Got like 56k recentlyWhat's the lowest rank anyone has matched? That should give us an idea of how many people are playing the beta.
I saw a guy ranked 49,000.
Got like 56k recentlyWhat's the lowest rank anyone has matched? That should give us an idea of how many people are playing the beta.
I saw a guy ranked 49,000.
Did you try restarting your router?
How effective are Karin and Necalli's DPs?
Damn when Chun beats Ken she says "At this rate your sons gonna surpass you in no time"
Just looked at the top 200 or so in the worldwide Ranking tables. Nash Fighter V.
I am pretty sure they won't allow that.
With a game that decides to have free DLC through ingame currency I don't want them to remove that feature because PC people can mod and hack the game while they're at it.
I'd rather have no mod and everybody can get all the game's content to be honest.
So doing Mika's sweep into neutral vtrigger is never bad EVER. If it hits your assist will combo into it. If it's blocked it's safe.
It doesn't combo if they tech.
Probably lttp on this, but Cammy's in now.
No only after target combo I think.Wait could you always cancel spiral arrow into CA? I played with Cammy so much in the last one and never did this literally picked her up for 2 min and it worked.
Cammy's back!
chun still has her air lightning legs tech, it's so good.
The beta isn't for you to learn the game, it's to test the netcode for the billionth time.After reading the infinite training trick I got a good amount of time with Ryu to ease myself into the experience, given that this is a franchise I never really played besides at the most casual level. Feels like I'm more in control now. Pretty dumb that a workaround was needed for me to have a good 20-30 minutes in training to practice fundamentals so I could enjoy myself, but it is what it is.
What's the lowest rank anyone has matched? That should give us an idea of how many people are playing the beta.
I saw a guy ranked 49, there are at least 50k players right now
After reading the infinite training trick I got a good amount of time with Ryu to ease myself into the experience, given that this is a franchise I never really played besides at the most casual level. Feels like I'm more in control now. Pretty dumb that a workaround was needed for me to have a good 20-30 minutes in training to practice fundamentals so I could enjoy myself, but it is what it is.
Chun's cr.lp b.hp xx kikoken frame trap got nerfed nooo.
Probably deserved. Shit was completely ridiculous.
Lol. Cammy is fine, guys. Amazing damage, footies, and an easy auto v trigger that gets her out of pretty much any bad positioning.
Cammy still looks like Justin Wong.
Haven't had a single match in the last four hours, how are other people from Aus doing?
Haven't had a single match in the last four hours, how are other people from Aus doing?