It's a shame I couldn't get more playtime. I could barelly play for like 25 minutes on friday and saturday. Today I had a lot more playtime, but with so many characters, it was hard.
My playtime has been a lot like this: "Is this safe? Is it? Sems like it is... okay, it is not. So when can I use it? Can I use it here? No? Okay, here. And here? Oh, shit, I'm about to lose, I need to find a proper punishment to this move... let's see no, yes, but then what? Okay, I lost. Let's see in the next match. Oh, a different character!. Okay, now I start feeling confortable with this character, let's pickup a different one or else I will be unable to try more than two."
Sadly I had to concentrate on a handful characters. I didn't get to play Vega, Birdie, Ryu, Ken, Cammy and Bison. From my playtime against them, I found Vega to be very scary.
From the characters I played, I think my favorite so far is Chun. Her normals are as good as they have always been. I found her VS to be one of the more interestings in the game. I also love her lighting kicks being a command now. I've never been a Chun player, but she's number one in my list right now.
I expected to have big fun with Mika, and while I enjoyed her and I'm eager to try her out more, I'm not a big fan of her playstyle. I guess I'm more of a footsie dude.
Karin I liked too, but I found her far too technical and with too many mixups to really appreacatte her with my very short period of playtime.That said, I can easily see myself gravitating towards her when choosing my main.
I tried to like Necalli, but he's the one character I liked less of the bunch I got to play. This, as with everyone else, is just early impressions and everything could change, but I'm not feeling it.
Rashid is one character I expected to not enjoy at all, but I found myself having a lot of fun with him. I think he has good pressure tools and some awesome movility. Still I think his divekicks are mostly crap. If at least he could go through fireballs with the EX version... Fun character.
I also had no interest in Nash prior to the beta, but I found him very fun to play. His normals feel right. His specials not so much. I'm looking forward to learn him better.
On a general note, I like the high risk high reward system, I love the no chip death, I love the no Ultra moves, I dislike the backdash startup delay on most characters, I like the netcode, except when the connection is bad, when the game becoes a teleport fest. I also love the general feel of the game, the inertia, the weight, how good hits feels, how clean input is rewarded. I want so much more of this.