I'm on Team Pink but I may be useless for you, previous sales have added too much to my backlog!
i already have no idea what you guys are talking about with the teams.
What is this team blue, red team etc?
How do we know what team we are?
Forgive the ignorance - does the sale last until June 30th inclusive, or would the 29th be technically the last day, i.e. what time/date would the sale actually end?
the 2 pack looks like it's cheaper
Collect all 10 Summer Adventure trading cards to craft the badge.
If youre Steam Level 8 and above, youll get a card every third time you vote for the Communitys Choice sale. There are 29 chances to vote!
That's evil
I already own everything I want... great start.
You mean 7.49Far Cry 3 for $3.49 oh my god
It's that time of the year again!
17.40 :O