The files are broken down into sections being in alphabetical order with the \chara\ and \content\ in it from all characters that have 3 initials for description in the file with move sets.
All the identical files that are the same withe different initial have the same "coding" or writing on their files.
Think about it they took the vowels out of the full name.
And the CMN section is the section that all characters reference. This isn't a hard concept. The \Chara\CMN\Animation\CMNM_DMG_AIR_SPIN_LEFT animation you referenced is what every characer uses when they spin out to the left.
There are no /sound/ references for CMN, or special move listings. Nothing in there points to it being a unique character.
You do know we have a Beta 3 that is coming soon ,BTW.
What does this have to do with anything