Please wait while I roll up this newspaper...Thanks, Jim.
Please wait while I roll up this newspaper...Thanks, Jim.
and to keep the cdkeys train rolling, MvCI preorder is even cheaper now
22.79, which is less than what I paid with the facebook code, so if the facebook code still works, it should drop another 1 or so.
Thanks, Jim.
This is petty and hilarious. And if what they say is true then JimFuckingSterlingSon must be thrilled that he is inadvertently doing marketing for them.
Tried playing the second episode of Hitman 2016. Wow, the size of Sapienza is... overwhelming.
This is great.
They are equally awful.
With this new feature, users can select "Activate Multiple Products" on this page to do just that:
Which will bring up this dialog. Already entered keys will be carried over here and parsed by commas. This will be important for integration with my ActivateOnSteam extension.
When you hit "Activate products" Enhanced Steam will register each key in sequence then show you the results.
Finished Rage, good game but the ending was meh.
pretty much*finds the game's BFG equivalent*
*saves it for the final boss*
*scratches head when the credits start to roll after interacting with a terminal*
Valkyria Chronicles was fun... until chapter 7.
Finished Rage, good game but the ending was meh.
Yeah it's like they forgot to add one.
is that the famous Tank level?
This is petty and hilarious. And if what they say is true then JimFuckingSterlingSon must be thrilled that he is inadvertently doing marketing for them.
Yes, it also has a superboss that comes in in the middle of the mission and oneshots everyone.
Doesn't cdkeys sell the game?Asked in the Cheap Arse Gaffer thread, but may as well ask here...
Anywhere cheaper than CDKeys for Destiny 2 standard edition digital key?
This is the best shotgun play of my life. F bombs, cus adrenaline.
What's this game?
If you get lost, you can always ask a helpful local for directions by throwing a fire extinguisher at their head.
Yes, it also has a superboss that comes in in the middle of the mission and oneshots everyone.
One is a game reviewer with whose opinion you may or may not agree with.
The other is a quasi-criminal organization ripping of both developers and people who had their CC info stolen.
Yeah, they both are equally awful. /s
PlayerUnknowns BattlegroundsWhat's this game?
This is the best shotgun play of my life. F bombs, cus adrenaline.
This is the best shotgun play of my life. F bombs, cus adrenaline.
Could this be the week where we will get new Steam Client? Summer is ending soon XD (P.S. I know, I know Valve Time).
Pics of Obsidians cancelled game "Stormlands"
This, Aliens: Crucible and a Deus Ex title, whyyyyyyyyyyy
Currently, however, Obsidian's hands are full, the 175-person studio occupied across four and a half projects: the Tyranny expansion, Pillars of Eternity 2, a small Pathfinder card game, a small idea the studio is "spinning up" and a considerable something else. And I'll tell you a bit more about that next week as well.
Disclaimer: Travel and accommodation for this trip was provided by Paradox Interactive.
PlayerUnknowns Battlegrounds
What's up with all the Obsidian stories lately?
I feel like I should be worried. I wonder if they're shopping themselves out to be bought and this part of the push or something.
Ahh, maybe I shouldn't worry. My first thought is World of Darkness game. Maybe I should be excited.
What's up with all the Obsidian stories lately?
I feel like I should be worried. I wonder if they're shopping themselves out to be bought and this part of the push or something.
Ahh, maybe I shouldn't worry. My first thought is World of Darkness game. Maybe I should be excited.
Jim Sterling gave Fallout 4 a 9.5 and praised the romances in that game. He's much worse than credit card thieves imo.
Ah, so that's the game I've been hearing a fuckload about. Looks a little yanky, but pretty fun.
Valkyria Chronicles was fun... until chapter 7.
thats where I stopped and never went back, back on PS3 heh
I still remember people going about that mission beating them black and blue back in the PS3 days, so when I got to it with the only knowledge being the warnings of other players about the mission being difficult, I was wary, but in the end it felt way easier than advertised.
coming in and killing people is an issue if you leave them in line of sightSelvaria. The map offers various places to break line of sight, not only as part of the level but the tank itself breaks line of sight if I remember right, as I remember circling it with my tank buster group to keep them alive. Some characters can be used as bait to forcewith herto go after them, because as far as I rememberSelvaria. Use orders as see fit to make everything a bit easier.she'll go after the ones closer to her
I feel like squad placement, good use of the scouts before the storm (there was a storm too in this mission right?), hugging the tank when the time comes, baiting to exploit the ai and los breaks help making it easier.
Another work in progress, inspired by the latest Humble Bundle. But these numbers are from BEFORE the launch of that bundle.
A few notes:
- Sakura Clicker was removed because it's F2P.
- Sakura Space is under Sakura Shrine Girls.
- Sakura Agent and Sakura Magical Girls didn't have a Userscore yet. Both are slightly under 10k.
PlayerUnknowns Battlegrounds