Can someone who has played both Hollow Knight and Hyper Light Drifter let me know - which is more worth my time as a fan of both genres? I was hoping to hold out on Switch for HK, however that deal is hard to pass up.
Oh jeez. That's a tough one. They're both GOTY material for me for their respective years.
Hollow Knight has more to it - more length, more open-world-ness, more lore, although both games take a very minimalist approach to storytelling, there's actual dialogue in HK sometimes. Also I don't know what advantage the Switch version of HK would have? The visuals are beautiful but I played it on my TV with my PC and I could say the same thing about HLD.
HLD combat feels amazing, I love everything about the game, but it's definitely shorter unless you go for NG+ / speed runs / challenge runs. I'm not even sure what games I would directly compare HLD to, some people say LTTP but it is nothing like that IMO. There's nothing quite like losing the same fight 4-5 times and then suddenly just destroying it and your dude does a little flourish at the end.
I honestly don't think you can go wrong with either. I would say, whichever one you are more "feeling" at the moment, and you should absolutely play both ASAP