I have to stop reading these threads. Someone comes in and posts that going polygonal destroyed the timing and formula of Street Fighter and if you ask why, they never return.
Brah...I was just posting to a guy talking about the game isn't balanced. First of all comparison V to ultra and not vanilla to vanilla, and then using weak AA, and "stubby normals & walkspeed" to claim the footsies suck. Oh and the classic, why is ken -5 after a DP v-trigger cancel and you can't crush counter?
Not only me, but other posters challenge his views? Bails on the thread...
These niggaz ain't genuine lol
It's my fault though, Capcom messed up, so all SFV updates are going to be buyers validation threads or people who can't buy it (Xbox only) to feel better about that fact. I'll try to stay out of them, just so much misinformation.