Forgive my complete ignorance, but are you supposed to just copy the key when PM'ing ModBot, or the entire line? For example, just this:
or this: Bioshock: Infinite -- MB-0B1EEC3F7550F289 ?
Either one is fine
You're supposed to quote the message.
MFW these new sales
Ok, thanks. Apparently I'm just incredibly slow when copy/pasting.
Ok, thanks. Apparently I'm just incredibly slow when copy/pasting.
I'm the idiot that bought it before realizing it was such a huge file. I'll let you know in about a day when it's done downloading. lol
OK, my friend is nongaf, is that okay with you? He can still obviously pay and all.
I have posted in there.
When modbot pms you, you are suppose to quote the message that is sent you to and post it in the thread.
In honor of Derrick01 or memory? Enjoy
fuckk i missed the rayman origins flash deal
This is the third year in a row that I've been unable to buy anything from the summer sale, I really don't buy anything from Steam anyway. Just sucks to see all these really good deals go buy and not being able to grab some.
No, I understand that part completely, thanks though. My initial question was in regards to attempting to win a giveaway. Just wanted to make sure the entire line wasn't required, as I've been pasting just the codes and was hoping my awful luck was just someone sitting on the page refreshing endlessly, not my own incompetence.
It will tell you whether it uses Steam or not. If it does, then you will receive a Steam key.Finally bought an Amazon Gift Card, so now I can use Amazon Payments to get Humble Bundles
If I buy a digtal game on Amazon, do I get the Steam key? I've seen others mention that.
Also does Amazon sell Steam Wallet codes? I knows they sell MS Points and PSN codes, you get the codes online.
If I buy a digtal game on Amazon, do I get the Steam key? I've seen others mention that. .
This is the third year in a row that I've been unable to buy anything from the summer sale, I really don't buy anything from Steam anyway. Just sucks to see all these really good deals go buy and not being able to grab some.
Finally bought an Amazon Gift Card, so now I can use Amazon Payments to get Humble Bundles
If I buy a digtal game on Amazon, do I get the Steam key? I've seen others mention that.
Also does Amazon sell Steam Wallet codes? I knows they sell MS Points and PSN codes, you get the codes online.
Finally bought an Amazon Gift Card, so now I can use Amazon Payments to get Humble Bundles
If I buy a digtal game on Amazon, do I get the Steam key? I've seen others mention that.
Also does Amazon sell Steam Wallet codes? I knows they sell MS Points and PSN codes, you get the codes online.
Should i sell my Trine 2 Booster Pack for 70-75 cents?
They do not.Also does Amazon sell Steam Wallet codes? I knows they sell MS Points and PSN codes, you get the codes online.
Finally bought an Amazon Gift Card, so now I can use Amazon Payments to get Humble Bundles
If I buy a digtal game on Amazon, do I get the Steam key? I've seen others mention that.
Also does Amazon sell Steam Wallet codes? I knows they sell MS Points and PSN codes, you get the codes online.
Should i sell my Trine 2 Booster Pack for 70-75 cents?
Money or Not having a good computer?
If it's money just idle in games to get trading cards then sell them. That's what I did. I've only spent 8 dollars of my own money on this sale and I've got around 6 games.
If it's not having a computer...nothing you can do about that except buy/build one.
Last time I checked out the HB site, there was Pay With Amazon optionAmazon Payment doesn't give you the keys through Amazon for Humble Bundles, the HB website gives them to you still.
You're given a Key that can be redeemed either through Amazon or Steam (I believe); all I know is that I always copy/paste the key into Steam to avoid having half of my stuff on Amazon and the other half on Steam.
I think only Gamestop gives Steam Wallet cards.
Been buying and selling in the market. When all my cards sell, I'll have turned $7.89 into $8.26. A 37 cent profit!
Both, I neither have a credit card nor a good computer. Can barely scrape off 10-15 FPS in TF2, I plan on building a good computer soon. Mostly the credit card issue though, I can always buy games and then build the computer later when I can afford it.
I have some games from the generosity of my personal friends irl who have "donated" as they call it to helping me get some games for when I get the computer but I can't even play most of them.
So, Hitman Absolution. Yay? Nay?
Been buying and selling in the market. When all my cards sell, I'll have turned $7.89 into $8.26. A 37 cent profit!
On the bright side I can play Hotline Miami at least so I'm having fun!If it makes you feel better I had the same computer from 2003-2011. After about 2006 or so I wasn't able to play most new PC games so I understand. I also didn't have a credit card then either...actually I still don't really have one (just my debit card + amazon store card that's not usable on digital items, sadly). Remember kids: Don't fuck up your credit in college.
Yup, I have a similar success story. I started with 0 cents at the beginning. After buying. selling, and flipping cards I've made $4.40 without using any of my actual cash.
It was a good stealth action game but a bad Hitman game. It wasn't the game I was anticipating after Blood Money introduced me to the stealth genre. If you enjoy stealth in general, you may enjoy it, but if you expecting a next gen Blood Money, you might be disappointedSo, Hitman Absolution. Yay? Nay?
Any tips for this?
Notice: Version only contains Japanese text and both Japanese and English audio.
What does Derrick have to do with Torchlight 2?
So, Hitman Absolution. Yay? Nay?
Nothing really. I was more trying to see if he was gone for good or not.
Any tips for this?
Any game where the cards are worth like 30 cents each or more?
If you liked Splinter Cell Conviction, you'll like Absolution. They're pretty similar.It was a good stealth action game but a bad Hitman game. It wasn't the game I was anticipating after Blood Money introduced me to the stealth genre. If you enjoy stealth in general, you may enjoy it, but if you expecting a next gen Blood Money, you might be disappointed