Wow! How are people supposed to re-craft badges to level them up? What a wacky system
Ace combat? I didn't realise they made these games anymore. I loved the PS1/PS2 AC games, is the steam version worth buying?
Wow. Had no idea they just came out with a new record... and it sounds really good! GAF bringing magic again.
He requested that I (essentially) remove the custom profile background feature. He didn't want to see other user's custom backgrounds. He claimed to be "confused" about visiting someone's profile in the client and the browser at the same time and seeing different backgrounds.
New Vegas is a silly $2.49. You must buy it immediately![]()
Deadlight looks good. Thoughts?
Deadlight looks good. Thoughts?
Holy shit this day sucks ass...
Haha how can this be so shit. Kerbal -10%? Really?
Ultimate Edition is $4.99. Buy that one.
Give it time. Just leave it open in the background and you'll get your cards.
yes. multiple games launched they have tried fixing and after the first card drops u need to reload if your running multiple at once
The intended behaviour is that you are not able to get cards from multiple games concurrently. It works for some people but no one can help you with that.
For playing a single game, typically it's one card per 20 minutes to one card per hour or so. You can obtain the per-game maximum in one sitting.
That happens to me too. I think you only get one card for each game when you run them together and then they stop dropping.
I don't think so unless its a particular game that has that problem.
The drops are supposed to be random so sometimes they take a while. I've never had to relaunch a game for multiple drops.