Why do people save their V trigger? I feel like it should be like X factor and should try to use it every round
Because nobody knows how to play sf5 yet.
Why do people save their V trigger? I feel like it should be like X factor and should try to use it every round
c.HP to antiair, but use her command dash to get out of a crossup jump in the neutral.Karin. My st.HP is always too slow and I don't like burning meter on anti-air, but its looking like my only option.
Guess I'm just not used to the speed of the game compared to 4 (even though i was pretty ass at anti-air there too).
c.HP to antiair, but use her command dash to get out of a crossup jump in the neutral.
Why do people save their V trigger? I feel like it should be like X factor and should try to use it every round
Didn't the first hit of Ryu's tatsu used to hit crouching oppenents? I feel like he had that in the first beta.
c.HP to antiair, but use her command dash to get out of a crossup jump in the neutral.
Yeah, thats the one I meant. It feels like his overhead is a little slower too.Only the mk version i thought did.
Doesn't seem to do that anymore.
Holy shit, I can play chun li.
Havent had much time in the lab, but I still havent found any new combos. Just confirming some old ones doesn't work anymore.
Anyone got some combos for her ?
Why do people save their V trigger? I feel like it should be like X factor and should try to use it every round
What are vega's best anti airs? I'm getting jumped on way too much.
Also, spacing yourself so that your cr.HP will always work can also be good. I hover at a range where I can still pop them with cr.HP.
It's not the best habit for footsies, but if I'm smelling a panic jump, I'll shimmy back and forth with the intent of staying within the right anti-air range.
I mainly use it when people jump since it freezes the screen for a second. Activate V-Trigger into anti-air punish is something I don't see a lot of people do for some reason
Properly spaced standing roundhouse, crouching fierce. down vtrigger works also. You have to space properly for him to anti air, it's not that hard though due to his incredible movement on the ground.
Capcom, bring out Cammy already please.
Holy shit, I can play chun li.
Havent had much time in the lab, but I still havent found any new combos. Just confirming some old ones doesn't work anymore.
Anyone got some combos for her ?
Well look at you mr sourpussWhy ? You don't want to see how much they butchered her.
Also, how are we supposed to send hatemail now ?
Capcom, bring out Cammy already please.
What are vega's best anti airs? I'm getting jumped on way too much.
Also, like Bison, you can use his slide to escape a jump in. I know one of my goals with Bison is to stop trying to block crossup jumpins altogether. Just slide out of that crap and reset the neutral.Properly spaced standing roundhouse, crouching fierce. down vtrigger works also. You have to space properly for him to anti air, it's not that hard though due to his incredible movement on the ground.
If I'm using Ken I wait for the opponent to mess up and give me a clear opening for a combo, if using Karin, I wait for the moment I'm pressuring the opponent and then I go nuts. With Nash I just use it for a combo if the chance presents itself.Why do people save their V trigger? I feel like it should be like X factor and should try to use it every round
SFV twitter said Birdie's up. Sorry Cammy fans.
Sfv twitter being rude
Damn, can't believe I didn't think of this as it gets used to great effect of me all the damn time. I'll give it a shot.Also, like Bison, you can use his slide to escape a jump in. I know one of my goals with Bison is to stop trying to block crossup jumpins altogether. Just slide out of that crap and reset the neutral.
Been playing R.Mike, Ken, and Ryu. Honestly it's discouraging me that I'm doing so awful at this game.
I found a good comparison between the versions. Overall, there's not too many big improvements, but the PC version looks a whole lot clearer.
Yes I'm bit obsessed with this whatever.
I'm really liking Ryu! I need to get used to how his parry works, but he's something familiar from all my time in SFIV! Weird how some of his attacks have different animations when blocked, I haven't seen that with anyone else.
I've lost like 80% of the matches I've played
Something that I came to realize is that you have to look at this game as starting from square one. A bunch of strategies I used in USF4 aren't really effective anymore because it's just a completely different game. So you're probably going to lose a lot but eventually you'll adapt.
I'm FINALLY winning matches with Vega after losing almost nonstop today.