So lets go over how wrong you are.
She has 950 health, more than Karin or Cammy
She has much better anti airs than Karin, if you cant AA with cr.hp, st.hp and mk dp, you need to git gud
She can happily do over 240 meterless, which is more than a lot of the cast
She has plus frame normals
She has multiple links from normals int other normals
She can make herself safe on block with lk release always.
Her V-trigger gives a better reward than Balrogs
Juri can do over 380 meterless in the corner using V-trigger.
That about covers it.
Let me start by saying I don't know how accurate any of this is. This is just how I feel about her after playing her the last few days.
My problem with her is having to constatly charge up moves. Either I have to do it after a knockdown and lose wakeup pressure. Or I have to use a combo opportunity to charge a move and deal pitiful dmg. This just seems extremely counter intuitive in this game and especially on Juri who I've seen people say is a rushdown character.
I also feel like her normals aren't that good? I dunno,
mp and
lp are what you'd expect.
mp seem like it has short range and generally doesn't do much except act as a combo linker.
mk seems like it's a poking move, but I swear it loses to everyone I try to poke with it.
hp seems to be solely intended as an aa and very punishable on block combo linker.
hk I like though, nice range, punishable ofc. But in general my experience with footsies is that I lose.
Another thing I find very hard with her is actually getting any decent combo's done outside of jumpins. This is especially true without charges I feel.
Last thing I wanna mention is her animations and hitboxes, they are fucking ass. Her hitboxes doesn't match her animations at all. Pretty much the entire back half of her spinwheel seem to have no hitbox whatsoever. So whenever you try to punish a jumpin to late, the other person can avoid being hit despite very clearly being within range of the spinwheel. Her flipkick move, qcb.k, will get hit by crouching kicks right on the ground level even in the middle or the flipkick, so even though by all measure of logic, the spinkick should hit the other player before their low attack would connect with juri. Juri still loses the exchange, it's nonsense. Of course, she also has two specials that everyone would assume to be overheads based on their animation, yet they are not.
Sorry, this became a long ramble and I can't be bothered to fix it to be more coherent. Anyone feel free to respond and tell me how wrong I am about any of it if you feel like it, would be appreciated