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Stranger Things [SPOILER THREAD] We're All Fleas Now

Put me in the anthology camp for the next season. Stranger things could end up being a cult classic on homages to different types of established pieces of fiction.

They can even change the setting, e.g. 80s but in a city. Graffiti, dirty city, criminals etc. all with the same synth soundtrack. Or hell, even something more like 80s jazz/fusion (think Miles Davis' Tutu).

They can have one season based on a slasher type movie, body snatcher, time travel, aliens, anything really. This story had a satisfying ending and should stay as it is, IMO.
Put me in the anthology camp for the next season. Stranger things could end up being a cult classic on homages to different types of established pieces of fiction.

They can even change the setting, e.g. 80s but in a city. Graffiti, dirty city, criminals etc. all with the same synth soundtrack. Or hell, even something more like 80s jazz/fusion (think Miles Davis' Tutu).

They can have one season based on a slasher type movie, body snatcher, time travel, aliens, anything really. This story had a satisfying ending and should stay as it is, IMO.

They've already come out and said that the story will continue with the same characters next season.

Mike M

Nick N
I almost feel like further adventures with the same cast would cheapen the first season, reducing it to one in a series of impossible events that keeps befalling them. If the Upside Down remains a threat, it's going to be a chore to explain why the government doesn't just evacuate the town under false pretenses, or why people don't leave of their own accord in a way that doesn't feel super contrived.

Not saying it can't be done, but I don't envy them trying to keep it fresh.


Stranger Things Season 1 VFX Reel: https://vimeo.com/175461355

How some of the special effects used on the show were made.
Surprised the Demagorgon is 80% pratical effect, real person doing it. Looked really good.

I almost feel like further adventures with the same cast would cheapen the first season, reducing it to one in a series of impossible events that keeps befalling them. If the Upside Down remains a threat, it's going to be a chore to explain why the government doesn't just evacuate the town under false pretenses, or why people don't leave of their own accord in a way that doesn't feel super contrived.

Not saying it can't be done, but I don't envy them trying to keep it fresh.

Same feeling.
Finished this yesterday with the bf enjoyed it and hope Season 2 is a completely different setting and characters let it be an anthology series.
Different monster variations would be cool too. Or at least having more than one and a bit more time with the monster since the mystery is gon now.


Yep. I guess it's cool to want things. But it ain't gonna be an anthology. Pin that to the OP.
Yeah that really needs to be bolded in the OP, plus everyone is sure they are the first to have that thought, no one ever checks to see if things have been discussed .


Oh yeah...fuck the chief for giving El's location. Why didn't he just lie and say they were at the police station or something....


HELL NO, I want my god damned boys back
Same feeling. People act like it's not a huge challenge and a lot of luck to get a really good cast together that works on a show like this with a lot of child actors.

Don't throw it away unless you have to.

I look at other anthology shows that have had some weak seasons and I'd rather avoid that if they are willing to plow forward with the same story and cast. There's lots more they can do with it.
Yeah, after he got his ass beat, I really didn't have a problem with him anymore. He realized he crossed a line and he paid for it with a busted face and broken heart. It's whatever. I'm actually a little happy they didn't go the cliche route of hooking the loner up with the girl next door. Then again, they might redo these relationships next season, but I'm kinda hoping Jon goes to NYU and finds himself a cool chick, lest he gets stuck in that boring ass suburban life cycle he warned Nancy about.

Honestly the whole "creepy/weird/'nice guy'/loner gets the girl he's been pining for forever after the bad boy mistreats her" is the most annoying, shit trope ever. It's so eyerolling and just all around horrible.


Honestly the whole "creepy/weird/'nice guy'/loner gets the girl he's been pining for forever after the bad boy mistreats her" is the most annoying, shit trope ever. It's so eyerolling and just all around horrible.
This. Besides I never got any undercurrent other than he probably thought she was hot and their little brothers were friends. Even the pictures it wasn't like he focused on her, he got them all in vulnerable moments from how carefree but shallow Steve's friends were to how lonely Barb was.

But his brother does not go missing and they never interact through school I bet. There was no history there and you kind of need one for that trope to work, and it's a hokey unneeded trope that mostly exsists to placate "nice guys".

Case in point in one of the two threads someone was mad she went with Steve because Jonsthon "deserved" her. Bullshit, she's not property.
Ayyye I just finished watching this. This shit was cool as fuck. As soon as I saw the preview art and Winona Ryder's pop up in the opening credits I knew that they were going for that 80's flavor. I was like I see you.

Show really captures the feeling of shit like E.T. and other old movies back when child protagonists were more common. The children felt a little real too. They didn't dress up their speech like in some movies. Some children cuss, especially ones around their age I think they were 12. They even had the corny bullshit teenage relationship cliches, that I typically don't care for, but it's still entertaining to watch.

Back on Winona though, girl got talent. Her range is marvelous. This performance nothing like Beetlejuice, Heathers, or Girl Interrupted to take you out of it. She really played up a mother in mourning, but who also discovers that her presumed to be dead is actually out there and is considered crazy by everyone out there she lets know.

The horror elements to this threw me off a little bit. I was just expecting sciency shit, but they even added that flavor to it. I was legit like
a few times while watching this.

Each episode kept me engaged from beginning to end. I still don't know why Will's brother was taking pictures of those people at the party, it was creepy as fuck, but it did lead them to knowing about the monster from the other dimension.

Oh, before I forget, I did like the girl who played 011. Her face looks a bit familiar to me. Is she related to some other actress? The part where they had to dress her up so she wouldn't stand out at school was a really cute scene. El was looking like
. That part did remind me of that part in E.T. when they dressed up E.T. in those girl clothes or when they dressed him up for Halloween. I did see her sacrifice coming to save the boys, but for a second when the slowdown occurred when the black boy shot his slingshot the fourth time and the monster opened its mouth I did think he was going to hit it down its throat and get a lucky shot that would've temporarily stunned it. But when El got up I knew it was going to be a wrap for her. Weird that she completely disintegrated like the monster, that she would just end up on the ground in a bloody mess.

I did want her to survive, but it's whatever. Sad that they didn't give closure to her mom and aunty. I feel like they should've known. Also, I think Barbara's mom still had no clue that her daughter went missing.

Oh and when they found Will in the upside down I did think it was a little suspicious that the monster put him in a cocoon like thing instead of killing him. The tease at the end was mean. I don't think they're going to make a season 2. It just doesn't feel like the kind of piece to have a sequel despite those teases at the end with the other one being the cop leaving waffles in that box. It just felt complete and those tidbits where just mysterious flavors to make the viewer go huh, but not actually to fulfill on giving answers, leaving the viewer to make their theories on it.

She should have just stayed single. They're both kind of douchey, but then so is she sometimes so...
Truth, but how is she douchey?


I really liked it, basically all of the characters (except the dipshit protagonist boy, but that's fine, he's just the protagonist) were delightful. Fucken Ted was hilarious, the chubby boy was sweet and wise and hilarious, black kid was the only one with a head on his shoulders, the Mean Teens were a bit over the top but the three main ones surprised me in good ways a few times each. Mike's Mom was great, too, being totally earnest and thoughtful and right but just a little too suburb-y so everyone was prejudiced against her.

Even Lonnie was excellent, there was a minute there where I really was willing to believe he was an ok dude at core who was just kind of oblivious to his kids. (Which isn't great, obviously, but "doesn't understand his kids" is less bad than "is abusive".) Did a good job showing why Winona got with him in the first place, that guy put up a good charming facade.

Unfortunately, the last ten minutes or so were a total mess, felt amateurish. Some kind of desperation move. "Hey the Police Chief reports to some other shady men-in-suits agency! And uhh El isn't dead maybe?? Also Lil Will is barfing up alien slugs! Even tho duh he was obviously impregnated, you all saw Alien...". Just throwing all kind of shit at the wall, really wasn't necessary.

Honestly the whole "creepy/weird/'nice guy'/loner gets the girl he's been pining for forever after the bad boy mistreats her" is the most annoying, shit trope ever. It's so eyerolling and just all around horrible.

Same. I was glad to see her stick with Steve-o.
Yeah, after he got his ass beat, I really didn't have a problem with him anymore. He realized he crossed a line and he paid for it with a busted face and broken heart. It's whatever. I'm actually a little happy they didn't go the cliche route of hooking the loner up with the girl next door. Then again, they might redo these relationships next season, but I'm kinda hoping Jon goes to NYU and finds himself a cool chick, lest he gets stuck in that boring ass suburban life cycle he warned Nancy about.

They definitely left that thread open.

The secretary at the police station point blank tells her Jon is in love with her, and she never truly shuts him down. Her reaction to being asked about liking Jon was effectively identical to Mike being asked about liking Eleven.

Dude takes creepy pics of you, if you're not interested, you don't buy him a new camera.


Was anyone else hoping that the next season would focus on new characters dealing with a different monster?


People who want an anthology series are an enigma to me. The whole reason this show works so well is the chemistry and amazing acting ability with the cast.

Unless ya'll want a True Detective S2.

Luckily, this show isn't determined by fan vote and the creators have already stated they are continuing with the core cast.

Mike M

Nick N
Some random thoughts on the nature of the Demogorgon and the Upside Down:

The Upside Down already existed. I've seen speculation that the Upside Down was a blank slate until Eleven opened the gate, at which point our reality spilled through, but I don't think that's the case, and unambiguously so. The Demogorgon already existed prior to the opening of the gate, and there's an entire ecosystem present: There's the fungal growth on everything, there's the slugs and the tentacle on Will, and at one point Hop shines his flashlight on a giant empty egg (the same size and shape as the ones from Alien, heralding all the elements to come from those movies). Most tellingly, however, is that there are skeletons with Barb and Will. Barb was the second one taken and was still recognizable, so the skeletons were almost certainly not the missing hunters, meaning that they would have been taken by an earlier incursion from Upside Down.

The Demogorgon is not some manifestation of Eleven's dark side. It's arguably her symbolic shadow, but saying that her subconscious came up with it and her powers somehow caused it to physically manifest is a super stretch. Plus, we go back to the skeletons, implying that the Demogorgon or some other member of its species had made the trip before. The show demonstrated that the minds she sees while in the tank appear in the state that they're currently existing in the world, and the Demogorgon was hunched over and eating something.

The Demogorgon may be an earlier experimental subject. I don't really think this is the case, but there are a lot of weird things going on with the Demogorgon.
  • There's only the one that's evident in the entire Upside Down in Hawkins
  • Outside the head, it's pretty humanoid looking
  • Its ability to create gates and detect blood across worlds seems to indicate that it has powers at least similar to Eleven, though it seems to lack telekinesis.
  • It hangs around within a mile or two of Hawkins Lab, which studies people with such abilities
Say subject 10 went into the bath and never came out, and Brenner's crew saw this as an opportunity to make contact again? Who knows. If we're to take their final fate as Eleven demonstrating the ability to open a gate that closes behind her, perhaps the same thing happened for 10. Maybe the "toxic" atmosphere that Will was able to survive in for a week without protective gear wrought some sort of transformation, maybe eating the slugs were the only way to survive and that did it instead. Who knows.

Assuming the Demogorgon is native to Upside Down, WTF is its life cycle? It never ate anyone, it gooed them up Alien style and stuck a worm down their throat. We saw Will cough up a small slug, medium-sized slugs crawling out of Barb's mouth, and Will seemed to have a jumbo-sized one coming out of his mouth doing the egg-laying or whatever. That right there looks like a complete reproductive cycle. Where does the Demogorgon phase happen? Does it have anything to do with the egg shell? How is this supposed to work without hosts from Rightside Up? Who the hell can tell.

Where did those skeletons come from? There hadn't been any missing persons reports since the 20's. Maybe the hypothetical Subject 10 took a couple people with them. Maybe there's a couple populated Sideways dimensions that are easier for the Demogorgon to get to.
People who want an anthology series are an enigma to me. The whole reason this show works so well is the chemistry and amazing acting ability with the cast.

Unless ya'll want a True Detective S2.

Luckily, this show isn't determined by fan vote and the creators have already stated they are continuing with the core cast.

Well this kind of relates to wanting sequels to movies that don't need it, no? It's perfect as it is, and with multiple seasons focusing on the same characters you run the risk of being disappointed/comparing it to the "original" (season one).
Was anyone else hoping that the next season would focus on new characters dealing with a different monster?

Yep. I guess it's cool to want things. But it ain't gonna be an anthology. Pin that to the OP.
Yeah that really needs to be bolded in the OP, plus everyone is sure they are the first to have that thought, no one ever checks to see if things have been discussed .


I mean it's kind of hard to carry on with supernatural mystery once you have like a dozen people in town who are ready to believe whatever batshit thing happens next. A lot of good tension was in people struggling with whether to believe what was happening, and good interpersonal drama comes from deciding whether or not you trust someone enough to tell them there's an alien monster stalking the town. Plus if you carry on with this cast long enough, eventually they have to turn toward the camera and acknowledge that boy oh boy this sure is a whacky town they live in, which often comes off as pat.
I mean it's kind of hard to carry on with supernatural mystery once you have like a dozen people in town who are ready to believe whatever batshit thing happens next. A lot of good tension was in people struggling with whether to believe what was happening, and good interpersonal drama comes from deciding whether or not you trust someone enough to tell them there's an alien monster stalking the town. Plus if you carry on with this cast long enough, eventually they have to turn toward the camera and acknowledge that boy oh boy this sure is a whacky town they live in, which often comes off as pat.

I completely agree. What the show does well is add doses of realism into the supernatural occurrences. In fact for me the first four episodes were the best part of the show.


El deserves a happy home and a loving family. ;-; She reminded me so much of Cass Cain. She deserves to find her Batfamily and a real parent.

I'd rather Nancy not end up with the guy who was okay with harassing her in public OR the guy taking pictures of her undressing but eh. Steve felt so out of place at the end against the monster. He also looks like Jean Ralphio which is just... no.

Will's family has been through too much but I guess more is to come. :(
I mean it's kind of hard to carry on with supernatural mystery once you have like a dozen people in town who are ready to believe whatever batshit thing happens next. A lot of good tension was in people struggling with whether to believe what was happening, and good interpersonal drama comes from deciding whether or not you trust someone enough to tell them there's an alien monster stalking the town. Plus if you carry on with this cast long enough, eventually they have to turn toward the camera and acknowledge that boy oh boy this sure is a whacky town they live in, which often comes off as pat.

I'm intrigued by a potential love triangle between Will and Eleven and Mike. I see Will being able to visit El somehow because of his bleeding effect (Assassin's Creed term) bringing him closer to her/relating with her, while Mike worries about/mourns her and once he finds out Will is speaking to her, he gets a bit jealous.

So that, among many other things, is enough to intrigue me beyond just straight sci-fi reveals to the townsfolk.


Yeah, like I said above I thought basically all the characters were good concepts executed well, so I'm totally on board to see them again. Aaaaand it's kind of hard to say "I want an anthology so they can do the same kind of interpersonal dynamics of discovering something supernatural all over again". It's tough to go forward with a thing like this.

I just kept thinking of the Southern Reach books. The first had just enough of shady government bureaucracy to be intriguing but the subsequent books dug into that too deep for me and ended up squandering the good mystique the first book built.

Obviously it's hard to say anything for sure before a second season happens, but I guess I'm hoping for some happy medium where this show goes one or two more of these short seasons with this cast before moving on to a new cast of Muggles.
People who want an anthology series are an enigma to me. The whole reason this show works so well is the chemistry and amazing acting ability with the cast.

Unless ya'll want a True Detective S2.

Luckily, this show isn't determined by fan vote and the creators have already stated they are continuing with the core cast.

Agreed. We have a near "Stand By Me" level cast, why role the dice on a recasting? Give us one or two more well thought out seasons and end it.

To me, there is plenty of room to channel other 80's movies as the kids grow older, and the potential junior high to high school age change seems like a good way to expand the current dynamic without completely changing it. We'll get the core cast and some new characters added as well, best of both worlds imo.
Hope I'm not alone in this but I really want to know who was trying to contact Hopper and his cop buddy at the Library?

If you listen very closely in their conversation when they we're looking at the microfiche, there was a phone ringing in the background.

Cut to the very end of the season where Joyce and Hopper go back to the very same library to find Will.

So do you think it was the librarian or maybe Barbara before her death or someone else copletely different.

It's nothing huge by any means but it's been bugging me for a while and hope the creators answer that one.


When Hopper steps out of the hospital to smoke, he gets in a car with some suit-lookin' guys. And he boned down with the library (or has established some rapport with her). I wouldn't be surprised if there's some shifty agency operating out of the library. It was definitely suspicious that the Demogorgon was nesting there.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I gotta say Matthew Modine's Dr. Brenner is actually pretty damn creepy and scary on my rewatch when he seemed a little undercooked on the first watch. He is not phased at all by the craziest or violent of things. El kills the two orderlies taking her back to her cell and he just kind of walks over their bodies, looks around examining the scene and then when he sees what happens immediately goes into "papa" mode and starts treating El like she's a good dog. Someone earlier in the thread called him a psychopath and they were pretty spot on. Hell he gets eaten by the monster and just kind of stands there amazed by it all as it happens. The kind of cold calculating unflappability is hard to pull off but I think he did an excellent job at it which made his gung ho subordinates all the better, especially the woman who seamed to be his main agent and popped Benny.


I gotta say Matthew Modine's Dr. Brenner is actually pretty damn creepy and scary on my rewatch when he seemed a little undercooked on the first watch. He is not phased at all by the craziest or violent of things. El kills the two orderlies taking her back to her cell and he just kind of walks over their bodies, looks around examining the scene and then when he sees what happens immediately goes into "papa" mode and starts treating El like she's a good dog. Someone earlier in the thread called him a psychopath and they were pretty spot on. Hell he gets eaten by the monster and just kind of stands there amazed by it all as it happens. The kind of cold calculating unflappability is hard to pull off but I think he did an excellent job at it which made his gung ho subordinates all the better, especially the woman who seamed to be his main agent and popped Benny.
Yeah he was a true sociopath. Especially apparent on a rewatch or two, and watching those scenes makes you realize killing the guys putting her in the room was probably an alternate pre-planned option to get her to prove she could kill.

It is chilling how he really only care about his goal, truly the ends justify the means for Brenner. That's why he dealt with Hopper rven when his hothead security didn't want to, it was the shortest path from point A to point B.

And beyond the character as written Modine's portrayal nailed it, the understatement was actually a little scarier than if it had been over the top( and I usually prefer scene chewing over the top in these particular story's with bad federal employees, but he sold me on it.


Unconfirmed Member
I almost feel like further adventures with the same cast would cheapen the first season, reducing it to one in a series of impossible events that keeps befalling them. If the Upside Down remains a threat, it's going to be a chore to explain why the government doesn't just evacuate the town under false pretenses, or why people don't leave of their own accord in a way that doesn't feel super contrived.

Not saying it can't be done, but I don't envy them trying to keep it fresh.

I've never understood this stupid argument people make about sequels.

"Man... that sequel sucks, kind of ruins the first movie/season/book ect... now"


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Yeah he was a true sociopath. Especially apparent on a rewatch or two, and watching those scenes makes you realize killing the guys putting her in the room was probably an alternate pre-planned option to get her to prove she could kill.

It is chilling how he really only care about his goal, truly the ends justify the means for Brenner. That's why he dealt with Hopper rven when his hothead security didn't want to, it was the shortest path from point A to point B.

And beyond the character as written Modine's portrayal nailed it, the understatement was actually a little scarier than if it had been over the top( and I usually prefer scene chewing over the top in these particular story's with bad federal employees, but he sold me on it.

Yeah another short scene with him that was really understated but on a rewatch stood out was right after El flips the Van. He gets out of his own van, walks right around the flaming wreck and stands right next to it, never really even having acknowledged it and just kind of stares with a small smile on his face. He was more impressed with the power on display than anything else. It was like he was just imagining what he could do when he gets her back and isn't even that upset that he lost her now that he saw first hand what she could really do.


Yeah another short scene with him that was really understated but on a rewatch stood out was right after El flips the Van. He gets out of his own van, walks right around the flaming wreck and stands right next to it, never really even having acknowledged it and just kind of stares with a small smile on his face. He was more impressed with the power on display than anything else. It was like he was just imagining what he could do when he gets her back and isn't even that upset that he lost her now that he saw first hand what she could really do.
Yeah, good eye, missed that one actually, will be watching again at some point so I will pay more attention this time right in line with both the character and portrayal.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Did they ever explain the force field that keeps Nancy's mom from following her up those stairs?

Well she did break into Nancy's room by picking the lock with her hairpin. I think the bigger thing to make note of was that the dad was totally oblivious to everything on nearly every occasion whether its raising his kids or generally what the hell is going on in his own house. Nance and Mikes mother is the one doing all the work in that regard so it makes sense that neither really aware of where their kids are. They also were a lot more trusting of their kids and so on back then.


I fucking loved the ET fakeout scene. Like for one long-ass second I seriously thought Eleven was just gonna levitate their asses into the sky, then she flips the damn truck. Great, great show.

I was expecting the internet to be flooded with shot to shot comparison between Stranger Things & E.T. Especially the bike and the blond wig. However, I couldn't find such comparison. Is there any?


I've never understood this stupid argument people make about sequels.

"Man... that sequel sucks, kind of ruins the first movie/season/book ect... now"

Sequel gives the story a new ending and downgrades the previous ending into the end of an act.

There are plenty of examples of stories that are good, but have a shitty ending. A shitty sequel is an extension of that.


Unconfirmed Member
Sequel gives the story a new ending and downgrades the previous ending into the end of an act.

There are plenty of examples of stories that are good, but have a shitty ending. A shitty sequel is an extension of that.

I disagree.

You can't retroactively make something worse.

No matter if the sequel(S) are good or bad the first season will always be a stellar show.


I disagree.

You can't retroactively make something worse.

No matter if the sequel(S) are good or bad the first season will always be a stellar show.

For you, sure. You can tarnish a legacy though, and you can certainly make the journey of a previous instalment feel wasted if the next instalment is lacking.
....I'm going to be honest.

I thought Mathew Modine was the dead pan officer with the glasses. Guess I didn't really factor in age when deciding that because he sort of looked like what I remember of him. (I haven't seen him or his name that often to really know him).

So those Brenner posts above blew my mind hahaha.

Mike M

Nick N
I've never understood this stupid argument people make about sequels.

"Man... that sequel sucks, kind of ruins the first movie/season/book ect... now"
There's a whole paragraph after the line you bolded explaining my reasoning for the "stupid argument."


I'm very much of the mindset that this series would work optimally as an anthology.

Before the second season continuation -- I would've fully expected them to go full American Horror Story and retain the same cast. One of the best parts of that show is seeing great actors return to play against type set from the previous season.

Still, they've obviously got me very interested in a season 2. Although they'll definitely have to expand greatly on the concept of the Upside Down, even just monster variety would help. Besides that, outside of the love triangle, I'm not sure where they take our current characters, Will has the most obvious hook, but everyone else's arcs felt pretty complete.
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