Steam Summer Sale 2013 Thread #2 - Many questions answered in the OP's FAQ

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I just wanted to say STEAM would have even more of my money if they had better search filters. I want arcade shooters (top down and side scrolling), I want fighting games. Why no you let me search for this STEAM?!! :'(


Bought another game off the wishlist in Dishonoured. I would say I'm done with the sale now, but I think we all know the chances of that actually being true.


EDIT: All slots taken.

Hope no one minds me bumping this. I have one slot open, and would like to buy the games as soon as possible.

Any one want to go in on a Terraria 4-pack? I'm taking two, so I have two slots open, PM me if interested.

1. CatPee


Oh man! I was gone the entire weekend, and you guys have run through almost two threads? That's insane?!

Also, what amazaballs deals have I missed?


listen to the mad man
I really hope you or someone can help him sort this out Stump, it's really sad to see someone trying to destroy something. He's been working hard for the Community, and yet, people don't care and do bad things.

For shame.

Unfortunately I can really only pitch an idea, I'm pretty busy too busy to take on any kind of voluntary code projects and specifically implementing something like this would be difficult because while jshackles has open sourced Enhanced Steam (I had a look at the source, it's very clean and much nicer than my code!) he hasn't open-sourced the server side code and presumably wouldn't as long as he's paying for his server personally :p

I just like offering input on these kinds of problems. It's very difficult to make a secure system with per-user storage that doesn't require authentication either on a user-side or by assuming a fixed device identification.

Modbot only edits the original post and not a repost.

American Nightmare got taken already

He'll edit a repost if the user in question re-sends the giveaway to ModBot and generates an updated giveaway ID (under how to repost keys), but the reason why that's required is from a resource POV--think of the work required to edit out every copy of the key posted across multiple threads--it would mean downloading every page of every thread every time a key is claimed. And it needs to be able to do this as well as every other job it has up to twice every 30 seconds. So that involves spamming GAF's servers (which I don't want to do) + excessive bandwidth consumption for something that's running on my desktop at this point and will never be running on more than a low-end VPS somewhere because I don't have the cash to run it elsewhere. At some point it's easier to pass the burden to the user.

You can repost without updating the giveaway ID if no one claimed any of the keys in the original post because then ModBot never looked for the original post and thus didn't need to record a URL for it. But the second one is edited out, it has a fixed URL for future edits to save on resources.
Anyone here played the DIshonored challenge room dlc? Any good? I really like the main game but I'm not sure trial type stuff is what I want from dlc for it.


Unconfirmed Member
The existing database has no authentication (you don't need a username/password with Enhanced Steam to save the info) but there is security there to prevent most people from just changing your profile background.

Without this authentication, it's possible for someone (who really knows what they're doing - there are a lot of hoops to jump through) to change your profile background without your consent.

To date I've had one user exploit this, and he only did so because he was upset I told him I wasn't going to add a feature to disable custom backgrounds. He's being a little bitch about it, and I don't have the time/energy/effort to build a more robust system at the moment so the best option for the safety and security of all users is to disable this feature completely going forward.
I'm not saying that we find that asshole's IP (if he has a static one, that is) and DDoS the hell out of it, but... We should totally DDoS the hell out of his IP.
This steam sale is forcing me to do something I've been umming and ahhing for a while now...installing windows on my mac with bootcamp. Bought Torchlight 2 yesterday and I REALLY want Rogue now I'm buying a copy of Windows 7 just to play it!

Anyone have any experience in doing this? I'm kinda scared - just because of all the games that will be available to me now. It's a lot easier to resist the sales when only half of them run on your computer...


I've sent some of my Dutch boys over to sort this character out.


I'm so scared.


Unconfirmed Member
Thanks Monk - I really have appreciated your fine words these last few days. You guys all know that I've worked hard on this feature. It may come back some day when it can be better secured but for now I really do apologize to the users who use this feature and enjoy it.
Don't. Don't apologize for somebody else's misconduct. You've done wonders with that extension, and you owe us nothing. If anything, we're the ones in debt with you, for providing such a good extension for free. For that, I should really thank you a lot.

Don't waste your time on that. That said, feel free to put a little disclaimer about the reason why you had to take that feature down, complete with a link to the guy's Steam profile if you feel like it ;)


Unfortunately I can really only pitch an idea, I'm pretty busy too busy to take on any kind of voluntary code projects and specifically implementing something like this would be difficult because while jshackles has open sourced Enhanced Steam (I had a look at the source, it's very clean and much nicer than my code!) he hasn't open-sourced the server side code and presumably wouldn't as long as he's paying for his server personally :p

I just like offering input on these kinds of problems. It's very difficult to make a secure system with per-user storage that doesn't require authentication either on a user-side or by assuming a fixed device identification.

I see. Either way thanks for giving some input. I have no idea how much work is/can be involved It's just good seeing someone trying to give some sort of help in this situation. Anyway, that is what a Community is all about, thank you for you kindness and by providing some thougts for him.


Don't. Don't apologize for somebody else's misconduct. You've done wonders with that extension, and you owe us nothing. If anything, we're the ones in debt with you, for providing such a good extension for free. For that, I should really thank you a lot.

Don't waste your time on that. That said, feel free to put a little disclaimer about the reason why you had to take that feature down, complete with a link to the guy's Steam profile if you feel like it ;)

Man look at this post. I just love it! :')


All right Steam you can do it... Those are pretty much the only games I want to see go daily or flash before the end of the sale. Overall shouldn't be too bad even if I buy them all, mostly cheap games.

-Nascar 2013 The Game
-Prison Architect
-Vampire: The Masquerade
-Rogue Legacy
-Binding of Isaac
-Leviathan Warships.

In Gaben we trust!

I'm sure I'll manage to create myself more needs on the way tho lol. I'm easily influenceable lol


Neo Member
Don't. Don't apologize for somebody else's misconduct. You've done wonders with that extension, and you owe us nothing. If anything, we're the ones in debt with you, for providing such a good extension for free. For that, I should really thank you a lot.

Don't waste your time on that. That said, feel free to put a little disclaimer about the reason why you had to take that feature down, complete with a link to the guy's Steam profile if you feel like it ;)

what did we loose ?
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