Another optional boss of DS version.
Ah, did a search and it's actually Greyon named from Dante's Divine Comedy heh.
Never knew about this boss until now interesting.
Another optional boss of DS version.
Heh, no. Abyss isn't even in the running. It's a great game, and one of the best Tales games. It's also my personal favorite, thanks to this guy right here.
Heh, no. Abyss isn't even in the running. It's a great game, and one of the best Tales games. It's also my personal favorite, thanks to this guy right here.
Happy birthday, man!![]()
Before people ask, yes he does have a Pac-Man belt.
<3 awwwhhhhh yeahhhhhh <3Abyss with voiced skits.
<3 Jade Curtiss-sama <3
Don't you dare call tales a garbage bin series. That's completely untrue. If anything Final Fantasy is reliving old glory because every since XII. They been pumping out less than stellar games, delay after delay. Refuses to port games over or HD remake.Not really, Final Fantasy is still far more popular and has an actual legacy compared to that garbage bin series.
But the Tales series has an actual battle system.
Tales has a different battle system in every mothership game. That's what make Tales combat system so interesting.
Well folks, im offically 21 now. I think I might get out of work early today so might actually be able to enjoy my day a bit (after my required nap, I wake up too early for this shit)
I just noticed the Pac-Man belt.
EDIT: Goddammit!
Tales > Final Fantasy
Better than a regular avatar quote
Fingers crossed there's lots more infor tomorrow at that event they're holding.
Tales > Final Fantasy
I would say Tales of suffers from the "anime-trope" syndrome. After Vesperia almost each of the party members in Tales of games fit into a generic anime trope, which is kinda sad.
Tales of Symphonia
Tales of the Abyss
Tales of Vesperia
Tales of Graces
Tales of Xillia
Tales of Xillia 2
Tales of Zestiria(Upcoming)
I'm guessing these would garner the most interest?
What do you mean after Vesperia, Tales always were anime influenced series, and not hiding that, also Vesperia is no better.I don't see how vigilante is not anime trope too.
You're going to like Zestiria then, since its supposed to be much more open than Xillia. Back to old school style.I think part of the reason why I liked vesperia was the world map and the game has a pretty big scale like the old jrpgs, it gave me the sense of adventure similar to blue dragon which I also enjoyed last generation. I have a feeling these games will be lost in time if they don't port them to new systems.
If you don't think Vesperia and Symphonia are a must play. Something is wrong there. Also FFXIII is better? Come on Arthea.. Comeeeeeee On. Bruh.nope, not even close. Tales basically became annual middle to low tier series, that still hasn't produced a single must play game. They are good at what they do and cater to their fans, but FF13 still is a better game, at least for trying new things, which whenever Tales try (ToL, ToG), fans rage and throw fits. (><)
As Arthea say, tales games have always been influenced by anime, and it does it well. If you're not into anime, it would be hard to get into Tales game based on the look of it alone.I would say Tales of suffers from the "anime-trope" syndrome. After Vesperia almost each of the party members in Tales of games fit into a generic anime trope, which is kinda sad.
We don't talk about Graces F much. Its an abomination. The black sheep.I know that. I just think Vesperia in terms of characters e.g. Yuri was a bit different from what we see in Graces.
I played Abyss and couldn't make it after I got to the desert area.
The jRPGS we need on steam are the Atelier games. That is some good stuff.
lol Ok, maybe that was a bit of a stretchYou're going to like Zestiria then, since its supposed to be much more open than Xillia. Back to old school style.
If you don't think Vesperia and Symphonia are a must play. Something is wrong there. Also FFXIII is better? Come on Arthea.. Comeeeeeee On. Bruh.
As Arthea say, tales games have always been influenced by anime, and it does it well. If you're not into anime, it would be hard to get into Tales game based on the look of it alone.
We don't talk about Graces F much. Its an abomination. The black sheep.
Fingers crossed they don't mention games ... at all.
Other than the old Steam cross-buy dream, what good can possibly come of it?
Better than a regular avatar quote
I get the feeling it's more going to be directed towards Enterprise customers and OEMs than the general public so fingers crossed it's more to do with the OS at the core and not the ecosystem. Seeing as word and basic info of the Technical Preview leaked yesterday I guess we might get a lot more details sooner than later.
The original Binding of Isaac for 99c is a fantastic deal. It's a great game and I've sank so many hours into it, I'm sure you'll be satisfied with that purchase. It has a bunch of content, it's good fun, you'll have a great time.
However, it looks like Rebirth will be improved in every way, include a great deal more content and gameplay improvements, and is almost like a sequel and a remake mixed into one. I think that it'll definitely be worth the higher price. It's one of my most anticipated games this year.
I'd say play the first game and see if you like the style of it. Good news is that owners of the original game get a 33% discount on pre-ordering the game on Steam, so you'll actually still save money if you decide to pick up Rebirth before launch. Failing that, you can enjoy the original and wait for another sale somewhere down the line if you're not willing to commit just yet.
Well, by purchasing BoI, rebirth is now -33% for you. Right now it is cheaper to buy BoI, and then buy Rebirth then it is to just buy Rebirth.
But yes BoI is amazing and well worth that single euro.
Sell the cards and it's even cheaper. Also as a beginner consider disabling the WotL DLC as it makes the game harder.
The jRPGS we need on steam are the Atelier games. That is some good stuff.
I want a PC release for Eternal Sonata, played 360 version back in days, I know there's a PS3 version with some new features, I really liked it.
As Arthea say, tales games have always been influenced by anime, and it does it well. If you're not into anime, it would be hard to get into Tales game based on the look of it alone.
Sure, but before that let's have:
Shin Megami Tensei 3/Strange Journey/4
Shadow Hearts 1/2/3
Valkyrie Profile/Silmeria/Covenant of the Plume
Resonance of Fate
BLEEEP. Sub Zero isn't selling keys atm and I kinda want to get a few games.
Congrats! Ghost Trick is in my "to get" list.Received a couple ofgames today that I've been wanting to play for a really long time. As much as I've completely embraced digital distribution for 99% of my gaming, I have to say that it's still kind of exciting to receive physical copies in the mail once in a whilenon Steam![]()
I finally caved in and preordered FF XIII from GMG. Let's hope it's as good as it seems.
I finally caved in and preordered FF XIII from GMG. Let's hope it's as good as it seems.
It you'll survive first 20-30 hours, it'll get better after that, getting to better parts that is the true test of perseverance. On the plus side, it's pretty and soundtrack is nice, even first 20 hours.
I played Abyss and couldn't make it after I got to the desert area.
The jRPGS we need on steam are the Atelier games. That is some good stuff.
You are not supposed to talk about a certain shop
I'm hoping it's not a dirty OS upgrade like the 8 to 8.1 transition. I still don't understand why they can't deliver updates as service packs through Windows Update like they've always done.
The battle system is.
That's really not true.
For the first 20 hours the game is structured exactly like FFX was, then you get a big area full of optional monster hunts, making the game more like FFXII, than it goes back to linear (FFX) progression for the final dungeon.
If you were okay with FFX's hallways, you should be okay with FFXIII's hallways. Really.
The hell?Milamber approves
I don't see how anyone can call Borderlands 2 bland. I loved it. Loved the characters, the setting, the missions, the co-op. It was one of my favorite games the year it came out.
Now, the first one was bland. But the second one? Amazing. Though I suppose I should note I loved characters like Tiny Tina, who annoyed some people. I laughed my ass off at her nonsense. But even if you didn't like her, she (and many other characters) are anything but bland.
Well folks, im offically 21 now. I think I might get out of work early today so might actually be able to enjoy my day a bit (after my required nap, I wake up too early for this shit)
why do you believe it so easily? Abyss is one of the best Tales games, only playing it is a bit painful, on PS2 that is, it runs really bad.
Heh, no. Abyss isn't even in the running. It's a great game, and one of the best Tales games. It's also my personal favorite, thanks to this guy right here.
What do you mean after Vesperia, Tales always were anime influenced series, and not hiding that, also Vesperia is no better.I don't see how vigilante is not anime trope too.
I've only played vesperia, I liked it enough to spend like 120hrs on it, although I think the story could've been done better (although I didn't find anything wrong with it), the characters were likeable. It's also the tales game with my favorite art direction and character design, I'm not sure what happened but I didn't find the later games to be that appealing visually despite vesperia was one of the older games last generation.
Only thing I dislike about vesperia is that you could easily miss most of the sidequests because they are triggered by backtracking, etc, I had to use a guide for that.
Who owns the rights to this game? Cuz I need it on Steam
Who owns the rights to this game? Cuz I need it on Steam
Need Fire Emblem ports first.
In which universe that is possible?
I wonder what should happen for Nintendo game to be released on PC, I can't imagine such scenario at all.
In which universe that is possible?
I wonder what should happen for Nintendo game to be released on PC, I can't imagine such scenario at all.