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Stock-Age: Stocks, Options and Dividends oh my!


I have some inflation stuff, hope no one minds some infographic spam.

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Was going to buy some Jan 2023 LEAPs on Microsoft but think I'll wait a little bit more.

Ex dividend date tomorrow, might go down further, regardless of inflation fears.

Also ManofOne ManofOne i sold out of my LTHM position this morning and sold some $12.50 October puts. Happy to sit back and wait a bit longer with this one for now.
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Really getting what I deserve for putting money into BTC...
Thank god I didn't go big

Anyone thinking about buying Tesla should think some more. I don't think you understand how far Tesla can drop. This aint shit.
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From Druckenmiller's USC keynote:

Black line is past FIVE recessions added together:




bad news for a twin deficit country:



  • US corp debt DURING recession increased by $1 trillion, fed backstop
  • Sharpest recovery ever, already back to precovid gdp
  • why still emergency measures? why 40B per month mortgage purchases
  • No rate increase until 2023, 41 months. average after post ww2 recessions is 4 months
  • fastest, strongest recovery being met with easiest policy ever
  • Financial stability: worst times always follow bubble bursts, biggest one in 100 years
  • USD has been pushed too far? $1T foreign sales after cares act. bad sign.
  • China: zero QE with modest fiscal stim. economy humming.
  • China: 20% world gdp, 1.6% of world portfolios
  • US: 25% world gdp, 28% of world portfolios
  • Reserve status threatened, only lack of viable alternative is stopping decline
  • positioning: short USD. Long: grains, oil, copper, "if it moves, we are long." short global fixed income.
  • why usd still OK? world beating tech has seen massive inflows, cannot last.
  • still long equities, at least until end of year.
  • Biden/Powell nightmare opposite of Volker/Regan
  • Not whether right or wrong, it is how much you make when right and how much you lose when wrong
  • winner of defi/crypto? too early. remember, FB was the 11th social media company
  • federal reserve is the greatest engine of inequality. Rich love money printing.
  • reflation coming, but bubble burst could happen before
  • Dollar is going to be caused by our own stupidity
  • this radical experiment will end badly, only question is when.


Really getting what I deserve for putting money into BTC...
Thank god I didn't go big

Anyone thinking about buying Tesla should think some more. I don't think you understand how far Tesla can drop. This aint shit.

What price are you in at?

I'm in at 51 and didn't sell last week 😑

My thinking was to get rid of my RIOT, MARA and BLOK shares and get BTC directly instead but I think I've somehow made things worse for myself.

Also bought some ETHH today so clearly not leaning from my mistakes but fuck it, I'm holding and can live with the loss if they go to zero.


What price are you in at?

I'm in at 51 and didn't sell last week 😑

My thinking was to get rid of my RIOT, MARA and BLOK shares and get BTC directly instead but I think I've somehow made things worse for myself.

Also bought some ETHH today so clearly not leaning from my mistakes but fuck it, I'm holding and can live with the loss if they go to zero.

I was buying Bitcoin ETF's
One I bought at 10.93 and is now at 7.91. The other one I'm actually up 30% on...

I'm down a tad overall.. but nothing much. It was just play money left over in the account.

I need to remind myself to take profit on these stupid swingers when I have it.

And Crypto ETF's are a terrible idea. I liked that I could hold it in my TFSA.. but the weekend swings when you're handcuffed are ridiculous.
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Up 1% today. XME, URA, silver and gold putting in work and a good day (finally) for FSR (but I doubt it will hold).

It's a beautiful thing when you have a day when you're up but all the major indexes are down.


Gold Member
So my personal horror story for 2021. I bought 500 shares in the company I work for, DDS, early last year when it was around $34 a share, it usually trades around 70-80. In January I got caught up in the GME fiasco and put a ton of money in that as well. At one point everything was doing amazing, I was up in GME and DDS was also being short squeezed so it jumped up to $120. Unfortunately I was unable to sell because I was on our blackout list and this being the end of year earnings the blackout period lasted a whole month so I watched the stock fall to around $80. During this time GME crashed and I sold that at a great loss. So after the blackout period ended I really wanted a win and waited until DDS was at $85 and I sold 400 shares for a nice profit. I thought I would keep 100 shares just to see what would happen but bailed out on that idea when the stock fell a bit. The stock has been steadily going up since.

Last week the stock was $120 and I thought for sure people would try to start taking a profit so I bought a put at $115 even though I really hated betting against my own company.

Today it jumped to $147 the highest the stock has ever been. Also last month they looked at the blackout list and decided that I did not need to be on it.
Up 2.72% today, BCRX had a monster day, closing at the 52 week high on heavy volume. Strong finish.
I also finished strongly after seeing those BCRX gains today.

I originally had a ~$20 PT in mind when I dove in earlier this year but the more I look at the pipeline I'm starting to consider deviating from my plan and letting it ride which has always fucked me in biotechs in the past.


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I also finished strongly after seeing those BCRX gains today.

I originally had a ~$20 PT in mind when I dove in earlier this year but the more I look at the pipeline I'm starting to consider deviating from my plan and letting it ride which has always fucked me in biotechs in the past.

If it hits $16 in the next week or so I will consider taking some off the table. This does seem to be channel bound.

That being said, their first quarter sales numbers were good, and now with Japan, Europe, and the UK all approved those numbers are only going to get better. I think Q3 sales will be the big show.

There’s might be a chance to trade out and in but if your shares are more than half way to long term status you might want to hold and see.


Fisker earnings highlights:

  • 1 2021 results in-line with expectations. Cash balance of $985 million. Increasing full-year operating expense guidance range by $30 million to include PEAR program costs (explicitly excluded from prior guidance). Capital expenditure guidance unchanged.
  • Majority of Fisker Ocean Bill of Material (BOM) now sourced, improving cost visibility across the entire model range at targets previously communicated.
  • Foxconn binding agreement completed and initial production in U.S. confirmed. Design of PEAR vehicle locked and program concept phase kicked off. Several suppliers already nominated and the program is benefiting from meaningful supply chain synergies with Ocean.
  • Reservations total more than 16,000 as of today. More than 50% of reservation-holders are from outside the SUV segment, indicating a potentially larger addressable market than expected.
  • Talent acquisition accelerated in 2021, with a total of 203 full-time employees onboard as of today, compared to 101 as of December 31, 2020.

Down 3% after hours.
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So my personal horror story for 2021. I bought 500 shares in the company I work for, DDS, early last year when it was around $34 a share, it usually trades around 70-80. In January I got caught up in the GME fiasco and put a ton of money in that as well. At one point everything was doing amazing, I was up in GME and DDS was also being short squeezed so it jumped up to $120. Unfortunately I was unable to sell because I was on our blackout list and this being the end of year earnings the blackout period lasted a whole month so I watched the stock fall to around $80. During this time GME crashed and I sold that at a great loss. So after the blackout period ended I really wanted a win and waited until DDS was at $85 and I sold 400 shares for a nice profit. I thought I would keep 100 shares just to see what would happen but bailed out on that idea when the stock fell a bit. The stock has been steadily going up since.

Last week the stock was $120 and I thought for sure people would try to start taking a profit so I bought a put at $115 even though I really hated betting against my own company.

Today it jumped to $147 the highest the stock has ever been. Also last month they looked at the blackout list and decided that I did not need to be on it.

Oh man, that bites.
So my personal horror story for 2021. I bought 500 shares in the company I work for, DDS, early last year when it was around $34 a share, it usually trades around 70-80. In January I got caught up in the GME fiasco and put a ton of money in that as well. At one point everything was doing amazing, I was up in GME and DDS was also being short squeezed so it jumped up to $120. Unfortunately I was unable to sell because I was on our blackout list and this being the end of year earnings the blackout period lasted a whole month so I watched the stock fall to around $80. During this time GME crashed and I sold that at a great loss. So after the blackout period ended I really wanted a win and waited until DDS was at $85 and I sold 400 shares for a nice profit. I thought I would keep 100 shares just to see what would happen but bailed out on that idea when the stock fell a bit. The stock has been steadily going up since.

Last week the stock was $120 and I thought for sure people would try to start taking a profit so I bought a put at $115 even though I really hated betting against my own company.

Today it jumped to $147 the highest the stock has ever been. Also last month they looked at the blackout list and decided that I did not need to be on it.
Its very important to invest with confidence and follow your gut.

When you throw money at something, even if they are meme stocks, do your own DD and math. I've been at it with AMC since the beginning, most of my friends and family have been calling me crazy and delusional for months, but since the beginning I've done my homework and knew what I was getting into. You're crazy until you stop being crazy.

Dont try to argue with people that are less informed than you, its just a waste of time, specially on social media.
Would be nice if money continued to rotate out of crypto and back into growth stocks and biotech. I've had a pretty good last few trading days, but have another 15-20% up to go before I would say I'm happy.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
Would be nice if money continued to rotate out of crypto and back into growth stocks and biotech. I've had a pretty good last few trading days, but have another 15-20% up to go before I would say I'm happy.
I am making easy money in crypto. I have sort of stopped paying attention to my stock portfolio these past few weeks. I would be happy if the money stays in crypto for another quarter or so.


Gold Member
Would be nice if money continued to rotate out of crypto and back into growth stocks and biotech. I've had a pretty good last few trading days, but have another 15-20% up to go before I would say I'm happy.
I am making easy money in crypto. I have sort of stopped paying attention to my stock portfolio these past few weeks. I would be happy if the money stays in crypto for another quarter or so.
I got some cruddy stocks in the hole hoping they rebound, but still doing well after all the covid rebound the past year.

I'm hoping more hype gets back into stocks as I dont do crypto, but as long as we all make some cash and neither side gets bombed, I'm good with that.

Every person has their spending habits, but for sake of financial gains (although its always a gamble), I wish more people would sink money into stocks because generally things go up. Same with real estate. Real estate is even safer, but needs more time, money and responsibilities to maintain it.

Make a couple grand here and there for 40 years and it can pile up by the time you're dead. You'd have less people reliant on gov handouts. Yet, some people with $2000 to spend would rather max it out on a trip to Mexico. They come back after a week or two and broke. Back to square one to make $2000 again.
Almost a million worth of puts bought on tesla.

Can't say I blame him considering how reckless Musk has been on twitter lately.

Edit: He also bought some puts on IWO, looks like he's pretty bearish on the growth sector as a whole.
So with Burry going in on real estate are REITs still considered a good buy right now? I was thinking about adding O to my portfolio.
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Up 2.5% again today, I'm enjoying this mini recovery. It seems some money is flowing back into biotech at least. PLTR is making a little recovery, and PSTH is about to go boom or bust depending on things.


Gold Member
Up 2.5% again today, I'm enjoying this mini recovery. It seems some money is flowing back into biotech at least. PLTR is making a little recovery, and PSTH is about to go boom or bust depending on things.
Nice. Up 1.5%.

Been a lousy choppy 3 months. Good week, bad week, good week etc.... I havent had a solid gainer month since beginning of the year.


So with Burry going in on real estate are REITs still considered a good buy right now? I was thinking about adding O to my portfolio.

All things considered O is a solid buy but maybe wait for a bit of a drop before buying in if you want an added level of security (or get in gradually over the next couple of months).

I personally don't have O but I have SRET for broader coverage across REITs.
All things considered O is a solid buy but maybe wait for a bit of a drop before buying in if you want an added level of security (or get in gradually over the next couple of months).

I personally don't have O but I have SRET for broader coverage across REITs.
Good stuff, maybe I'll start a small position and let the dividends do their thing while I keep an eye on a drop.

What's your plan for T now between the merger and dividend cut?
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Nice. Up 1.5%.

Been a lousy choppy 3 months. Good week, bad week, good week etc.... I havent had a solid gainer month since beginning of the year.

I kept adding funds and averaging down on everything rather than sell at a loss or sit. I don't know what I'm doing. I can't really sell an asset without corresponding bad news.


What's your plan for T now between the merger and dividend cut?

Sold yesterday upon learning about the dividend cut.

A bit annoyed I didn't do my research around the time of market open because I ended up leaving some gains on the table due to only selling out towards the end of the day. I was primarily in it for the dividend and the HBO+ growth potential was a bonus.

Also don't want shares of the new company that is being formed. Not saying never to owning the new company but I don't want to gamble on any more new tickers with no history, I have enough SPAC's as it is.


Gold Member
Sold yesterday upon learning about the dividend cut.

A bit annoyed I didn't do my research around the time of market open because I ended up leaving some gains on the table due to only selling out towards the end of the day. I was primarily in it for the dividend and the HBO+ growth potential was a bonus.

Also don't want shares of the new company that is being formed. Not saying never to owning the new company but I don't want to gamble on any more new tickers with no history, I have enough SPAC's as it is.
I wished I would have gotten out of T yesterday. I was just about to break even when it hit 33 and got busy at work so I didn't notice the drop until it was after the close of the market. I forgot to set a stop limit sell. I have been trying to get in a habit of setting them lately so I can get "some" profits. Although last week I had one set for GO and then bad earnings came out after market close then it tumbled so my stop limit didn't trigger.
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There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
Market's tanking again.

Any catalyst today or just because it feels like it?

I logged in to ask this lol.

Happy to see it tank though, I have accepted that we are in an accumulating phase. I’d be fine with my portfolio crabbing for year while I increase my positions.
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I logged in to ask this lol.

Happy to see it tank though, I have accepted that we are in an accumulating phase. I’d be fine with my portfolio crabbing for year while I increase my positions.

It's so random at this point I've given up trying to reason with it. Bought SOXL today... the afternoon sell-off happened just after I bought. I took it personally.

Just going to hold though. Overall portfolio is still on the up so not complaining.


Market's tanking again.

Any catalyst today or just because it feels like it?
Looks like the treasury's free money is being drowned out by the news cycle of recession and inflation fears.

I wish I had exited ATT when it was at around 32. Been holding on this for way, way, way too long. I guess the dividend gravy train ran out.


I got some cruddy stocks in the hole hoping they rebound, but still doing well after all the covid rebound the past year.

I'm hoping more hype gets back into stocks as I dont do crypto, but as long as we all make some cash and neither side gets bombed, I'm good with that.

Every person has their spending habits, but for sake of financial gains (although its always a gamble), I wish more people would sink money into stocks because generally things go up. Same with real estate. Real estate is even safer, but needs more time, money and responsibilities to maintain it.

Make a couple grand here and there for 40 years and it can pile up by the time you're dead. You'd have less people reliant on gov handouts. Yet, some people with $2000 to spend would rather max it out on a trip to Mexico. They come back after a week or two and broke. Back to square one to make $2000 again.
What you describe is general human nature. The most common example was the experiment they did with a child and two cookies - one now, or wait and get another one. Majority of participants couldn’t stop themselves from eating the first one and not getting e second one as a result.

With social media pressures today people are constantly compelled to spend money to feel better, it’s 21st century psychotherapy for the masses.


Recent AT&T news was pretty nuts. I never knew they had so much debt on their books. Got me wondering about other companies. Checked out the big tech stocks they all carry pretty big debts. Apple had the most I think then Microsoft then Google. But there is an exception Facebook operates with no debt.

But the thing I don't get is with inflation debt becomes cheaper so having it would be good.


Recent AT&T news was pretty nuts. I never knew they had so much debt on their books. Got me wondering about other companies. Checked out the big tech stocks they all carry pretty big debts. Apple had the most I think then Microsoft then Google. But there is an exception Facebook operates with no debt.

But the thing I don't get is with inflation debt becomes cheaper so having it would be good.

No with inflation interest rates are likely to rise so having debt becomes more expensive, hence why the market is shitting itself at the prospect of inflation.

Big corporations are built on mountains of debt. It's time to check all of your positions and check if they have enough cash on hand to pay off all their debt if they need to or want to (it's likely some companies will want to if they have any finance with variable rates).
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