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Stephen Hawking on Black Holes: There is No Such Thing as an Event Horizon

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Stephen Hawking has put forward a new theory about black holes in a paper posted online, which says event horizons – the gravitational pull that makes escape impossible - do not exist.

Speaking to Nature magazine, the renowned physicist said that in classic theory, there is no escape from a black hole. Quantum theory, however, allows "energy and information to escape".

He said that, to explain this process, a theory must merge gravity with other forces of nature: "The correct treatment remains a mystery."

In his paper on the University of Cambridge website, Hawking has proposed an "apparent horizon" that "temporarily holds matter and energy prisoner before eventually releasing them", Nature said.

Entitled Information Preservation and Weather Forecasting for Black Holes, Hawking attempts to solve the black hole paradox that was first discovered by physicists from the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics in Santa Barbara two years ago.

In their paradox, they looked at what would happen if an astronaut fell into a black hole. They found that under quantum theory, the astronaut would be burned to a crisp – not float iunaware of their fate until they are pulled in and crushed in the black hole's dense core, as had previously been assumed.

This posed problems because it went against Einstein's general theory of relativity, which says the laws of physics are identical everywhere in the universe. His theory would say an event horizon would be an "unremarkable place".

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Hawking has now proposed a third option, which allows quantum mechanics and general relativity to remain intact: that black holes do not have an event horizon to burn the astronaut.

"In place of the event horizon, Hawking invokes an 'apparent horizon', a surface along which light rays attempting to rush away from the black hole's core will be suspended, Nature says.

"In general relativity, for an unchanging black hole, these two horizons are identical, because light trying to escape from inside a black hole can only reach as far as the event horizon and will be held there, as though stuck on a treadmill.

"However, the two horizons can, in principle, be distinguished. If more matter gets swallowed by the black hole, its event horizon will swell and grow larger than the apparent horizon."

Don Page, a physicist and expert on black holes at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, who worked with Hawking in the 1970s, commented on his new theory: "The picture Hawking gives sounds reasonable. You could say that it is radical to propose there's no event horizon.

"But these are highly quantum conditions, and there's ambiguity about what spacetime even is, let alone whether there is a definite region that can be marked as an event horizon."


I created the Event Horizon to reach the stars, but she's gone much, much farther than that. She tore a hole in our universe, a gateway to another dimension. A dimension of pure chaos. Pure... evil. When she crossed over, she was just a ship. But when she came back... she was alive! Look at her, Miller. Isn't she beautiful?


"Einstein's general theory of evolution" has absolutely nothing to do with black holes, and I am pretty sure it doesn't even exist.


What does he mean when he says that information can escape from a black hole?

Black holer radiate. This radiation is called Hawking Radiation named after Steven.

Radiation is information so black holes aren't perfect vacums.

This paper covers so called event horizon.
I wonder what Leonard Susskind has to say.


You notice by the name that he actualy discovered this.

And it was later shot down by the man I just mentioned. I'm curious if this is some sort of rebuttal ...

I'm hoping someone can explain a little better how this theory fits amongst the others.

The article said that this new theory allows both general relativity and quantum mechanics work together. I know string theory tries to tie the two together. I'm very curious.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
I kind of don't want this to be true, just on the grounds that 'event horizon' is probably the coolest term in cosmology

[edit] Though it could stand to be pointed out that we, as yet, have only educated guesses about what might happen near black holes
I knew he was working on a theory for this glad he was able to publish it, it's still amazing to me how he's been able to overcome his disability for so long, his brilliant mind would have gone to waste had he succumb much earlier like he was 'supposed' too.


Everytime I read about the universe it makes me feel like a maggot. An insignificant speck of life struggling around in its own shit and piss while cosmic forces collide on an unimaginable scale around us.

Sorry again. Carry on!


Oh good, because that movie was crazy.

Which one?




good credit (by proxy)
I mean, I don't want to get banned again for making fun of the very concept of space itself like I did a few weeks ago, but this black whole business just sounds awkward to me. I'd imagine the act of a human falling into the event horizon of a black whole being very akin to going on an awkward blind date. Like some /r/cringe shit.
What would happen if another black hole spinning clockwise or counter clockwise that's less, equal, or greater in size and gravitational pull than the other black hole present in space and they collided into each other?

Would a super nova that's greater in force can stop a black hole if they're near by?

Its like all of the force of its former self of a sun collapsed inwards after bursting outwards and is trapped in a vortex of it's own gravitational pull. When does that force expire?
I mean, I don't want to get banned again for making fun of the very concept of space itself like I did a few weeks ago, but this black whole business just sounds awkward to me. I'd imagine the act of a human falling into the event horizon of a black whole being very akin to going on an awkward blind date. Like some /r/cringe shit.

Just imagine getting grinded to pieces when you are far away from the event horizon.


Sounds like a "A Brief History..." will be getting getting yet a new edition :p

I'll have to attempt to read that paper at some point.


Everytime I read about the universe it makes me feel like a maggot. An insignificant speck of life struggling around in its own shit and piss while cosmic forces collide on an unimaginable scale around us.

Sorry again. Carry on!

We are all insignificant star dust.


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
I mean, I don't want to get banned again for making fun of the very concept of space itself like I did a few weeks ago, but this black whole business just sounds awkward to me. I'd imagine the act of a human falling into the event horizon of a black whole being very akin to going on an awkward blind date. Like some /r/cringe shit.

You become spaghetti.


good credit (by proxy)
Just imagine getting grinded to pieces when you are far away from the event horizon.
Man, thinking about it sucked. It's like you got grinded into void by math equations made of pure light. Wow, thinking about it is insane. So awkward.
Where is the closest black hole anyway? We need real tests!

Actually, that would be an amazing job, throwing random things at a black hole just to see what happens.


good credit (by proxy)
Black holer radiate. This radiation is called Hawking Radiation named after Steven.

Radiation is information so black holes aren't perfect vacums.

This paper covers so called event horizon.
Black Holer Radiate sounds like a cool name for a vapid, hot-blooded space opera anime.

mr jones

Ethnicity is not a race!
If there is no event horizon, I just want to know one thing: can a black hole ever become a star?

I mean, it's pulling all of this matter into itself. Helium and hydrogen make up most of what we know in the universe. With all of those gasses being sucked in and compressed, I'm sure there is some fission going on. Enough to jump start a star, I would think.

So could you end up with essentially a star, with a "black hole" core?
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