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STEAM | September 2017 - Summer Ys Ending

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Dishonored: Death of the Outsider has been really good so far, the new hook mine is dope and the powers have been pretty useful so far, kinda wish they would have mixed it up a bit more and done some more unique and out of norm stuff but I can see why they didn't given the scope, budget and time since Dishonored 2.


Settlement building in Fallout 4 still has the capacity to make me lose time. Just couldn't get the concrete walls to repair Fort Independence to look right. Aaaaaaand it's 9 pm. Where'd the day go?


How can a game be highly anticipated but unannounced? Only Blands3 would possibly fit.

It's Borderlands 3.

But just wait for the fine print. Battleborn burned em, so now they'll try and squeeze every cent out of BL3.



The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
The Lawbreakers hate or need to see it fail weirds me out.

The need to see any game fail weirds me out. But yes Lawbreakers has that Battleborn hate going for it.

Marvel had it too for awhile, it might have turned around the last couple of weeks now that people have seen a ton of gameplay, but it will still be memed to hell either way.

Lawbreakers isn't memed, its just hated for no reason.
I think the Lawbreakers/Battleborn hate comes from people not liking CliffyB and Randy Pitchford. It still is weird how people obsess over these games failures for as long as they do.


I think the Lawbreakers/Battleborn hate comes from people not liking CliffyB and Randy Pitchford. It still is weird how people obsess over these games failures for as long as they do.

Some of it is that but at least in battleborne's case it wasn't the whole picture. A lot of it stemmed from even gearbox themselves going with the whole "Battleborn vs Overwatch" schtick. Especially when BB is nothing like Overwatch which makes all of it in hindsight look even more odd.

Lawbreakers I think was definitely more on cliffy. Especially when he said stuff like "Overwatch is for anime fans" or something like that while Lawbreakers was for not that. I hella summarized that. But that was the basic jist I took from it.

Was always a bit surprised how it's been treated though. I personally wish the game was in a better place even having not played it myself. I've heard good things about the gameplay itself. But just seems the timing of release and $30 price really hurt it more than anything. The shooter space is crowded once again and it's taking a lot to stand out.


For you.
for me it's more how obvious it was that they would bomb. Both Battleborn and Lawbreakers I was "that's a easy to predict bomba" before they even released.


New Resident Evil VII: Not a Hero Screenshots



New Resident Evil VII: Not a Hero Screenshots


man i always agonize about if the topics i think about are worth of making a new thread and you made one about 3 shoddy resident evil screenshots lol

not judging, just saying i maybe should take a hint from ur style

Nah, it's Brothers in Arms 4 by Gearbox Quebec that everyone should be looking forward to.

...I hope it's good and Borderlands fans also support BiA.

i hope brothers in arms 4 is good i really do


man i always agonize about if the topics i think about are worth of making a new thread and you made one about 3 shoddy resident evil screenshots lol

not judging, just saying i maybe should take a hint from ur style

Lol. If you feel a topic is worthy of a thread make it. The community will let you know if your hunch was right or not. The more you make threads. The better feel you get for it.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
You most definitely should judge Munch's loose trigger fingers with thread making.

Most of them are click bait.
Lawbreakers was a case of wrong place, wrong time. Wasn't very marketed either, and it did have a bit of an obnoxious in-your-face attitude to it from what I played during the beta. Was fun though, but yeah people seemed prepped to sate their hate boner over schadenfreude over Cliffy B. Wonder if an Epic version of Lawbreakers would have been better off?

Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite's a weird one for me. The versus titles have mostly put me off since they became 3v3 affairs, so Infinite's mechanics and systems were way more to my liking... it's just... the cast is something I can't look past. The game just seems done so by the numbers and lacking in the flair that other devs are handling in spades. It doesn't help that DBF has come out of nowhere and is just blowing minds with how it all looks. I just still can't get over 80% of the cast being recycled from MvC3 on top of having a significantly smaller cast than vanilla 3's as well. I mean if they're going to go with characters like Spencer at this point they might as well give him his iconic look instead of the long ridiculed wifearm and dreads.


Lol. If you feel a topic is worthy of a thread make it. The community will let you know if your hunch was right or not. The more you make threads. The better feel you get for it.

most of the threads i'd make are league related and ppl here are really stupid about league of legends so i generally decide not to


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
most of the threads i'd make are league related and ppl here are really stupid about league of legends so i generally decide not to

Here... where?

Here on Gaf or here on SteamGaf? Because if you make threads, they would be for the former, not the latter one assumes, and I've never known Gaf in general to be anti-LoL? They certainly aren't anti HotS /shrug


So I have been doing pretty well at actually playing through a few games in my backlog on Steam, but I also bought a PS4 and have been playing through some on that. God of War 3 was pretty average all the way through. Last of Us I can see why it got all the praise... it's a combination of genres I don't like and I'm still mostly enjoying it.

I feel like once I finish these 4 games I have specifically for PS4 I won't use it much until the next big exclusive hits though :p I've got a few more Steam games I really want to get to before Wolfenstein 2 comes out.


Ok so this sucks.

I used to have trouble playing fps games, I thought it was because of my shitty laptop which barely touched 25fps on games (gt 520m on a 6yr old laptop).

Now that I have upgraded my pc I'm still having trouble. Played dishonored last night (for ~1hr) with fov 90, and still felt nauseous at the end. Had to stop using my pc for a while. All settings were medium, easily touching 60fps.

Anyone recommend 'fixes'?


Ok so this sucks.

I used to have trouble playing fps games, I thought it was because of my shitty laptop which barely touched 25fps on games (gt 520m on a 6yr old laptop).

Now that I have upgraded my pc I'm still having trouble. Played dishonored last night (for ~1hr) with fov 90, and still felt nauseous at the end. Had to stop using my pc for a while. All settings were medium, easily touching 60fps.

Anyone recommend 'fixes'?
Try disabling motion blur. For me it gives me a headache in anything not a racing game


Here... where?

Here on Gaf or here on SteamGaf? Because if you make threads, they would be for the former, not the latter one assumes, and I've never known Gaf in general to be anti-LoL? They certainly aren't anti HotS /shrug
yeah, very anti-league

it's a running joke within the league thread to count how many posts it takes before an idiot starts shitting about how pendragon stole idk corki's design from doto like 29 years ago, which is why ppl don't make a lot of league related threads (even tho it's like the biggest game in the universe and stuffs)

well i don't have time for threads anyways


See it's one thing to post random anti-lol stuff, and something else to post legitimate anti-lol comments.

I personally played LoL from beta till about 2013 (and sparsely since), been playing dota since allstars and tried hots since I have some blizzard 'friends' who don't play anything else. Dota is the clear winner imo, the game is much better, the admin team is much better. As for the pendragon issues, if you were playing dota around the time playdota had the split with pendragon, then you'll know what a dick move he pulled - BUT, this was ages ago and I completely agree that it's pointless bringing it up now.

People usually complain about dota's toxic community, but even lol has that. Hots doesn't in my opinion - or I just haven't encountered it.

Ultimately it comes down to personal preference, I find dota much more complex and detail oriented. I also have more friends playing it. So naturally I have more reasons to like it.


my issues generally come about when it's like idk riot just makes their own internet and someone shows up and starts talking about pendragon. i've also ran into many ppl shitting on league for reasons that are plain outdated, untrue, faceticious or any combination of the three, so it's not like ppl are voicing legitimate issues and encouraging discourse

in any case, obviously just play what you want and your taste can never really be wrong (aside of the general wrongness of being into mobas, that is), i just really dislike ppl hijacking threads to state unrelated dumb shit, which is why i just stopped making threads about league news even if sometimes it's relevant for non league people too

notice how i can talk about all of this without arguing that doto is bad or comparing it to league. i don't know how the admin team is in doto idk why you bring that up...


It would have been funny if Blizzard's game was named Hats instead of Hots.

Because this is what it is: a hat simulator.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
It would have been funny if Blizzard's game was named Hats instead of Hots.

Because this is what it is: a hat simulator.

Heroes at the Storm?

but Heroes doesnt have hats.


notice how i can talk about all of this without arguing that doto is bad or comparing it to league. i don't know how the admin team is in doto idk why you bring that up...

I never said lol is bad. I said I prefer dota due to the reasons I briefly mentioned. Also, for online games you cannot not talk about admin teams since the game itself is constantly changing and user input is important - having an active admin team is much better than one that doesn't really take criticism at all.

Before, the riot team was good - active on forums and didn't actively try to hate on dota (which if you go over their archived threads you will see they did do - though this is 2013 era, so not sure if the forums themselves have changed etc). Mind you, before this riot actually worked with dota-allstars to promote dota (2009ish I think). When pendragon went ahead and closed down the largest dota community and brought up lol instead (a game riot began working on), that's when shit hit the ceiling.

Not once have I heard Valve or the dota team criticize lol. On the other hand riot team used to pretty much every day hate on dota, and how lol is better and how dota stole blizzard content etc. It gets old very fast when the admin team themselves do the trash-talking. So yes, admin teams in online games is an important part.


Decided to try that Raiders of the Broken Planet beta and I didn't like it much.
Nice graphics but nothing more.
Big negative points for me:
1) Italian translation, with grammar errors and mismatched words.
2) Amateurish (and I feel I'm being kind here) camera work for the pre-mission cutscenes. The second mission especially, the camera kept moving back and forth while focusing on the characters' heads. Made me dizzy and pissed me off enough that I quit there.


xcom pro tip: dont put all ur party next to a car

well i didn't like brazil anyways...

I never said lol is bad. I said I prefer dota due to the reasons I briefly mentioned. Also, for online games you cannot not talk about admin teams since the game itself is constantly changing and user input is important - having an active admin team is much better than one that doesn't really take criticism at all.

Before, the riot team was good - active on forums and didn't actively try to hate on dota (which if you go over their archived threads you will see they did do - though this is 2013 era, so not sure if the forums themselves have changed etc). Mind you, before this riot actually worked with dota-allstars to promote dota (2009ish I think). When pendragon went ahead and closed down the largest dota community and brought up lol instead (a game riot began working on), that's when shit hit the ceiling.

Not once have I heard Valve or the dota team criticize lol. On the other hand riot team used to pretty much every day hate on dota, and how lol is better and how dota stole blizzard content etc. It gets old very fast when the admin team themselves do the trash-talking. So yes, admin teams in online games is an important part.
judging 2017 rito (or post 2009 rito, i've been playing since 2012 and none of the things you say have ever been true for the whole time i've been playing) for what pendragon did in what soon is gonna be 10 years ago is really pointless and misdirects conversation towards something that's really irrelevant...

blanket statement "riot doesn't take criticism" is completely bananas if you have slightly followed how riot has done things for the past 5 years

to get an idea of how inaccurate that statement is, it's become a reddit meme that riot is trying to destroy reddit by fulfilling all of their wishes, from longstanding missing features like replays and a sandbox mode, to really frivolous things like having a skin collection, which riot multiple times said weren't interesting in doing but ended up implementing anyways cos ppl really wanted them

but again ppl don't like criticizing or talking about league here, they just like talking about 2009 riot and pendragon obsessively for some bizarre reason...


but again ppl don't like criticizing or talking about league here, they just like talking about 2009 riot and pendragon obsessively for some bizarre reason...

No you're right, we should forget pendragon backstabbed icefrog. We should also forget that he was admin of largest dota community, was working at riot and when riot wanted to publicize their game he took down dota forums, held the db hostage, pulled up lol. We should also forget that he then proceeded to troll/trash-talk dota at every point, even releasing blog-posts stating how lol was the new thing.

We should also forget that he then came under intense criticism, returned the db, but playdota had already been started. He then grovelled at dota community when he saw dota being vastly more popular than lol. We should also forget that he was then at the front of trying to get blizzard to sue/take-down dota.


Basically what you're saying is, if someone shot you, and you survived - you'd never bring it up again. Because it's old history. Right?
What Pendragon did was so despicable that even League fans can't defend it and instead go with "but it was so long ago". The passage of time doesn't make it better. As another example, it's been about five years since Randy Pitchford tried to pull the Aliens Colonial Marines con job and people still remember it today. Sometimes these things stick.


Well, not surpise as Ubisoft has said all their future games will use it. (and they even added it to older games in updates).

Add to older games?o_O Seems like the complete opposite of what they should be doing. Do they hope it will result in more sales or what? I can't really see anyone overthrere who knows anything thinking it was a good idea.
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