Help me not suck GAF!
I just picked this up at long last after getting that discount coupon from the Capcom humble bundle. I was looking forward to playing after work but proceeded to get absolutely BODIED by anyone and everyone. After a few losses I remembered Oh yeah, Im actually not good at this. Is there any general tips anyone could throw my way for starting out?
Im not exactly a beginner but would never call myself good at Street Fighter. I played a lot of SSF4 but was pretty casual all things considered. My strategy consisted of basically only pick Ibuki and constantly trying to get people in the kunai vortex and throwing out target combos. It could be surprisingly effective and good times were had in the old Beginner SSF4 thread.
I guess I just need to suck it up and get some BnB combos down. Should I just be drilling out the trials over and over? Ive been going Ryu as Ive heard hes a good way to get used to the basics and the new systems. Is there any useful resources or videos anyone would recommend? Also, does Ibuki play similarly at all this time round?
I realize that time and practice is really the only way to actually get better but Im wondering if anyone can help me develop some good early habits. Cheers