Steam Summer Sale 2013 Thread #2 - Many questions answered in the OP's FAQ

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Reluctant Member
Its sad but true, furries have pretty much ruined anything ever for me that stars an anamorphic character. I can't look at star fox without cringing.

I was too big of a fan of The Secret of NIMH and Redwall as a child to ever be put off by even the strangest stuff I've seen. There is a lot of good stuff with anthropomorphic animals that is unfairly maligned.


GUYS GUYS. GET REUS. I've just started playing it and soundtrack is amazingly relaxing and the gameplay seems like a lot of fun! Don't let it lay in your backlogs, worth your money and time!
But what about the replayibility? I kinda want to buy it if it hits 75%.


I was too big of a fan of The Secret of NIMH and Redwall as a child to ever be put off by even the strangest stuff I've seen. There is a lot of good stuff with anthropomorphic animals that is unfairly maligned.

Fidget was it for me really, 100%. I don't know, at least everyone else sort of wears clothes. Fidget just kind of creeps me out.
What do you mean by furries? Is that the catch all term for anthropomorphic animals now? Or is it being used as an insult like "anime" or is a combination of both.

Mostly going along with the vernacular use in the discussion. I don't usually refer to anthropomorphic animals as furries, though there are a couple of cases the term describes the characters in this game better than anthropomorphic.

Not just in the movement, but also in the expressions. I think the side-kick (Fidget, right? It's been a while since I played the demo) is probably the factor that people most readily identify as "furry". High pitched voice, very cutesy look... I think there's a, uh, cloying over-eagerness about that character, an emotiveness which feels more like the kind of zany stuff produced by the anthropomorphic community. Here I'm thinking of webcomics primarily, which I feel really overdo the energy and excitement level. You see a little bit of this in Dust as a character--his expressions in particular are quite cartoonish and big. That's a style thing and I'm absolutely not knocking Noogy's work, because I think the fact that Dust was a labour of love is evident in every facet of the game and to that end it's a real triumph, but I think it's there.

Something about the colours too. Dust has what seems to mostly be a pastel palette to me (although there are some neons and some dark scenes). I don't know how I would describe Robin Hood's palette. It's not the kind of "gothic" colours I associate with something like Snow

Fidget's definitely one of those example. She's closer to the webcomic furry style than she is to even the more creative fantasy creatures that people have made up.

I'd say that Haley's another good example. She's less an anthropomorphic rabbit than she is a human-shaped creature with rabbit-esque features.

Not to knock on the fandom or anything. I'm a brony, so that'd be nothing but hypocrisy on my part.


So what is Badrat anyway? lol seriously I keep seeing the game gifted left and right but I still haven't even checked the store page. I have no idea what type of game it is.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
But what about the replayibility? I kinda want to buy it if it hits 75%.

You'll replay it a lot. The game is focussed around 30-90 minutes playsessions (though there is an infinite mode) in which you need to accomplish certain tasks.


listen to the mad man
If Chrome extensions have a local storage mechanism, couldn't you do security like this:
- When user first saves custom background, generate server-side a randomly generated key (sha1(sha1(userid.GLOBALSALT).PERUSERSALT), return it and store it locally. Also record the user's IP address and Steam ID.

- On all future background updates, have Enhanced Steam send the key. Don't process the update unless the key is sent successfully.

- Have the options page display the key and an explanation that if you install Enhanced Steam on a new computer you should copy/paste the key to ensure functions work.

- Only problem would be synchronizing across multiple computers or if the client reformats. If the client sends no key and the IP address matches at an arbitrary level of precision (say Class D/C yes, class B/A/no match no) then return the key to the client or process the gig.

- If the client's main computer travels, they'll have the key. If they get a new key locally they'll pass the IP requirement. It'd only fail if they got a new install and a new location at the same time. So you need a way to vacate user keys; perhaps add a heartbeat from your clients to your server (say one in every 50 steam pageloads send a heartbeat) and if you haven't heart from the user in say 2 weeks, reset the key to blank so that even a user who locks himself out only locks himself out for two weeks.

- Block the abusive user's class B (or even class A or even all traffic geo-iped to the same country as the user) from accessing anything. Imprecise, yes, but easy to support at least.

Obviously this isn't perfect but just as a naive 10 second approach to the problem it seems like it should be possible to make the system work OK. It's a little bit of effort but not too much.


Homeland Security Fail
So what is Badrat anyway? lol seriously I keep seeing the game gifted left and right but I still haven't even checked the store page. I have no idea what type of game it is.

You place rats to do stuff, in order to kill cats. Its a really bad puzzle game.


don't ask me for codes
So what is Badrat anyway? lol seriously I keep seeing the game gifted left and right but I still haven't even checked the store page. I have no idea what type of game it is.

It's a poor version of The Incredible Machine. A puzzle game where you create Rube Goldberg setups to kill cats.
Why did no one mention that Fear 3 is $5? (Unless I missed the conversation)

I looked the game up and it looks decent, and the multiplayer looked fun too (even though I think the MP is probably dead by now). Heck I'll take any horror game that's $5 or less, and Fear 3 looks right up my alley.


Reluctant Member



That's the greatest trailer I've ever seen.

Grab Battlestations Midway and/or Pacific. I played the xbox version, so I'm not sure how they run on PC. But they are $2 and $3.

I was thinking about something like this:


But thanks for the tip, I'll check those out. They're cheap and they have demos.


Which of the Dishonored DLC is an actual mission/new map rather than just items?

Dunwall City Trials is what it sounds like, new maps and stuff but mostly time trial/challeng ebased

Knife of Dunwall is proper story DLC that makes you play as Daud during the same time as the main game's campaign happens
In other words I wanted to get Kerbel Space Programme but thought that the 12 euro price point was a little bit too much for me, well thanks to this awesome GAFfer DunderHassan I got the game for a measley 9 dollars, gifted through Steam. A painless and quick transaction with PayPal and now I can conquer the universe with my homemade spacecrafts! I definetly reccomend trading with him as he is a nice guy!

Thanks DunderHassan!
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