It would have helped if I had remembered the word moire. much better than "off tv photo Aliasing effect".Oh yep now that I zoom in I could see them.
Oooohhhh but really I don't. I zoomed in and what I'm seeing is some sort of moire artifact from an off screen image
Sorry I have a vitamin deficiency and see hookers everywhere.
Not really. I just described a scenario to that poster like he asked. I never claimed it was the absolute truth.This is handwaving the issue with the other costumes, and contains a contradiction. You are saying essentially that censorship works in mysterious ways, but you know what really happened.
We would have to come to some sort of agreement on which outfits are the skimpiest and whether the altered costumes would have been skimpier. Then we would have to agree on whether whoever made these changes would agree with our conclusions. Impossible.How they got through all the skimpier costumes does not necessarily take censorship off the table, but it can't just be ignored. One has to at least take a crack at it. It's asking a lot for everyone to agree the elephant in the room is meaningless.
It doesn't happen very often that parties just openly state they were censored. Shift Up and Sony are business partners. They're not going to expose each other.A big issue here is that the movement or whatever is hinging very heavily on having absolute certainty of what happened and the motivations. As soon as reasonable doubt is allowed to get it's toe in, the dynamic changes a lot.
I just find this argument difficult to understand. Censorship is really bad. Creators being restricted in their creativity is poison for this industry. It doesn't matter if the rest of the game is still good. It's worth discussing the censorship regardless.Oh no I'm pretty fluid on the point of weather it was censorship or not. My hill is over there, where I say even if it was censorship starting a shitstorm over it is not a good idea in these circumstances.
Can we? I'm sure there's people out there who might think Eve's chest is sexier and more pronounced in outfits with cleavage for example.Aside from that, maybe we can all come to agreement that it's the skin suit lol. You walked right into that one!
No but you can download the NG+ patch play the game and save with the patch. uninstall and reinstall the game and your ng+ kind of remains on 1.00. People claiming that it's on the disc are lying. It's not.Wait, the NG+ is on the unpatched disk version already? If true I have to test it out. For science.
In the unpatched version the chinese dress already has stockings, so that was a change they did before the v.1.000.
Ah ok. Makes sense. Guess i will just do a NG+ run patched and by the end unpatch it to see if the new outfits form the NG+ suffer any changes. Most likely they will remain the same.No but you can download the NG+ patch play the game and save with the patch. uninstall and reinstall the game and your ng+ kind of remains on 1.00. People claiming that it's on the disc are lying. It's not.
a hashtag and a petition. Is that really such a terrible response that one would need to jump into gear to criticize it?
I just find this argument difficult to understand. Censorship is really bad. Creators being restricted in their creativity is poison for this industry. It doesn't matter if the rest of the game is still good. It's worth discussing the censorship regardless.
I get your positive attitude. But simultaneously you are spending a lot of time trying to police how others react to censorship (most of which I've seen is proportional) when there's actual problems going on in this industry. People are not sending death threats, they're not harassing. There's forum posts, a hashtag and a petition. Is that really such a terrible response that one would need to jump into gear to criticize it?
Can we? I'm sure there's people out there who might think Eve's chest is sexier and more pronounced in outfits with cleavage for example.
I just find this argument difficult to understand. Censorship is really bad. Creators being restricted in their creativity is poison for this industry. It doesn't matter if the rest of the game is still good. It's worth discussing the censorship regardless.
I get your positive attitude. But simultaneously you are spending a lot of time trying to police how others react to censorship (most of which I've seen is proportional) when there's actual problems going on in this industry. People are not sending death threats, they're not harassing. There's forum posts, a hashtag and a petition. Is that really such a terrible response that one would need to jump into gear to criticize it?
Can we? I'm sure there's people out there who might think Eve's chest is sexier and more pronounced in outfits with cleavage for example.
The NG+ data has to already be present within the disc's installed data if it works after the updates are uninstalled. The NG+ save from the patched files makes it so you can access that data offline with the base disc version after you completely uninstall the game data. So the data has to be present, it just doesn't work because they obviously disabled the trigger calls.No but you can download the NG+ patch play the game and save with the patch. uninstall and reinstall the game and your ng+ kind of remains on 1.00. People claiming that it's on the disc are lying. It's not.
The censored outfits in Stellar Blade, reminded me of this key art that Sony also censored, while the original one was shown in all other platforms.
I get what you're saying, but like any "it's such a small change, why do you even care" argument, the point you're making is a two way street. You could also say "if this whole 'pro woke' thing has gone so far as to not even leave this game alone, then there's no where else to even go."If this whole anti woke thing has gone so far as to be attacking this game of all things then there's no where else to even go.
Its pretty clear the patched outfits are not what the designers intended. You can see that in most of the patched outfits that still have the original designs but have extra fabric added to cover more skin. They are not outfits redesigned from scratch. The bunny outfit added fabric where a zipper is lol. How does that even make sense from a functionality point of view?Well shit. Between more stuff being found now and the fact that the 1.02 costume icons have the uncensored designs still, I think it's pretty clear that this was last minute censorship and not just a "we didn't get to finish it before the discs went out" thing. Any further GAFfer handwaving this evidence will not get a reply out of me, because I'm tired of trying to talk to people who only reply in bad faith. But yea, that's pretty damning.
Bro, the game's creator rejected his own answer directly when he gave it. Apparently he doesn't believe in the persuasiveness of his own reply. Why would anyone with a good head on their shoulders put any kind of value in it then?
Its pretty clear the patched outfits are not what the designers intended. You can see that in most of the patched outfits that still have the original designs but have extra fabric added to cover more skin. They are not outfits redesigned from scratch. The bunny outfit added fabric where a zipper is lol. How does that even make sense from a functionality point of view?
I get what you're saying, but like any "it's such a small change, why do you even care" argument, the point you're making is a two way street. You could also say "if this whole 'pro woke' thing has gone so far as to not even leave this game alone, then there's no where else to even go."
It doesn't, but the same 4-5 users will come in here and undoubtably make some more excuses about how it truly was the creator's decision and how everyone is an incel/loser/basement dweller.
My legit fear is that this will backfire and next time Sony or/and Shift Up will avoid any controversy by making games for "modern audiences". I'm pissed that people who didn't care about this game just 3 months ago now use it as a spearhead for their own fights, with no regard for the consequences. If SU says "fuck this shit I stick to my gachas" it's the players who lose, not the Twitter warriors.
Comparing this to Hogwarts Legacy stuff is asinine to me because that was like exactly the opposite. That was a group of people that hated a game/IP/creator trying to get the game to fail. This is a bunch of people that either bought the game or are highly interested in the game that are not happy with evidence that the designs promised were changed last minute. With Sony's reputation as a repeat offender for wanton censorship of PRIMARILY eastern developed media (another instance just dropped today in fact), people are thinking critically in that it's likely due to some mandate by Sony.And now we have armchair game modelers determining which parts of the models were hastily added by the *Korean devs and which parts were there form the start, and that being used as "proof".
Dude if SU comes out and says Sony asked for this stuff ill take back everything I ever said in this thread. I'll eat my crow handily.
But that isn't what has happened. What has happened so far is SU made a statement(which, while it acknowledged many wouldn't accept it, doesn't in itself mean that they didn't mean it) and a few ideological guys on the internet spun this into a conspiracy and folks are just kinda following the hive, meanwhile normal people are enjoying the game immensely.
Has nothing to do with incel anything. Has to do with internet mobs and how they form and how they operate. We saw it happen with Hogwarts legacy, we saw it happen with TLOU2, same stuff is happening now.
I've been around enough to be immediately skeptical of internet mobs, regardless of their lean. ESPECIALLY when the person spearheading it us a clown like Grummz, who himself has a financial stake in this mob, and has a history of grifitng and scamming based on what little I've seen of it.
That should give anyone pause.
Edited for naming the wrong country origin
Comparing this to Hogwarts Legacy stuff is asinine to me because that was like exactly the opposite. That was a group of people that hated a game/IP/creator trying to get the game to fail.
This is a bunch of people that either bought the game or are highly interested in the game that are not happy with evidence that the designs promised were changed last minute. With Sony's reputation as a repeat offender for wanton censorship of PRIMARILY eastern developed media (another instance just dropped today in fact), people are thinking critically in that it's likely due to some mandate by Sony.
I don't think a bunch of people with no interest in Stellar Blade would be signing a petition to bring more content to Stellar Blade. It's not a cancel attempt, it's a "just give us what was promoted" thing.
But in this case, the removed/altered content DOES directly have to do with the game. Again, this is nothing like the Hogwarts thing.Its about WHY they hated the game, nd the reasons why they hated it have absolutely nothing to do with the game itself. The game became a battleground for something that really had nothing to do with it.
Stellar blade is becoming a similar thing, and just like HL, normal people are just playing and enjoying the game and it's quite successful.
Not sure what you're referring to here?When you've gotten to the point you're only willing to accept confirmation of your suspicions, and any statement or evidence to the contrary regardless of its source is dismissed, thats the point when you're no longer thinking critically but looking for confirmation bias.
I think at the bare minimum, an official statement is in order of why they changed what they changed, and why they did it at the time that they did. The cat is out of the bag at this point to know that they pushed changes that would look like covering up certain outfits to any rational person after the game was gold. If that wasn't the case, if it's all a big misunderstanding, let's hear it. And not something like "oh that's our final design", maybe talk about why so many of the costumes were covered up.Let's say SU does nothing and leaves the game as is. Will people accept that maybe they just always intended to alter stuff for the final release, or will they only be willing to accept SU coming out and validating them?
Why do you look at the petition with such disdain? There is literally zero downside if ShiftUp/Sony decide to provide the original unedited costumes. You're acting like if they dare give in and give the fanbase what they want, that it's some sort of defeat. If they provide toggles or alt versions of these costumes, literally everybody wins. Fans get what they want. ShiftUp gets to look good in that they did right by their fans and that "uncensored in all regions" tweet wasn't just blowing smoke up our asses. Sony gets to fight some of the allegations that they are a cause for censorship in this case. Literally nobody loses if the petition succeeds. People that have no idea or interest in this drama can continue not knowing or caring, or maybe they find the toggle and flip it and are delighted.Theres plenty of people with no interest in stellar blade who are going to sign this petition because of culture war reasons and its pretty obvious to see why. Signing a petition on is the easiest thing in the world, requires zero investment.
The thing that I don't understand from all of this, is what motivates the pro censorship crowd? We know the motivation of those against the censorship, but pro censorship?
But in this case, the removed/altered content DOES directly have to do with the game. Again, this is nothing like the Hogwarts thing.
Not sure what you're referring to here?
I think at the bare minimum, an official statement is in order of why they changed what they changed, and why they did it at the time that they did. The cat is out of the bag at this point to know that they pushed changes that would look like covering up certain outfits to any rational person after the game was gold. If that wasn't the case, if it's all a big misunderstanding, let's hear it. And not something like "oh that's our final design", maybe talk about why so many of the costumes were covered up.
Why do you look at the petition with such disdain? There is literally zero downside if ShiftUp/Sony decide to provide the original unedited costumes. You're acting like if they dare give in and give the fanbase what they want, that it's some sort of defeat. If they provide toggles or alt versions of these costumes, literally everybody wins. Fans get what they want. ShiftUp gets to look good in that they did right by their fans and that "uncensored in all regions" tweet wasn't just blowing smoke up our asses. Sony gets to fight some of the allegations that they are a cause for censorship in this case. Literally nobody loses if the petition succeeds. People that have no idea or interest in this drama can continue not knowing or caring, or maybe they find the toggle and flip it and are delighted.
Culture war be damned, it's just a net good.
You're the only one that keeps bringing up this culture battlefield angle. If you look at the tweet posted by ShiftUp today, the replies are saying stuff like "great game, hope you revert the censorship". You're creating the boogeyman and then starting that battle all on your own.I disagree. I think that the way in which this game is being turned onto a culture battlefield over something that is not only incredibly minor from any objective angle in the game itself, but also is very possibly not even the thing its being accused of being is very similar in terms of audience reaction.
Well it's a good thing you can always trust everything out of corporations mouths, right?Im referring to people disregarding the official dev word on the game and the state of it and instead pursuing a more convenient, more expected narrative and then working backwards to try and make that out to be the reality.
This is a loaded prompt by you, I never said tell us what we want to hear, I said tell us more than "it's our final design" of why the changes happened. There is no question that changes DID happen, what I think is owed to the consumers is an explanation of why. Or they can keep it a secret and just add the old designs back in. Regardless of how you interpret the "uncensored in all regions" tweet, it was a straight up bald faced lie. That's not good business at best and false advertising at worst."say specifically what we need to hear you say to quell this reaction or were gonna assume the extreme opposite" isn't critical thinking either. As has been covered in this topic already there are a variety of factors that could have gone into this, some of which we may not even know about, and aren't necessarily entitled TO know about either.
I thought "voting with your wallet" is something prompted by your ilk whenever devs make a change that is disliked? Or did it go something like "don't like it, don't buy it." Besides the vast majority of people have already bought the game and are happy with it. The petition is a non-threatening method of direct feedback to the devs to let them know what the fanbase wants. Would you get bent out of shape if they sent a survey out and people responded to it? That's akin to what this petition is. Look at it as an unprompted survey.Attempting to hold up the success of a game you like until you get that isnt balanced, its entitlement.
Oh boy....No it isn't.
Theres a distance between developer and audience for a reason. At the point at which a developer feels cooerced to pander to a small part of an audience in this way, the artistic vision also becomes subverted just in a different way. It would send the message that if a small minority of people throw a big enough tantrum then they will be appeased. Something that might appeal to you in THIS case but I can guarantee wont appeal to you in others.
Thats to say nothing of the fact that the petition is being run by, at BEST, a distrustworhy actor with a very clear financial and ideological stake in dragging out this narrative. We wanna keep ideology our of gaming, that has to go both ways and guys like this dont need to have any influence over major companies.
Which line are we on here, 2 or 3?Besides, if it really was Sony forcing this, why would Sony then allow them to release the "original" version? They cant magically become independent from sonys oversight when a petition by maybe 10% of the base has signed. If Sony could be swayed by that then it doesnt even add up that they'd force a change in the first place.
I think that's a little disingenuous. The very state of deciding its already "censorship", combined with the general discourse surrounding this topic, as well as the very clear ideological angle that the guy running the petition is taking this makes it impossible to separate that from it.You're the only one that keeps bringing up this culture battlefield angle. If you look at the tweet posted by ShiftUp today, the replies are saying stuff like "great game, hope you revert the censorship". You're creating the boogeyman and then starting that battle all on your own.
Well it's a good thing you can always trust everything out of corporations mouths, right?
This is a loaded prompt by you, I never said tell us what we want to hear, I said tell us more than "it's our final design" of why the changes happened. There is no question that changes DID happen, what I think is owed to the consumers is an explanation of why. Or they can keep it a secret and just add the old designs back in. Regardless of how you interpret the "uncensored in all regions" tweet, it was a straight up bald faced lie.
I thought "voting with your wallet" is something prompted by your ilk whenever devs make a change that is disliked? Or did it go something like "don't like it, don't buy it."
No, the game has what was advertised. What was advertised was always subject to changes as development processes continue, and its not even always after the fact. There are times the stuff shown in advertising literslly isn't even finished. This happens all the time. This is going back a bit but when injustuce 2 was coming out, you can still view the original trailer for Robin in that game, and his ultimate animation cutscene is noticeably different than the one that made it into the final game, which facial expression changes and far, far less blood in the final game than the trailer.Oh boy....
Once again, I need to remind you. This is not requesting something be removed from the game, this is essentially saying "give us what was advertised". This is an additive thing.
Which line are we on here, 2 or 3?
This has been on my mind from the beginning.I've been reluctant to say it cuz it sounds kind of dumb, but there is a non-zero chance that this is all been a work. Including The accidental demo drop.
You think the current news media will report this as a "positive" thing?Does it end with them restoring the original costumes for a final positive news story? I reckon it will.
Neither is going to happen, relax. They're currently hiring for a AAA Action RPG, and Korea is breaking out into the console gaming market, and Shift Up is one of the studios leading the charge. They're not going to give that up over something like this. Stellar Blade 2 for "modern audiences" would be a much bigger controversy than what we're seeing now. Sony would be fucking stupid to push that on them.
This has been on my mind from the beginning.
The 'accidental' demo drop.
The Hard R.
The toning down day one patch.
The "I know this answer is not enough to convince our users" response.
The drama.
It's all money-can't-buy publicity that has kept the game at the top of gaming discussion.
Does it end with them restoring the original costumes for a final positive news story? I reckon it will.
You think the current news media will report this as a "positive" thing?
No because the data could reside in the save file too once created.The NG+ data has to already be present within the disc's installed data if it works after the updates are uninstalled. The NG+ save from the patched files makes it so you can access that data offline with the base disc version after you completely uninstall the game data. So the data has to be present, it just doesn't work because they obviously disabled the trigger calls.
Sony has killed off Days Gone IP only because of controversy, despite selling 9 million copies. Other than Yoshida, I don't trust Sony's decisions. In the last years, they are often not aligned with their fans.
Well, the devs promised something and seemingly didn't deliver. The word "liar" kinda makes it sound like they're accused of intentionally misleading customers. For the record, I don't think that happened. But it is true that their promise became a lie when/if they caved to outside pressure.Calling devs liars, asking for refunds, and claiming false advertising is a terrible response. I know the petition doesn't state that, but the wake of followers and YouTube rage-baiters do. And they are all in the same camp.
"If we complain about the rat guts in the apple sauce, we might not get any at all in the future!"My legit fear is that this will backfire and next time Sony or/and Shift Up will avoid any controversy by making games for "modern audiences".
Lol, why even bring him up? No one even mentioned the guy. I swear you guys are just arguing against imaginary people, who are all puppets controlled by a false prophet.I'm pissed that people who didn't care about this game just 3 months ago now use it as a spearhead for their own fights, with no regard for the consequences. If SU says "fuck this shit I stick to my gachas" it's the players who lose, not the Twitter warriors.
And Grummz knows it. But he doesn't give a shit, like all the others.
Uhh, yeah. That's why I believe him when he says his argument isn't convincing.Because he's the creator of the game?
I'm pretty sure people call it censorship because they can see the changes. Not because some dude on YouTube said so.As opposed to tbose supplying the other narratives, mainly, what some random youtube culture guys with a literal financial stake in getting folks as riled up as possible are saying, what makes them any more credible?
Is it? Where have you read that? Just curiousDifferent situation that, and regardless the next game by Shift Up is a cross platform project.
Is it? Where have you read that? Just curious
Huh, interesting, guessing the second party partnership is only for Stellar Blade (maybe)
It says it right there on the front page next to Stellar Blade.
I'm laughing cause new game+ is more than just a simple registry edit, it adds 30+ new costumes to the game.Same ol G Some people clearly don't know what resides on save files and the possibilities available with save file hacking.
Interesting, where is the original blurry off screen grab on the right from?Courtesy of 4chan:
Kinda lost track at how many censored outfits this makes at this point.
Interesting, where is the original blurry off screen grab on the right from?
So you're telling me that NG+ in its entirety is on the disc and they just had you download gigs for no reason. Most of the costumes are palette swaps so yes them remaining from the original design that's on the disc would fit on 40MB.I'm laughing cause new game+ is more than just a simple registry edit, it adds 30+ new costumes to the game.
The save file is just over 40 mb, you think i believe everything that is needed is included in the savefile.
This would also be giving problems when deleting the patch files because the save file now expects the 1.0002 version and you're booting the 1.0000 version.
That's why