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Street Fighter V Beta 2 Thread: Welcome, future 21007s! Now on PC!

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Reakky enjoyed all the time I got in the beta. Karin, Ken and Vega are really fun to use and pull off combos with. The only thing I have to get used to now is the pace of the game. There were a moments when I got caught by dash up grab or karins command dash into grab since they're pretty fast. Playing against good Rashids are pretty overwhelming too.


You can actually link the dash uppercut with Karin after a jab. Pretty great for jab punishes. It has to be the quick version though, so the timing for it is very hard.


Raw, that works. Not in combos though.

It does. You just have to delay the command, rather than cancel the c.MK straight into QCF K.

Delay it slightly, as if it was a very quick link rather than a cancel.

Another thing that works is doing TK QCF K~P, it's almost always just enough time, but I prefer to just delay it, takes a bit of practice to get used to, but it's very consistent.

It's even easier if you just use st.MP rather than c.MK, but the range is worse, so I'd recommend getting used to c.MK's timing.

EDIT: Also canceling c.MK straight into the QCF K and delayed P also works, but it was less consistent in my experience. Another thing is cancelling c.MK into QCF K and then double tapping P, but that's too much work, I prefer to use the delayed QCF K~P method.

You can actually link the dash uppercut with Karin after a jab. Pretty great for jab punishes. It has to be the quick version though, so the timing for it is very hard.

That I think might be too hard for me to do consistently. Jab into QCB K will probably be my jab punish.
Damn, Birdie couldn't defend against all that rushdown spamming?.

Birdie could have jabbed out when he went for the moonsault or just used EX bull charge since that has armor on it. There is a gap between the block string and the moonsault. The sad thing is that after every moonsault that Birdie just stopped blocking and got counter hit every single time instead of trying something else. The moonsault is + on block (or close to neutral, I don't have frame data on hand to check), so generally if you block it just keep blocking for a bit and watch out for a throw attempt.
One of the big things I really need to work on is not being afraid to use meter. I usually just save it for the super but I shouldn't be stingy with my meter. So many matches I could of won using my meter instead of saving it.


If there's one thing that keeps this game good, it's the lack of EX moves becoming fireball invincible. SFIV had so much of that shit.
Hahahah, fair enough. A bad call. I just it had just invincible frames on startup or a faster startup or something like that. As they are now, his divekicks are kinda shitty.

His V-Skill roll is a great anti fireball move. (Down + MP&MK)
Yeah, I know.


If you get a free fierce/RH jump in, most characters will be able to do ~400 dog with their v-triggers. Mika is definitely strong though.


And crouching jab ruining things seems to be way too prevalent in this beta. Fix this shit, Guerrilla. .\

Karin's pressure tool with the command dash using the light kick is similar to Guy's run-stop, though less controlled. And he had the same problem with jabs, so really, it's a matter of conditioning people to block to get things going. But it's online, most opponents are going to be button pressers, so you should just play it safe. That's the way I see it, anyway.

Edit: Quoted the wrong person.


One of the big things I really need to work on is not being afraid to use meter. I usually just save it for the super but I shouldn't be stingy with my meter. So many matches I could of won using my meter instead of saving it.
Couldn't figure out a good way to use meter with Rashid. The one is a decent GTFO move, but I didn't get what the other ones would be good for.
Is it too early to say I wanna marry Karin?

Maybe if they removed the fade to black? It never confused me in Injustice, but I actually see them getting up, my mind never "resets" like it does when it fades to black.

Well, they DO have the lil icon stating YOU above your head 1nce you restart a round.
Hahahah, fair enough. A bad call. I just it had just invincible frames on startup or a faster startup or something like that. As they are now, his divekicks are kinda shitty.

Yeah, I know.

They seem to be good combo material. Someone posted a video showing how he can use an EX dive kick to get a stun in 1 combo + 1 reset.


I also can't praise Ryu's animations enough. SO GOOD.

You can feel every punch, I love this. I'll miss his st. MP and c. HP going back to Ultra.

But I also miss his far HP from IV in this game. It would look incredible. I don't care if it's bad, that animation is godlike.

They kinda gave it to Ken, but it's lame, just like Ken.

Well, they DO have the lil icon stating YOU above your head 1nce you restart a round.

Right, but I get more confused about the meter. I know the health is full when round 2 starts, so I only check the bars, and I usually then have to check the health bar as well to see if the portrait reflects my character.

Then, if it's a mirror match, I'm fucked.

But maybe it's just me and everyone else had no problem adjusting.


Right, but I get more confused about the meter. I know the health is full when round 2 starts, so I only check the bars, and I usually then have to check the health bar as well to see if the portrait reflects my character.

Then, if it's a mirror match, I'm fucked.

But maybe it's just me and everyone else had no problem adjusting.

I think you'll get used to it in due time as you'll probably be checking the HUDs constantly.

Something that initially threw me for a loop was not watching the opponent's stun bar often enough. So at times I'd waste meter on a max-damage combo, only to watch them fall right through while dizzied.


Is there a reason to have a "Fighter ID"? Why not just use the PSN names? Maybe it's to make PS4/PC communication easier?

I'm sure that's exactly the reason. While playing on PS4, I could see someone's Capcom Fighters Network ID & their PSN ID, but if they were playing on PC, I could only see their CFN ID.


What is the range on that like? L version, M version, H version? I only played her once.

It looked like it had the same range as the hk version, but I can't say for sure. Ex Dash into Orochi after a fireball was a good way to get a crumple on careless Ryu/Ken players.


What is the range on that like? L version, M version, H version? I only played her once.

It's like a faster H version of her command dash. I didn't know it had that functionality so it could be useful outside of combos, at least.

Of course, Karin destroys zoning so easily I can't see why someone would chuck fireballs at her.
SFV has a lot of characters that I want to play as opposed to the other games in the series which was just Ryu and Decapre(Dropped Juri after Ultra came out). Hoping they get better when the game comes out.
I had a lot of fun with the beta until I started getting matched up with Cammy players. Vega and Rashid are more fun than I ever would've expected. I wish I'd gotten to play more of it, but I still got 75+ matches and 3200+ LP, so I can't complain.


Is it true that Japanese players consider the post round hits bad manners, and it's the reason why Capcom took it out of SF4?


Combo into ex qcb k causes a juggle and you can follow up with qcf mp
Edit sorry for double post
Ooh I'll remember that for next beta. Though I did enjoy antiairing with Rashid's super. Especially Vega players who think it's a good idea to do a Barcelona attack when I'm fully stocked.


Is it true that Japanese players consider the post round hits bad manners, and it's the reason why Capcom took it out of SF4?

I think Capcom devs said that's the reason they took it out of later versions of SFIV. However, around the time of USF4 being released an American Capcom rep (Combofiend, I think) said that the after KO hit would sometimes cause the game to freeze so they removed it.


Having just gotten my slow ass up to speed and seeing people cosplay Laura....Capcom made a good choice with her design. She's going to be popular.
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