More like 1-3. Normal survival isn't worth my time.
yup. 1 round mod doesn't work anymore.
Dunno about anything else.
They also fixed the SSID thing for PSN
I still imagine the Trainers work on PC, but I dunno
It does. I just tried it. I dunno how they could fix that. Garrett or someone who knows how it works maybe?
Godammit. I wanted Juri and Urien's colors day one.
It does. I just tried it. I dunno how they could fix that. Garrett or someone who knows how it works maybe?
"In the near future"well u can buy them with FM now, right?
well u can buy them with FM now, right?
Yup! Happy with how I played. Having a lot of fun.
Met a couple people that evo was their first tourney. Invited them to our room later to get more games in.
Usually after a tourney, I want to take a break, but this game I just want to play more.
"In the near future"
We don't have an idea as to when they'll actually implement this.
I love you guys but you need to stop setting yourselves up for disappointment all the time.
There was no way in hell that they were going to show a character during the panel and you know damn well. Showing a trailer during top 8 when they're on ESPN2 and at their highest viewer count makes the most business sense.
But is that even gonna happen?
I love you guys but you need to stop setting yourselves up for disappointment all the time.
There was no way in hell that they were going to show a character during the panel and you know damn well. Showing a trailer during top 8 when they're on ESPN2 and at their highest viewer count makes the most business sense.
I'm curious about what they're going to show (if anything) considering we know about Juri/Urien.
Potentially attach a date to one of them?
Why would they when the content isn't even out yet?I find it funny that they won't lower the cost of the Season Pass unless you buy the game.
Why would they when the content isn't even out yet?
C'mon guys isn't it obvious Capcom have been secretly working on Akuma and Sagat with their unlimited production budget.
Did Capcom wipe-out colors and FM for the one round mod users with the last maintenance?
Did Capcom wipe-out colors and FM for the one round mod users with the last maintenance?
Did Capcom wipe-out colors and FM for the one round mod users with the last maintenance?
I sincerely doubt they can really tell who has used that. 99% sure they only want to crackdown on the people who used the PS4 exploit.
They can of course, since there are timestamps on servers.
Yeah because they way it's another sale of the game. But they wouldn't lower the season pass on its own because the content isn't out yet imo. It'll probably go down afterward. Although getting the both for $60 is basically already a GOTY edition type thing.$40 game + $30 season pass should be $70, not $60
So they're lowering it if you buy the game as well
They've had months to do anything relating to that if they wanted to. Seems like a weird time to starting caring about it now.
Dont even wanna hear this shit from Atlus of all people. Where the fuck is 2.0 and my PS4 port DansGame.
Watch the netcode be garbage.
Given their previous track record I am sure it will be pretty bad.
Watch the netcode be garbage.
Possible. This shot from the trailer shows a silhouette with tear resembling the standard shoto-gi sleeve tear.
r u trying to curse the gameAww come on guys, don't be like that. It won't be THAT bad right?
r u trying to curse the game
Aww come on guys, don't be like that. It won't be THAT bad right? I mean they have so many lobby and online features for grouping and stuff.
it probably will be but the game will be dead online after a week or so anyway regardless of netcode.
Respectfully Sir/Madam, I hope you're proven wrong.
I still haven't decided if I'm going to get KOF or not. I'm bad at enough at SFV which is a much easier game than KOF has historically been.