Probably stay, but who knows? We'll see in 19 hours and change.Does your team change everyday or is it for the whole sale?
Probably stay, but who knows? We'll see in 19 hours and change.Does your team change everyday or is it for the whole sale?
Here's Pink!
More colors to follow (if people want them)
Guys should I pick up Hotline Miami?
Anyone have thoughts on Divinity: Original Sin? Looks really sick, but I'm cautious at the early access tag and ponying up a lot up front.
According to the steam forums, the pc port is pretty terrible though.
If you open a game from within Steam and open the Steam overlay browser in it, you can paste the redeem URL there and it'll work automatically.
You're welcome![]()
Most def.Guys should I pick up Hotline Miami?
Yo I got some cards to trade.
Red team only pls
Divinity Original Sin will be definitely on sale for lower later, right? Or is -20% all?
I'm glad this isn't a requirement for blocking someone from winning a giveaway, just like we don't have to explain the reasons for adding someone to the Ignore list. In practice, bringing out the fact that you're adding someone to your Ignore list is usually frowned upon. Just add them, stop worrying about their posts, and go on. The Block list for giveaways is thankfully equally as easy to use without having to engage with someone who you may very well be trying to avoid contact with because of past harassment. Explaining to them why they're being blocked for harassing you just gives them more opportunity to harass you. Not exactly a good solution, so I'm glad that's not a requirement.
That's not much of concern for me, as I already played it, I would just rebuy it on steam for some illogical nostalgic reasons. (><)
ONIMUSHA IS ON STEAMOnimusha 3 is -75% too!
there is no way I can buy everything I would want from that huge list, no way, I'm not even going to count how much it all cost.
Yeah, but I mean, in that case the arbitrary rule should just be "don't buy games you don't want to play".I mean, if you wanna buy something and play it TODAY then don't even buy it on sale
all im saying is everyone's funds are limited. If you just have a "meh" interest on Marlow it's better to save up in case something you REALLY want goes on sale and then you're a couple bucks short.
That is Teamism!
Perfect day to get fired.
Jesus fucking christ fuck my life
I am pretty tempted to buy witcher 2... but the fact remains I still haven't beaten witcher 1 yet (even though I bought it years ago).
Decisions... decisions... decisions...
Super House of Dead Ninjas is a lot of fun. Definitely worth it for under 2 bucks.
""first quote wins hotline miami
Here's a great one for hidden deals but well worth jumping on now, Marlow Briggs is down to only 99 cents:
you know i'd buy Riptide if someone was down to play it in co-op for real
I think I'll wait a few days to buy Summer cards, the prices are a tad high right now.
Probably.Since Dark Souls 2 is already on sale until the 30th, is it likely to be on a flash/community sale?
Pink team, holla.
And so it begins.
And so it begins.
is it a diablo like thing
Since Dark Souls 2 is already on sale until the 30th, is it likely to be on a flash/community sale?
Oh nice, first time I see Rhaknar with a decent avatar.
lol Team Pink being blown by in the past four hours. lol.
Not that I care since this sale dynamic is pretty terrible with the rewards and stuff so far.
Well... I guess I'll get XCOM shooterbang bureau chest high walls edition.
Like it's $4, how bad can it be?