I don't know about all the jaguar core stuff, but DF hit on this a long time ago:
Performance is where we find more in the way of differentiation. We've already covered why you must run Street Fighter 5 at 60fps, and outlined the hardware required to do so (GTX 960 and R9 380 on high settings worked well for us) but since we posted our initial performance analysis, some more factors have come to light that may influence the purchasing decision if you're considering which platform to invest in.
Offline performance is great on PS4, but online can see frame-rate drops appear. In fact, replay footage from Street Fighter 5 compared to the same action captured during actual gameplay highlights a difference - suggesting that the netcode is causing issues for console gamers. Now, the funny thing is that on PC, we don't see these problems. Well, thanks to Charles Roman of Radiant Entertainment, we may well have an explanation.
"I work as a software engineer on Rising Thunder, using GGPO, a rollback based netcode solution similar to what SF5 does (we also use Unreal Engine 4)," he says. "The thing about online performance is that it is dependent on the ping, due to the fact that rollback netcode solutions will take input from a frame that has previously happened (up to some predetermined limit, in our case eight frames) and re-simulate those frames in between. This can possibly be taxing on the CPU as it has to re-simulate multiple frames, in a frame usually dedicated to only one frame in the case of say a replay. If they have not done a good job of optimising this code path, it can cause this difference between online/offline play, and will even be more significant in a higher latency game."
In short, frame-rate hits to the PS4 game may well be dependent on the network conditions between you and the opponent - so good matchmaking really is a must here. But the crucial thing here is that a typical gaming PC is far less likely to have this issue as CPU power tends to be more abundant.