GGs. The match where I managed to stun you and then got reverse owned because I dropped my combo made me sad
You're probably the best Mika ive fought yet, that shit was crazy
Im really not too sure against mika.. I have no clue if her rolling shoulder move is positive or negative on block. I know her irish whip is like -30 but I suck at punishing it
For the rest, not really. I know her charged drop kick is like +2 on block tho
c.HP can be anywhere from -4 to +1 on block depending on spacing. You just have to pay attention to the range. If she's close, then you can probably punish her, and even if she's far, you can
probably get away with a jab and have it trade at worst. That move is only + on block at a near-perfect distance, and it won't come up that often. Since a good Mika will try to always hit with it at max distance, just be mindful of that range, stay just out of it, and be ready to whiff punish.
Her s.MP is the move that leads into most of her big damage opportunities, and its -2 on block. After a target combo (s.LK xx s.MP), it's -5 on block. So, you're always free to do something after that move.
Don't sit there and just block the charged s.HK drop kick. If possible, either (1) crush counter it (it only has 1 active frame, so it's actually not too hard to interrupt when you see it coming) or (2) neutral jump it and get a full punish combo. If you're forced to block it, it's usually a good idea to V-Reversal it if you have the meter.
Her f.HP is +3 on block, a crush counter, a launcher, and leaves her in range for an EX throw even when blocked, so you never want to contest Mika's meaty setups on your wake-up with something like a jab, because you're begging to get CC'd into another crush counter setup. Usually you're just going to want to choose between block, jump, throw tech, or SRK, unless you know that she doesn't have an airtight meaty setup available.