I bet people are gonna screen capture the last couple pages of this thread and go "See, the SFV thread is only taking about Tekken 7. SFV confirmed dead."
I bet people are gonna screen capture the last couple pages of this thread and go "See, the SFV thread is only taking about Tekken 7. SFV confirmed dead."
There was like half a page where we (including me) just talked about JoJo.I bet people are gonna screen capture the last couple pages of this thread and go "See, the SFV thread is only taking about Tekken 7. SFV confirmed dead."
Fang, Honda and Bob
Oh this is Tekken thread now? Honest question how easy it is to transition SF skills to Tekken? Or is there even anything I can transition over? Never played Tekken outside of mashing my face against the buttons and hoping it kills the CPU.
Well Poongko keeps winning tournaments using Akuma with this strategy so there's gotta be something to it.Never played Tekken outside of mashing my face against the buttons and hoping it kills the CPU.
If it makes you feel better, I'll be right there with you.Kinda figured the 3D plane makes it very different to play. Oh well time to be a total scrub again when it launches.
I've actually heard Juicebox comapre Tekken more to KoF, in the sense that understanding the game's system is much more important than understanding your character which is not necessarily the case in Street Fighter.
Oh this is Tekken thread now? Honest question how easy it is to transition SF skills to Tekken? Or is there even anything I can transition over? Never played Tekken outside of mashing my face against the buttons and hoping it kills the CPU.
Bob is cool. He's Rufus done right.
Yep. VF gave DOA alot and it's easy to pick up DOA if you played Tekken before. Despite Itagaki naming the Tekken games in his top 5 most hated games lolOut of curiosity, does a lot of 3D Fighter knowledge translate between those games (Tekken, VF, DoA) like 2D Fighter knowledge translates very well between those games. I've played a lot of 3D Fighters but I was never good at any of them.
I can play SC and DOA, but Tekken is my weakest 3D fighter. I'll be learning on day 1.
Tag 2 when I was a kid was the last time I played the series properly but mashing against buds doesn't count lol.
NahTekken Tag 2 came out in 2012
i'm old as fuck aren't i
Whoops meant Tag 1.
Whoops meant Tag 1.
I pkayed tag 2 recently.
Fuck.You should have taken the free ticket to be considered a teen
Whoops meant Tag 1.
I played tag 2 recently.
nice try kid go to your room
There was some Mika player I ran into with a 90 win streak last night.
What's going on in this world?
Itagaki is the best.
Dat Master Raven, though.
I know she's one of the very few, and she's even based on the original male character... but she looks rad anyway.
Yeah, that's true. Another start in the right direction, tho still, in some regards, she's kinda in that limited box of mystical looking/acting black women which, whenever there is the rare black female character in a game, that's the de facto archtype that she is made to being (see Storm, Fortune, Elena, Vanessa) or otherwise, she's more ambiguously black/mixed (e.g. Laura, Alyx Vance, Aveline de Grandpré, Christie Monteiro, Jade (Beyond Good & Evil)).
I want an straight up, unapologetic and unambiguous, American-black/African-American female, that isn't reduced to a stereotype or merely overly sexualized THOTTY.
I hate how I with my lvl 0 am matched with pple with level 1209381298273918 and get my ass kicked so bad that I am soooo close of giving up ....
It's league you have to worry about, not Lv.I hate how I with my lvl 0 am matched with pple with level 1209381298273918 and get my ass kicked so bad that I am soooo close of giving up ....
If it makes you feel better, I'll be right there with you.
I hate how I with my lvl 0 am matched with pple with level 1209381298273918 and get my ass kicked so bad that I am soooo close of giving up ....
Itagaki was a fraud the game that was most like Tekken he considered the biggest mistake. DOA4 was really good until a Ayane player gave him the hands and he destoryed character variety and the underlying systems. This nigga gets more love than warranted.
I almost thought you were asking for a WSHH vine chick before the edit
LOL. Yeah, my mind be going sometimes and my eyes don't always keep up with that and my fingers. I massively edit due to this, hehe.
I played her quite a bit in mkx. I haven't played that game in a while.
It's never been easy with black female fighting characters
Even the ones there seem to be getting lighter skin tone in sequels
Just gotta deal with all the ganguro looking ones when anime fighters attempt aswell
Jacqui Briggs is the only i can think of in a long while that there were no ifs or ands
There are a few moves in this game that are just 100% guesses, like Balrog's EX rush punches. In 4 you could actually throw them if you were really quick. In V they just cover the whole screen in an instant. Pretty bad design imho.
I played her quite a bit in mkx. I haven't played that game in a while.
I am going into Tekken with a blank slate. Only played it in my button mashing days with my brothers.