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Steamed turkey sandwiches (P-A)


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
DavidDayton said:
As a teacher, I am sad to say that he might very well have been serious. I've just spent a week trying to get kids to understand that Swift's A Modest Proposal is satiric in nature.

Did you make sure to shove the historical context down their throats first?


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
DavidDayton said:
As a teacher, I am sad to say that he might very well have been serious. I've just spent a week trying to get kids to understand that Swift's A Modest Proposal is satiric in nature.

Hahaha, a week? By the third paragraph I couldn't help myself and laugh my ass off during the class. We read it at first in class and my professor warned us that some of us may get really offended reading it. I was beyond curious and when we started reading it I started laughing. My English teacher started laughing with me and said "you caught on?" I told her that I did and she just said "ok, we'll talk about it once we finish." The class was looking at me like I was mad. Finally when we finished reading it, I explained the satire and she told me I was absolutely correct. I was the only one who managed to catch on so early. In fact, I was the only one who caught on in the first place.

Good times.
DavidDayton said:
As a teacher, I am sad to say that he might very well have been serious. I've just spent a week trying to get kids to understand that Swift's A Modest Proposal is satiric in nature.

So it's your professional opinion as a teacher is that I'm dense? Thanks for sharing your credentials, monkey boy!

Of course I fucking know what fucking satire and fucking parody are, and yes, Schafer, I am aware that the "reason" Gabe went to kill the manager is because he took the analogy Tycho made literally. That's not funny! A Modest Proposal would not have been funnier if, after writing it, Swift had gone out in public and actually eaten a baby. Although maybe that would increase its popularity with GAF!

I still hate this comic and all of you! And now I'm gonna ride around on trains until I can find a decent slice of roast beef.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
JackFrost2012 said:
So it's your professional opinion as a teacher is that I'm dense? Thanks for sharing your credentials, monkey boy!

Of course I fucking know what fucking satire and fucking parody are, and yes, Schafer, I am aware that the "reason" Gabe went to kill the manager is because he took the analogy Tycho made literally. That's not funny! A Modest Proposal would not have been funnier if, after writing it, Swift had gone out in public and actually eaten a baby. Although maybe that would increase its popularity with GAF!

I still hate this comic and all of you! And now I'm gonna ride around on trains until I can find a decent slice of roast beef.



Great stip PA!

The ending pane was a fitting end, too.

How one could NOT get the joke, even knowing nothing about Safeway is beyond me.


(more a nerd than a geek)
JackFrost2012 said:
So it's your professional opinion as a teacher is that I'm dense? Thanks for sharing your credentials, monkey boy!

Of course I (bleeping) know what (bleeping) satire and (bleeping) parody are, and yes, Schafer, I am aware that the "reason" Gabe went to kill the manager is because he took the analogy Tycho made literally. That's not funny! A Modest Proposal would not have been funnier if, after writing it, Swift had gone out in public and actually eaten a baby. Although maybe that would increase its popularity with GAF!.

Oh, I wasn't saying that was my professional opinion; I was just saying that I could see how it might be possible for you to miss the entire joke, as I had just spent a week with a room full of folks who didn't seem to be capable of picking up on a joke.

Your comparison of Gabe to Swift is false.... Tyco:Swift :: Gabe: Folks Who Read A Modest Proposal Literally and Write Angry Letters Denouncing It.

(... and, Levious, I did give them the historical context first... I went through the history of English-Irish relations and the general greed of the English landowners... the funny thing is that they understand that the English were a bunch of twits at the time, but that they didn't see the connection between the British eating the Irish out of house and home and that of eating the Irish, literally.)


JackFrost2012 said:
So it's your professional opinion as a teacher is that I'm dense? Thanks for sharing your credentials, monkey boy!

Of course I fucking know what fucking satire and fucking parody are, and yes, Schafer, I am aware that the "reason" Gabe went to kill the manager is because he took the analogy Tycho made literally. That's not funny! A Modest Proposal would not have been funnier if, after writing it, Swift had gone out in public and actually eaten a baby. Although maybe that would increase its popularity with GAF!

I still hate this comic and all of you! And now I'm gonna ride around on trains until I can find a decent slice of roast beef.

Schafer? The craziest teacher at DigiPen?


Yeah that's the best penny arcade I've read since probaly the Dr. Raven Darktalon blood made his appearance. Also, Jackfrost is a dumbass for not understanding the joke , I mean hell even if you dont' understand the joke I find it hard to not laugh at how Gabe is drawn in the second panel.
Pachinko said:
Also, Jackfrost is a dumbass for not understanding the joke

I UNDERSTAND the joke. I did from the first time I read it. I just don't think it's funny. :p When I said "I don't get it," I meant "I don't get why people think this is funny," not "I don't see what the joke is supposed to be."

Also, you like Dr. Raven Darktalon? Okay sure whatever!

I didn't get my sandwich today! Still angry! Still hating! RAWARWAR
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