Juri feels like she has to put in twice as much work or more to get the same result as other "decent" characters like Karin or Cammy.
After 2 days of playing she just seems bad, no reason to have 900 health when she has poor normals compared to others, everything is negative, requires charges to make any sort of offense in neutral, has mediocre anti airs (I misread this at first thinking that her cr.hp and mk DP were actually good, boy did I learn I was wrong) and has low damage even with charges.
Best case scenario meterless damage with Juri is around 240 with mk / hk charges when Necalli does around 250 with no charges he has a command grab mixup to work with, better health, stronger oki frames than anything juri could ever get, a meterless reversal, a better vtrigger (juri can't even jab VTC jab). Juri has no links with her normals outside of counter hits, and her normals aren't even that good. Her throw range is good, but her oki frame data for a throw is one of the worst in the game. Her vtrigger has no reason to be 3 bars when the reward is so low, Chun can combo from her overhead with a 2 bar vtrigger, Juri can't even chain into it with her busted-ass feng shui in SFV.
It's like Capcom designed these DLC characters with the past mistakes of the original cast in mind (plus frames on v-trigger cancels from original cast vs DLC has me definitely thinking this), but isn't gonna bother to bring the rest of the cast in line with the DLC characters until Capcom Cup is over.