Thread devolved into people talking about how balanced SFV is when it's fucking beta. FailFish
or using homogeneous ass games like Tekken in comparison to balancing a Street Fighter title
Thread devolved into people talking about how balanced SFV is when it's fucking beta. FailFish
I feel that capcom is going to make changes to him and everything i learned and tried in the beta will be gone.
Thread devolved into people talking about how balanced SFV is when it's fucking beta. FailFish
Have you seen Karin? It's animeIts either this or anime, gotta go with the lesser of two evils
Jesus Christ why the fuck did Capcom change Cammy's super from QCB x 2 to QCF x 2.
Now it conflicts with Cannon Spike.
Karin's seems to be rather reliable, but you have to EX it to give it those properties. Necalli's seems pretty solid but I've mainly been on the receiving end of it.
I'm saying she is the intro to an anime x 30Karin is 2 or 3 levels from Peak Anime.
I love how meaty and impactful everything in the game feels.
Complaining about balance when the game is almost half a year away from release...
I looked thru the files and found the initials of "CMN" that may stand for Crimson Viper. Plus, those are her move settings.
CMN in files do not stand for common.
All characters have the same file form.
There are no other characters in SF series that have initials like that ,beside Crimson Viper.
3266 StreetFighterVBeta\Content\Chara\BLR\Animation\BLR_ATK_2HK.uasset (Barlog, VEGA)
3840 StreetFighterVBeta\Content\Chara\BRD\Animation\BRD_ATK_2HK.uasset (Birdie)
4384 StreetFighterVBeta\Content\Chara\CMN\Animation\CMNM_DMG_AIR_SPIN_LEFT.uasset (Crimson Viper)
4837 StreetFighterVBeta\Content\Chara\CMY\Animation\CAM_CMY_DEM_RESULT_01.uasset (Cammy)
5792 StreetFighterVBeta\Content\Chara\KEN\Animation\CAM_KEN_DEM_RESULT_01.uasset (KEN)
Stand LK, Stand HK, Back+HK, EX SBK. She doesn't have a traditional invincible reversal (though EX SBK is invincible), so you have to learn to use her normals heavily.What do you use for AA with Chun ?
What do you use for AA with Chun ?
I'm surprised people assumed they wouldn't have thought ahead to scrub any data referring to future characters from the second beta. I'd hope they would learn their lesson after both the rosters for Super Street Fighter IV and Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 leaked right as they announced both games.
Didn't SFxT's roster leak, as well?
Stand LK, Stand HK, Back+HK, EX SBK. She doesn't have a traditional invincible reversal (though EX SBK is invincible), so you have to learn to use her normals heavily.
Jumping into them for an air to air and backdashing are also good options for her.Trying normals, but I feel so free for the opponent anytime they jump on me. Just got owned by a dictator. ._.
Is it just me or the game no longer lets you select to be matched with anyone or to be matched only within your region?
I remember this option on the first(s) beta, but now I don't see it.
I thought SSF4/UMVC3's roster leaks were controlled?
I'm not sure what you mean by that but here's how the roster leaks, as I remember, happened:
Before Super Street Fighter IV was even announced the roster was leaked, with brief descriptions of Juri (who had a name) and Hakan (who didn't but people thought it might be Darun Mister). So when SSFIV was announced days later and Juri was shown off, the roster was automatically confirmed.
UMvC3, I think, was leaked the day it was announced because someone found the character art on the UMvC3 website by just typing things like "/chara/vergil.jpg" or whatever. That was actually a pretty pleasant leak because we knew 1) how many characters there would be and 2) who they were so it was more about how they would play instead of hoping against hope that who you wanted would make it in over a six month period. I'd actually prefer that with SFV because the sting of a classic character like Dhalsim or Zangief wouldn't be as severe.
It was a bummer Gene from God Hand didn't make it in. I think Capcom All-Stars might have been his last chance.
What I mean was I thought someone came in here who knew the rosters just listed them off with little flair and left. UMVC3 in particular, which was just bullshit because it was announced like 3 months after Vanilla hit.
Mika gonna get nerfed to the ground aint she?
By the time they are done with her she won't be able to breathe without a machine.
If i remember correctly :
Lupinko pretty much leaked the whole MVC3 cast and the existence of Ultimate.
Then he played us like damn fiddles with riddles on the UMVC3 cast, but then the "leak" happened without him, and everybody was mad at him lol.
Mika gonna get nerfed to the ground aint she?
By the time they are done with her she won't be able to breathe without a machine.
Ryu nerfs:
f+hp - cr.hp does NOT combo
Light Tatsu into EX SRK doesn't work (Corner)
EX Tatsu into EX Hadoken doesn't work (Corner) - doesn't work
Medium Tatsu doesn't hit crouching opponents anymore
Both of his Critical Art's don't hard knockdown anymore > special seems gone
Nerfs from Denjin Mode include reduced stun from charged hadoken, every hadoken drains more meter and general damage nerfs across the board.
Parry builds less meter too.
Yeah, she's omae wa mo shindeiru
Lupinko also leaked SF v TK roster as well.
Ken, Mika and Karin probably.
Poor girl. Need some grapplers that aren't bullied mostly once in a while.
Ken deserves the nerf.dont kill me ken army
You can't link to c.lp and therefore can no longer combo from a low. There's other changes but that's the most obvious to me.
Lupinko also leaked SF v TK roster as well.
Ken, Mika and Karin probably.
wat how, this is the first time ever using him more than 5 minutes and hes great how does he deserve it tho
Low/grab crushAnd what's the point with Chun's forward HK ? It's annoying when you want neutral HK.