1. Make normals great again
Not gonna happen with how the game is played. Defensive options need to get buffed to compensate stubby normals though.
2. Manual command for CC the way Sabaki's work in VF or auto-guard attacks in SC
How would that work? Would you have to input something for CCs?
3. New ways to spend meter, maybe a crumple state move, or "even ex'ier" specials that have benefits for more combo opportunities and/or corner carries/hard knockdowns
I like this so long as it doesn't go too far. That's getting a little outta bounds in terms of what SF is when you start adding like seven options for meter. Right now you gain meter so fast that having those extra opportunities would be way too fast. Extra combo opportunities would be nice, but nothing like FADC. I'm talking like one or two extra ones, but more options that help players approach things. This, I feel, can be done by making v-skills and v-triggers better.
4. Revamp the knockdown system to be more like 3s. Right now this game has too many situations that repeat themselves and it's all because of how knockdowns work and stubby normals. This one combined with number 1 would make the neutral a lot better.
This! Actually, someone said if they added another wakeup option it would help, and I totally agree. Extend a few stubby normals and do this, and already the game is for the better.
5. Make everybody's vskill as good as Guile's for that character's game plan.
Yeah. I like half or more of them do a decent job, but some could stand reworking.
Eh, the problem with this is that it has the possibility to become like Ultra where people just select the better one and the other one doesn't get usage. If they do this, they need to make both of them viable.
For sure. This is what I would want for Super SF5. I don't expect anything like this to happen at all, honestly, but if any revamps happened, it would hopefully accompany a relaunch of the game after CPT this year.
More v-triggers, better v stuff, and better wakeup options have a big chance of being put in during S3. Extended normals probably won't happen for every move, but I can see some stubbier ones getting extended a bit in relation to their toolset (Ryu, for example, would need that as opposed to other characters).