PC Preload is up
Just finished downloading it. Now to play the waiting game...
Just making sure, but the only grab you can combo into with Mika is her CA right?
Just finished downloading it. Now to play the waiting game...
With Vega, anything that leaves you slightly -, but too close to walk out of range to cause whiffs, qcb lp/mp will beat their counterpoke since it moves you back faster than walking.
Vega is so sick
i love that you can juggle from AA HP version. couldn't link slide or any other normals, but ex moves, super, and v-trigger worked.
Just finished downloading it. Now to play the waiting game...
So like is there any folder named dhalsim? Lmao xD
So like is there any folder named dhalsim? Lmao xD
Or maybe one with DLC and future characters in it.
So what exactly changes about Necalli's move set when u pop V-Trigger?
So what exactly changes about Necalli's move set when u pop V-Trigger?
PC Preload is up
Surprised that Mika seems fun, and her combo potential is better than Vega's.. But I dislike her outfit though so ???
Surprised that Mika seems fun, and her combo potential is better than Vega's.. But I dislike her outfit though so ???
I literally just burst out laughing. Out of the sheer ridiculousness of my luck. I barely got to play the first beta because of all the issues. Today I decide to try the second beta. Get in "Need an update" okay no problem. I get to train in the mean time, that's cool. Update complete. Cool I get to play some matches now. NOPE. Can't log into servers. Great update Capcom.
I literally just burst out laughing. Out of the sheer ridiculousness of my luck. I barely got to play the first beta because of all the issues. Today I decide to try the second beta. Get in "Need an update" okay no problem. I get to train in the mean time, that's cool. Update complete. Cool I get to play some matches now. NOPE. Can't log into servers. Great update Capcom.
I literally just burst out laughing. Out of the sheer ridiculousness of my luck. I barely got to play the first beta because of all the issues. Today I decide to try the second beta. Get in "Need an update" okay no problem. I get to train in the mean time, that's cool. Update complete. Cool I get to play some matches now. NOPE. Can't log into servers. Great update Capcom.
PC Preload is up
Go data miners, go!PC Preload is up
Second beta goes up officially at 9 EST. Some people are just managing to getting in early, with the very occasional match and frequent disconnects.
I'm really glad they're letting us choose the language for the Beta. Mika's English voice gets annoying really fast.
I dig her japanese voice.
For me it's because I can't stop hearing "BELIEVE IT!"I'm really glad they're letting us choose the language for the Beta. Mika's English voice gets annoying really fast.
I dig her japanese voice.
AgreedMost underrated new feature of the beta is that fact that you can train on any stage.
Training stage still obviously has its advantages, but its nice on the eyes and ears to mix it up every once in a while
About time you can do this in a capcom fighter. I love the waterfall stage, going to save ma fight maneh for the Kanzuka estate now :/Most underrated new feature of the beta is that fact that you can train on any stage.
Training stage still obviously has its advantages, but its nice on the eyes and ears to mix it up every once in a while
Here's an R. Mika CA setup I came up with right before it went down.
J. HP, ST. HP, V-Trigger (Neutral), Target Combo (St. LK, St. MP), CA.
Most underrated new feature of the beta is that fact that you can train on any stage.
Training stage still obviously has its advantages, but its nice on the eyes and ears to mix it up every once in a while
Ah yeahGet hype about that Data Mine!
Comboing into a command grab what
About time you can do this in a capcom fighter.