That's just an idea though and not 100%.


Ok, got it. Went into UEFI boot menu and deactivated the case feature. Then I could boot normally. My fucking heart.

Watamote works in mysterious ways.
But in seriousness though that might be related to some bad ram. I remember having a similar issue on my sisters computer. That's just an idea though and not 100%.
Luckily nothings broken but my heart.

Why is your screen looking like you live in the Sahara?
Hamburg is rough, man


Ok, got it. Went into UEFI boot menu and deactivated the case feature. Then I could boot normally. My fucking heart.

Luckily nothings broken but my heart.

Hamburg is rough, man

Glad you got it to work. Why did the case feature turn on in the first place?



a new thread

I'm still controller-less and I refuse to play games with kb/m because that's for nerds


People are guessing that groupees Build a bundle 9 (we had not BaB for a while btw) will have Kult: Heretic Kingdoms in it, kinda worth to preorder if you haven't it yet. Then again this guess can be totally wrong.

The fate of Kickstartered P&C games continues to be miserable.

Ya, I noticed it too, they also seem to end in bundles rather often, could it be that p&c market is oversaturated by this point?


The fate of Kickstartered P&C games continues to be miserable.

Which game is the latest disappointment?

People are guessing that groupees Build a bundle 9 (we had not BaB for a while btw) will have Kult: Heretic Kingdoms in it, kinda worth to preorder if you haven't it yet. Then again this guess can be totally wrong.

I am pretty much done with Groupees bundles. They seems to be most worthless crap games



a new thread

I'm still controller-less and I refuse to play games with kb/m because that's for nerds
could you kindly stop calling perfectly normally insane people nerds?
seriously, what's up with you guys and your controllers? I like kb/m controls!

I am pretty much done with Groupees bundles. They seems to be most worthless crap games

yeah, there is such tendency unfortunately
Wait a min. Wasn't this game delayed several times in order to fix bugs? Why does it still have a game breaking bug?

Yep, it's sad.
From the piece:

"And when I say “in the process of”, what I of course mean is, “starting the whole thing again because it’s so damned broken that it won’t trigger a vital cutscene meaning I can’t carry on.”

Seems pretty bad.

Worst thing is that the devs don't seem to understand that their game is bugged.

RPS article said:
So yes – don’t put yourself through this. Yet, at least. Although that doesn’t bode well, as one of the developers when asked about the barrage of bug reports rather extraordinarily replied on the Steam forums saying,

“There are a few minor issues, but the game is done and we’re quite happy and proud of it.”


could you kindly stop calling perfectly normally insane people nerds?
seriously, what's up with you guys and your controllers? I like kb/m controls!

The keyboard & mouse vs controller is the great divide of steamGAF.

Broken Age overall is still better than the vast majority of modern point and click adventure games.
How much competition is there really though. Most of it is obviously budgeted fare or indies. Dropsy seems like the most competent P&C in awhile.


Broken Age overall is still better than the vast majority of modern point and click adventure games.

IDK... I thought it was mildly disappointing, haven't even bothered with second part still after my friend played and said it's much worse.

The keyboard & mouse vs controller is the great divide of steamGAF.

How much competition is there really though. Most of it is obviously budgeted fare or indies. Dropsy seems like the most competent P&C in awhile.

can we all be friends?

There are lots of p&c games and then there are lots of hybrid p&c, I have so many of them on steam alone, that I'm not sure I'll ever get to playing all, even if I would like to.

I have high hopes for Technobabylon for example, plan to pick it on sale sometime.


The keyboard & mouse vs controller is the great divide of steamGAF.

How much competition is there really though. Most of it is obviously budgeted fare or indies. Dropsy seems like the most competent P&C in awhile.

Honestly mostly the Wadjet Eye published stuff and the occasional out of nowhere game like Dropsy.

There's always been a fairly steady stream of games like this in Germany etc, but to me they almost always fail the capture the charm of the old LucasArts/Sierra stuff despite a lot of them trying really hard, the writing and voice acting usually kills it for me.

I felt people were overly harsh on Broken Age because of it being a kickstarter and them being being a lot more transparent about it's issues during development.



Don't RPS hate everything though?
PnCGAF have liked the game despite it's flaws. I'm dling it now so I can start playing it later.
Besides any issues it has would be fixed with patches, although apparently the issues with the game are stuff that should've cleared up prior to release.

The fate of Kickstartered P&C games continues to be miserable.

Yeah doesn't seem anything really good has come out of them.

I enjoyed Broken Age a lot, I'd vote it for GotY list if it's eligable.

How much competition is there really though. Most of it is obviously budgeted fare or indies. Dropsy seems like the most competent P&C in awhile.

Have you played Technobabylon? That one got some good praise from PnCGAF

There's also JULIA and Subject 13.

IDK... I thought it was mildly disappointing, haven't even bothered with second part still after my friend played and said it's much worse.

Technobabylon IS on sale right now-

Or is that not cheap enough for you :V

I liked both Act 1 and 2 of Broken Age, their puzzles were 80s/90s PnC fare, if the game were released back then their puzzles would be hailed about as much as the finger puzzle in Monkey Island 2.

Isn't this game banned on gaf or something?

wut, you need to get out of Steam Thread more often, there was just a thread about the games being discounted on US PSN.
If they can allow for the PC release to be modded, the PSP art could be added in there for maximum nightmare fuel X3

I have a math test today bros & sis, pray for me.

Maths used to be my forte :/

Never understood the love for that game.

Play it with headphones.
The first game on PSP was the first time a 16 bit sprite scared the living shit out of me.

Modern gaming - Even indies are broken at launch :(

Not all of them, I've backed a few indie KS and those games ran fine for me on launch, eg Adv. of Pip. Broken Age ran fine for me too and I bought that on release.


Oh rock of ages, do not crumble, love is breathing still. Oh lady moon shine down, a little people magic if you will.
I like what i've seen and played of Armikrog so far, but yeah.
It's really buggy.

On an unrelated note; loving your avatar, Tizoc.


The keyboard & mouse vs controller is the great divide of steamGAF.

As a passing remark and without trying to start anything, it seems to me that it is most sensible to use either depending on the game. I am 95% kb&m, because that's what I was using since Doom, Quake and Day of the Tentacle, but I appreciate having a controller for smooth turns in racing games.


Steam-GAF's Official Ambassador to Gaming-GAF
Welp, Assassin's Creed Syndicate will have microtransactions


Oy bruv, you fancy microtransactions?

Ubisoft has announced, that like Unity, the upcoming Assassin's Creed Syndicate will sport microtransactions, which can be used to "save time and accelerate progress." Director Francois Pelland also noted, "Rest assured, all of Syndicate’s content is available without paying anything additional and the game has been balanced such that microtransactions are 100% optional."

Although I hate the fact that they're there (in a $60 game nonetheless), I don't think the sky is falling. I was able to complete Unity without them, and never felt like they were necessary. Hopefully that will be the case here.


SOMA - 10 days after launch

I'm going to start with what I think most people are interested in: how much has the game sold? The current number now is at about 92,000 copies across all platforms (due to legal reasons we can't give a per-platform breakdown). This is quite good for 10 days (+ preorder time) of sales! The money that we've got from this will pretty much pay our company expenses for another 2 years. Sales are still going pretty strongly too, with a total of around 2,000 copies sold per day.


Finally, another very interesting aspect is how new titles tend to cannibalize on the previous ones. We saw this with A Machine for Pigs; after it launched the daily sales of The Dark Descent were almost cut in half. That was not that unexpected though, given that they are both from the same franchise, but still a bit weird that the games' combined sales ended up being pretty much what The Dark Descent sold on its own before. What we didn't expect was for SOMA to do the same. When the pre-orders for SOMA started, Amnesia sales dropped by about 30% or so and this drop still remains. This feels strange as the two games are not connected apart from being made by the same company, so we wonder what mechanism it is that causes this. It might be that Amnesia's sales will rise again a bit later on though, so it's too soon to tell yet just what the effects are.

And so on, they also talk about scariness, marketing and piracy, good read.

I must be only one not convinced by Stasis at all, I didn't like their trailer, or screenshots, or description.

Then again it might be my bias against too dark games where I can't see a thing.

If you don't like dank disgusting darkness STASIS probably isn't for you because that game is dark in every respect. Wouldn't work any other way.

IDK... I thought it was mildly disappointing, haven't even bothered with second part still after my friend played and said it's much worse.

Disappointing why? There are many more 'classic' puzzles in Act 2 which is why I thought it's an improvement even though some are too fiddly.


If it's anything like the last few Asscreed it'll be barely noticeable.

Series gives you way too much money and little to spend it on generally, and in Unity especially made doing a lot of side objectives practically worthless.
I'm disappointed in Aldorlea Games. I thought they knew better than this.

It doesn't help that they sent out an email before the game released (which I received) telling people about the promotion and imploring them to spam those reviews.

Heh I was wondering about that.
Epic Quest of the 4 Crystals keys were getting passed around by the truckload through my channels.
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