What's the rationality for why the squeeze hasn't occurred yet? I respect the hustle if you can come out on top, but if the fundamentals aren't strong and the stock is mainly held by institutional investors, I'd be terrified of it slamming down on any given day.
This community explains why the short has not happened yet daily, with an Us vs Them report. They do source their reports and try to fight the FUD. The main subject is something called "Naked Short Selling" they have the numbers and the proof of it. They track it daily, they have the data.
It all boils down to this way of shorting stocks should not be legal and they have a few meme stocks they can use to hurt the hedgefunds doing it, the end date and goal post gets moved a lot but there is always some explainations for it. They feel the rules will change after GME and AMC it will never work like this again so this is what they are focused on.
I am new here and been trying to learn. For what I've been watching, most of the guys are not following fundamentals at all for the stock. They are looking at who is shorting the stock, they are looking at the borrowed shares being dumped to keep the stock from squeezing, something about having more stocks being traded and created out of thin air than what should exist with AMC. I am not following GME as ,ich so I only know about the AMC talk so far.
The community leaders are on Reddit, Twitch, Youtube, and Twitter. They are not really stupid people as the meme status would imply. They are young and motivated, with a middle finger posture.
I watch live streams that have 20,000+ people watching one guy. And there are like a dozen other guys streaming at the same time.
Here is an explaination I understood
since I am new to this, it was the only real video that kept it simple but this is Naked Short
newer video with info about the game
most of these explains the battle going on. All of this ends soon.