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Tips for fighting Alex:
-He has no reversals and all of his normals are slow. Pressure him and don't let up.
-Lariat is plus on block, so don't hit any buttons after it. Try jumping or doing an invincible move instead!
-Power Bomb has six frames of startup so you can throw out a jab if you see it coming and stuff it.
-His normals, crMP aside, have horrid range. You can easily outpoke him with stuff like Mika's Rainbow Sobat.
-All versions of Flash Chop except EX and all versions of Slash Elbow including EX are unsafe on block. Punish them with Target Combo into EX Peach or even just crLP into LP Peach.
-His V-Reversal can be baited easily so don't be afraid to go in on Oki. fHP is your friend here, cuz he has to sit there and take the 50/50 followup unless he can get a lucky EX Slash Elbow off.

GGs, though! I saw noticeable improvement over the course of that set (challenging with jabs and DP on wakeup, outpoking, being more aggressive in general). Lemme know if you ever wanna fight again.
Best MU as Nash.
8.0 R.Mika
7.7 Ibuki
7.4 Ken
6.8 Ryu
6.7 Karin

As much I love to bitch about R.Mika's Irish Whip, I don't know how it's unfavorable for Nash,


Wow, I'm glad I mentioned the site, it's motivating to see everyone's pages :) Also incredibly amused that my comment last night about Juri not being added to the site yet has been fixed less than 24 hours later lol. For some reason I never linked my profile, but here it is:


Note that I haven't played ranked since mid-May, and despite my depressing win rate against others here in the OT lounges I am pretty confident I could rank up considerably if I sat myself down to do it, and play a little less recklessly.
Wow, I'm glad I mentioned the site, it's motivating to see everyone's pages :) Also incredibly amused that my comment last night about Juri not being added to the site yet has been fixed less than 24 hours later lol. For some reason I never linked my profile, but here it is:


Note that I haven't played ranked since mid-May, and despite my depressing win rate against others here in the OT lounges I am pretty confident I could rank up considerably if I sat myself down to do it, and play a little less recklessly.

I played you before you can get to silver and beyond easy. Play some ranked dude. your current league don't represent your skill properly IMO.
Infil says Nash-Mika is even.

Speaking of Nash, his v-skill getting hit by the 2nd hit of Chun's EX fireball after a sonic boom ate the first hit is super annoying.


I played you before you can get to silver and beyond easy. Play some ranked dude. your current league don't represent your skill properly IMO.

Yeah I remember having fun against your Guile, we were really well matched and that wasn't too long after he was first released, I think. Gotta play a couple sets again someday when we get the chance :) I'll probably play some ranked after finals this week, gotta at least aim for silver, but I'd like to get gold.
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";212952516]Infil says Nash-Mika is even.

Speaking of Nash, his v-skill getting hit by the 2nd hit of Chun's EX fireball after a sonic boom ate the first hit is super annoying.[/QUOTE]
Same happens for all multi hit projectiles. Even Guile's vskill boom.


Same happens for all multi hit projectiles. Even Guile's vskill boom.

By second hit i assume he means that a sonic boom that you threw has already nullified the first hit. If i remember correctly you can absorb Guile's second hit of his vskill sonic boom. In the same situation with chun li you can't absorb the second hit of her ex fireball.
By second hit i assume he means that a sonic boom that you threw has already nullified the first hit. If i remember correctly you can absorb Guile's second hit of his vskill sonic boom. In the same situation with chun li you can't absorb the second hit of her ex fireball.

I knew exactly what he meant, and the vskill sonic boom also has two hits and can't be absorbed if Nash had already nullified one hit with his own sonic boom.

Same goes for practically every multi hit projectile.


I'm very quickly building a hatred for Juri. Really struggling against her.

What are you struggling with? Most of her stuff is unsafe unless she ends with a charge or a fireball, she can get jabbed out of her v skill which uncharged is so slow. 9/10 Juri's will back dash at the start of a match so they can try and do all 3 charges because that's where their biggest combos/Juggles come from, that's them sacricing space at the start if they get rushed down.

Much like Ibuki once they run out of resources, make them work hard to get those resources back


Unconfirmed Member
Wait you can do this?

I currently play on PC. If I change my CFN to something else will I be able to register the same ID again on PS4? That would be awesome...
Yeah, you can write Capcom an email and they should do it.
Not sure if that id is then free for whatever you want to do, though.
What are you having most trouble with? I don't think she's too bad once you know what is unsafe.

What are you struggling with? Most of her stuff is unsafe unless she ends with a charge or a fireball, she can get jabbed out of her v skill which uncharged is so slow. 9/10 Juri's will back dash at the start of a match so they can try and do all 3 charges because that's where their biggest combos/Juggles come from, that's them sacricing space at the start if they get rushed down.

Much like Ibuki once they run out of resources, make them work hard to get those resources back

I think she's really showing up my lack of match up knowledge, as well as my loose fundamentals. I've got by thus far, but I ranked up to Ultra Bronze over the weekend and some of the Silver Juri's I've facing are just on top of me all the time.
Better question why, can't Juri combo her normal overhead?

Very few people can to be fair. Although it's dumb she can't in v-trigger.

I think she's really showing up my lack of match up knowledge, as well as my loose fundamentals. I've got by thus far, but I ranked up to Ultra Bronze over the weekend and some of the Silver Juri's I've facing are just on top of me all the time.

You just need to put the time in to learn the matchup. Go into training mode with Juri and check all her buttons and specials. Then test them out. What can you punish and what can you not punish? Can you AA her jump-ins? Which buttons do you have that beat her good footsie buttons?

Which character do you play?
Tips for fighting Alex:
-He has no reversals and all of his normals are slow. Pressure him and don't let up.
-Lariat is plus on block, so don't hit any buttons after it. Try jumping or doing an invincible move instead!
-Power Bomb has six frames of startup so you can throw out a jab if you see it coming and stuff it.
-His normals, crMP aside, have horrid range. You can easily outpoke him with stuff like Mika's Rainbow Sobat.
-All versions of Flash Chop except EX and all versions of Slash Elbow including EX are unsafe on block. Punish them with Target Combo into EX Peach or even just crLP into LP Peach.
-His V-Reversal can be baited easily so don't be afraid to go in on Oki. fHP is your friend here, cuz he has to sit there and take the 50/50 followup unless he can get a lucky EX Slash Elbow off.

GGs, though! I saw noticeable improvement over the course of that set (challenging with jabs and DP on wakeup, outpoking, being more aggressive in general). Lemme know if you ever wanna fight again.
I think we'll both agree that my two biggest weak points are my wakeup game and my punishing. Any feedback on how I could improve? You outguessed me every time on wakeup, so I need to know safer options (particularly with Mika).

Necalli is by far my best character, so after you exposed my Mika scrubness I figured I'd just let you critique me at my best. :p

Bear in mind I think there's a physical barrier on my end because at some points I was like, "Oh shit, got him on CC! Time to puni--oh too late." XD


Junior Member
Got my first rage quit in months in ranked. Ultra bronze gief player named Denjihadoken. I'm reminded why I stayed away from ranked for so long.
I think we'll both agree that my two biggest weak points are my wakeup game and my punishing. Any feedback on how I could improve? You outguessed me every time on wakeup, so I need to know safer options (particularly with Mika).

Necalli is by far my best character, so after you exposed my Mika scrubness I figured I'd just let you critique me at my best. :p

Bear in mind I think there's a physical barrier on my end because at some points I was like, "Oh shit, got him on CC! Time to puni--oh too late." XD

On wakeup, try challenging me more. You got better at that near the end of our set but you were still letting me get away with too much stuff, especially with Alex. Since you don't have a DP as Mika, try waking up with crLP sometimes or even EX Peach if you can make the read. Even shutting me down just once puts that option on the table and will make me much less likely to go all-out on your wakeup.

As far as punishes go: as Mika, you should always be punishing with either Passion Press or Lady Mika when not in the corner, cuz you wanna get me IN the corner as fast as you can. Once you have me in there try not to use Wingless Airplane unless it'll stun or kill, cuz the sideswap ends your corner pressure. Instead, use crMP or crHP to reset, which forces a guessing game and creates all kinds of shenanigans.

Try setting an AI opponent in training mode and practice punishing their negative or whiffed moves. Don't even attack them unless it's a punish; that way you'll develop better defensive habits that will compliment your aggressive playstyle. Just getting the muscle memory down will go a long way, and it'll improve your reaction time too!


I knew exactly what he meant, and the vskill sonic boom also has two hits and can't be absorbed if Nash had already nullified one hit with his own sonic boom.

Same goes for practically every multi hit projectile.

Not sure why you insist. I double checked in training (didn't have the character before). You can indeed absorb the second hit of Guile's v'skilled sonic boom. What you can't absorb is his ex fireball's second hit.
Not sure why you insist. I double checked in training (didn't have the character before). You can indeed absorb the second hit of Guile's v'skilled sonic boom. What you can't absorb is his ex fireball's second hit.

My bad then. Could've sworn it didn't work when I last checked it. Maybe I was confusing it with the EX.


My bad then. Could've sworn it didn't work when I last checked it. Maybe I was confusing it with the EX.

No problem, it happens.

The whole point of the vskill is to absorb one hit projectiles, why doesn't it absorb them then? Feels more like a bug than a balance decision.


I knew exactly what he meant, and the vskill sonic boom also has two hits and can't be absorbed if Nash had already nullified one hit with his own sonic boom.

Same goes for practically every multi hit projectile.

Incorrect , it can nullify Guiles multi hit v skill. If you nullify one hit via Somic boom.

Capcom specifically made Nash not able to absorb EX fireballs even if you nullify one hit. Wouldn't be surprised if he can absorb a single hit Ex move too. I haven't tested with Nash Ex boom.
You just need to put the time in to learn the matchup. Go into training mode with Juri and check all her buttons and specials. Then test them out. What can you punish and what can you not punish? Can you AA her jump-ins? Which buttons do you have that beat her good footsie buttons?

Which character do you play?

I play Karin, who I'm know has weaker anti-air options but is a strong ground character with great footsies, however I don't seem to be utilising them correctly or effectively.

I rely too much on crossovers and I feel like I'm guessing really when up close and personal with jabs and pokes. I really need to spend time in training and disect a characters offense like you say. Just sounds like a lot of work with 16+ characters now.


I play Karin, who I'm know has weaker anti-air options but is a strong ground character with great footsies, however I don't seem to be utilising them correctly or effectively.

I rely too much on crossovers and I feel like I'm guessing really when up close and personal with jabs and pokes. I really need to spend time in training and disect a characters offense like you say. Just sounds like a lot of work with 16+ characters now.

I'm a Karin main also, recently converted. Try watching videos of Karin high-level play, so like Justin Wong and Mago, for up close stuff. Wong especially has amazing footsies with her. For me, cr.MP and cr.MK are huge, the latter from just the tip of range especially and then boom, combo to launch 'em into the air. cr.MP has frame advantage as well. LK is useful up close too, to go from that to cr.MP then MP for example.
Nash frame trap


For a zoning character, this dude can put out some real damage when he feels like it.
We've got a new writer who you will probably recognize - Sherry Nhan! She wrote up her DLC dream team for Season 2. (Obvs includes C. Viper - her fav, but I think the other entries are interesting choices too).


That list is pretty garbo.
Also she needs to read up on her lore, sagat's obsession with ryu is gone, he retired and went back home.
I understand it being a "dream team" and all, but damn if that isn't just a horrible list.


Unconfirmed Member
That would be such a bad season...

Akuma and/or Sagat have to be in there, that's for sure, though.
this game gives such a horrible impression currently. thought i'd chill in training mode and set the search for ranked and casual games. first ranked match had a turkish player porting continuously, shaky screen all day. why did i even play this crap. 5 bars? more like -5.

back to training. next up: casual match. let's have some fun....nm. ugly birdie player is sitting there and spamming lk. i forgot i bought this game to "play" these guys. it's funny that this netcode is getting progressively worse when people spam buttons.

maybe i should stop for the day.....but let's take this ranked match at 5 bars.

next up is a british player called wettyfapman. good connection, can't complain. this guy is kinda bad, dashing into my limbs and getting anti aired all day. you're not ultra gold, buddy. i saw that ragequit from miles away.

thanks capcom.
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