Hoya Destroyer
I use the wingless mod. I wanted the T&A factor, without looking like a chicken. I didnt like the scarf either. I do like that Mika kept her make up on.
Yeah the Cena one sucks but the Wings look god aweful as well. Its just an ugly mess to my eyes.
One where is that modI use the wingless mod. I wanted the T&A factor, without looking like a chicken. I didnt like the scarf either. I do like that Mika kept her make up on.
His hair and his alt costume look bad everywhere.
There is also alex's backwards knees and akuma's face from certain angles looks absolutely hideous like in that twitter post from alioune. I don't like his hair either but that is mostly preference. I doubt anyone liked that pic of akuma that i mentioned.
I have only seen 2 mods for ken, one was pretty bad, the other was ok i thought, nothing amazing but better than capcom's. I think it was photoshop though, it has been posted many times.
Patch notes and star wars on the same day? Don't mind if I do. Like a mini Christmas.Capcom UK is hosting a party on the 16. Guess we'll know what is sticking if they don't drop patch notes on us beforehand (they will)
Capcom's nostalgia costume appeared better, but it'd be a sad state of affairs if their own paid designers were bested by someone who did the mod in his spare time as a hobby anyways.
Garbage character and costume.
Which invisible reversals work well against the cpu in survival so that i can get the fm before the reversals get nerfed, ryu ken anyone else? do they all work?
MP SRK for Ken and Ryu is the way to go.
God, I can't believe this update is going to make Survival harder.
Does the CPU actually try to attack you after a SRK such that the invincibility nerf will be a big deal? I haven't done it in a while so maybe I'm totally forgetting that that's the crucial feature. I just remember the CPU basically having no reaction to repeated SRKs in the corner.
Yeah that is the only negative.
I know the mp srk is the right move to use for ken and ryu i meant which other character's invisible reversal can beat the survival by just spamming, i remember hearing cammy's didn't work as well in survival for some reason, i don't know if that is true.
It's more the upwards motion and close landing than invincibility that the AI has a hard time punishing. Guile's flashkick gets away with it too sometimesThey will occasionally but the real issue is they have a great knack for countering your moves before they even land if they're not invincible. I got the farthest with the Rashid flying kick method and a Ken in the 90s would just SRK Rashid's foot. He wasn't too concerned with blocking and punishing.
Does the CPU actually try to attack you after a SRK such that the invincibility nerf will be a big deal? I haven't done it in a while so maybe I'm totally forgetting that that's the crucial feature. I just remember the CPU basically having no reaction to repeated SRKs in the corner.
Yeah that is the only negative.
I know the mp srk is the right move to use for ken and ryu i meant which other character's invisible reversal can beat the survival by just spamming, i remember hearing cammy's didn't work as well in survival for some reason, i don't know if that is true.
That R Cena mod is atrocious on Mika. Excellent adventures needs to stop using that ASAP.
I rock the Wings all day long
MP SRK for Ken and Ryu is the way to go.
God, I can't believe this update is going to make Survival harder.
Can you take the scarf off with the usual code?
One where is that mod
Give it to mee
Two yeah the wing outfit is the best, its cool stupid. Unlike her normal outfit, which is just stupid
The only good AI in fighting games was VFs tbh.
Ucchedavāda;226465270 said:That costume is amazing.
I bought it, and I don't even play Mika regularly.
Fuck survival.
I'm not touching that mode unless it gets a major overhaul.
Rashid is the only non-Shoto you can really abuse the AI with using his Eagle Spike (?). They have a hard time blocking or punishing that move.
It works well but her health can be a problem.
The fact that you lose progress if capcoms servers have a hiccup is the worst part of survival. You're playing a game of chicken with the server during any long stretch of survival mode.
And the online requirement is baffling.The fact that you lose progress if capcoms servers have a hiccup is the worst part of survival. You're playing a game of chicken with the server during any long stretch of survival mode.
While I am not opposed to a check-point system, that is a band-aid on a gun-shot wound. You say it yourself: It takes too long and it is so boring.The game should save your progress in survival especially for extreme survival, not only are you in danger of being disconnected and losing progress but it takes too long and it is so boring.
Every 10 or 20 fights there should be a checkpoint.
You know what to do
Ucchedavāda;226469438 said:While I am not opposed to a check-point system, that is a band-aid on a gun-shot wound. You say it yourself: It takes too long and it is so boring.
You know what to do
Ucchedavāda;226469438 said:While I am not opposed to a check-point system, that is a band-aid on a gun-shot wound. You say it yourself: It takes too long and it is so boring.
Survival should be one mode with no difficulties that is 50 fights long and for every 10 fights completed you get a reward. Every 10th fight should be a superpowered boss character like the EX/Gold characters from ASW games (and they'd wear the alt costumes) and the difficulty is raised after 10 fights. DLC characters and stages need to be added. There should be an extra life power up, you should be able to select your power up strength, and you should be able to buy multiple power ups between rounds. VT gauge needs to carry over between rounds and there should be wacky power ups like buying other characters' V-Triggers or buying Hyper Armor for 10 seconds.
man you know you're gonna play for like an hour then not play it again until the next DLC character comes out
Challenge accepted
I didn't say that it is the only thing it needs, i just mentioned one of the flaws of the mode because losing progress from disconnections was brought up.
It definitely needs a lot of changes.
Survival should be one mode with no difficulties that is 50 fights long and for every 10 fights completed you get a reward. Every 10th fight should be a superpowered boss character like the EX/Gold characters from ASW games (and they'd wear the alt costumes) and the difficulty is raised after 10 fights. DLC characters and stages need to be added. There should be an extra life power up, you should be able to select your power up strength, and you should be able to buy multiple power ups between rounds. VT gauge needs to carry over between rounds and there should be wacky power ups like buying other characters' V-Triggers or buying Hyper Armor for 10 seconds.
Ucchedavāda;226473320 said:Lots of interesting ideas here.
I would, however, also suggest cutting down the number of stages, and instead having a steeper difficulty curve. 50 rounds a hell of a lot, IMO, and depending on your skill level it can take quite a while to get to the point where it gets interesting.
50 is definitely too much. I would cut it down to 16 so you get to fight each fighter once. Anything above that is too much.
I'm not sure if that's feasible considering how much FM is gated behind Survival.
Here's a question: would people be fine if Survival was easier but the FM was reduced accordingly? Most people aren't getting that FM anyway so it may as well not exist.
You have to pay real money for Akuma's nostalgia skin.Wait are we gonna have to buy Akuma's nostalgia skin separately?Or is it included with the Season Pass? Or it is purchasable with FM?
You have to pay real money for Akuma's nostalgia skin.
Makes sense. His default looks real bad so they're gonna make bank off this.
How can it be forgotten when there are constant SFV threads? it's not the most forgotten game it's the most hated game of 2016...
Makes sense. His default looks real bad so they're gonna make bank off this.
I've heard plenty of people say they like it though :x
How can it be forgotten when there are constant SFV threads? it's not the most forgotten game it's the most hated game of 2016...
Makes sense. His default looks real bad so they're gonna make bank off this.
I've heard plenty of people say they like it though :x
Now I'm going to go inside the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and I'm not going to leave until I'm strong enough to save the world.