Crush counter b.HP for Chun is great. Seems pretty easy to meaty them with on wake-up. If they try and press anything, you can just combo into sweep. On block, b.HP is a bit plus so you're next to them with frame advantage.
I started trying to find more situations where v-trigger activation makes sense. With Chun I started buffering st.HP into v-trigger. On block, I'm at a range where I want to be at what looks to be +0 (very safe activation). On hit, you can easily hit confirm during the VT activation freeze and do cr.MK xx medium SBK for pretty nice damage and a knockdown.
Yeah her b.HP is godly, I'm starting to play around with her Rankyaku with V-trigger as her attacks in the air come down much faster and they are much safer then complete jump-ins.