What would you guys like to see in SFV? Other than the obvious online fixes, of course. My biggest initial gripe was with the roster, but since then it has rounded out nicely. And I'm quite excited for the new characters we're getting, as Kolin has me optimistic. With that said:
1. Fix Ken's face. Like fuck. He's one of the "main" characters in SF lore.
2. Buff Ryu and Akuma's fireballs. I want some damn lame bullshit for any character not named Guile. This especially goes for Akuma, whose low health is not justified this time around. IF NOT THIS, THEN...
3. Introduce a new lame zoning character. Having two legitimate defensive zoners in a roster of 20+ is nothing.
4. Buff every weak character. B tier should be the new D tier. Capcom needs to get people hype to play characters like Alex, not make them feel bad when they have to face the odds in every matchup. As much as I hate the design of Fang, for example, I'd be interested if more people played him.
5. Keep the strong characters strong. I'm fine with Urien, Laura, and Balrog being tops if it means that all the other characters will shift up in the tiers, too. This assumes that #4 is made true first.
6. Minor cosmetic changes. Things like Rashid's dagger on the front of his premium costume just looks weird. Oh, and it clips. Make the dagger smaller? Put it on his back? Put it on his side? I don't get why Capcom makes some costumes look so "busy" sometimes.
Aside from the clipping issues, weird faces, server issues, netcode issues, etc.
1. More Street Fighter 3 characters, particularly any that haven't been in a 3D SF yet + Dudley (as Dudley is the best SF character).
2. More uses for meter. I'll just quote a reddit comment I made already about this:
I do want more uses of meter in this game. Here's a few ideas I had:
All V-Triggers are three stocks now and are install/power ups. V-Triggers that are single moves become ...
V-Art, a single move designed to give the character utility they don't have elsewhere. V-Triggers like Nash's, Vega's, and Mika's would fall under this two stock move and would gain all new V-Triggers.
V-Trigger activation on hit or block halves the bar, incentivizing players to do VTs raw instead of just using it to continue block pressure or a combo.
V-Triggers don't automatically generate an attack in cases like Urien or Ibuki. Every character can use the VT as a Roman Cancel if they want (and lose V-Meter for it). If you want to throw more bombs or Aegis Reflectors, do the activation raw.
There will be a 2 stock super meter move similar to Xrd and BlazBlue's Blitz Attack. Effectively, it'll be a Red Focus Attack that 1) you can't dash cancel and 2) does some sort of combo follow up state (launch, wall bounce, etc) on any hit. If charged it will guard break. As the move cancels out of normals like specials, it can be used as a combo extender. As it has hyper armor (as in infinite super armor) on frame 1 it acts as an expensive reversal. Otherwise, it's unsafe on block so it's not the automatic best decision if you have the meter. Plus, as CAs ignore armor in SFV they can be baited and punished.
The idea is that since a portion of the cast lacks combo versatility and another portion lacks reversals, both are in one move that costs 2/3rds a bar. Good reversal characters would still exist as they'd be free (a la S1). Everyone would have the tools, others just have to pay more to access them.
3. Rework V-Skills. I think the V-Trigger system is great but some characters have completely garbage V-Skills. V-Skills fall into a few different categories in this game.
- Integral to a character's gameplan (Guile, Balrog, Ken).
- Easy to execute in order to build V-Gauge (Karin, Nash, Bison)
- Extremely specific in its usage (Alex)
- 2nd taunt (Mika)
V-Skills need to be more like they are for Balrog, Guile, and Ken. I accept not every move can be great but V-Skills should signal to a player how they should play the character, not something they can do to get V-Trigger faster.
4. Add character based challenges. I feel like this was in the game pre-launch and now it's on the back burner with all the other server stuff. So basically this would be things like "Land 10 Shoryukens with Ryu. Reward: 100 XP" but for a hundred different situations per character. They'd have levels that would yield more XP which in turn raises your character level which gives you more FM.
5. Make Character Level more important. It's utterly bizarre you have to get to Level 50 to earn the option to pay FM for a 15th color. Essentially, SFV needs a Smash Bros. approach where unlockables have various unlock methods. Character colors should be unlockable by leveling up the character OR beating Survival OR skipping the grind and paying FM. It shouldn't be a combination of these things.
6. More bullshit content. Honestly, each character costume needs like 30 colors. I can't imagine they are that hard to create. That and titles and whatever knick knacks should be the low development cost stuff the game should be stuffed with to incentivize people blowing their FM.
7. Separate LP per character. Incentivize playing new characters.
8. Turn Battle Lounges into ASW lobbies and combine them Casual Matches. Right now platers are separated into three categories: Ranked, Casual, Battle Lounge. Casual Match settings should be changed so that it drops you into an existing Lounge based on your desired search parameters. So if you don't want to wait in line to play you can choose a 2 person Lounge with 1 free spot. Ideally this would make match finding quicker.
9. Just steal Living Towers from MKX. Boom, single player content done.
10. Option to auto-upload Ranked Matches to YouTube, preferably when the PS4 is on rest mode. No trimming clips or anything.
11. These are increasingly getting pie-in-the-sky so some kind of Trial Creator mode? Basically, record a Trial that players can download and attempt to complete. Popular trials give the author FM. They can be ranked and tagged based on type of combo (BnB, CC combo, Desk-level styling, etc.) Continually updating trials is a lot of work so turning that over to players will allow players to have the most current, optimized combos for their characters.
I'd like if all tutorial stuff could be player created but that seems very difficult.
12. Let players make cosmetic content to be approved and used in game, a la Team Fortress
13. Accessories for costumes. Not Tekken or VF goofy shit you can glue to your fighter, just variants of gloves, shoes, hairstyles, and hats that add customization while maintaining the general look of a costume. Hot Ryu shouldn't be his own costume, he should be regular Ryu with a beard and his shirt removed. And if you wanted, you could give him red hair and shoes a la SF1.
Accessories would match the color scheme chosen for the costume. After SFxT I'm absolutely against letting players choose their colors.
14. I don't know, more Stage KOs?
15. Character match up specific intros and dialogue. They had this in SF4 Rival Matches but it should be there all the time. It bugs me they spend resource for story mode BS that is only used in story mode.
16. Sneak in more old moves like EX SRK being Shin Shoryuken. Make HP SRK for Ken Shoryureppa and EX SRK Shinryuken. Add some 3S style slight zoom-ins when damaging EX moves land. If EX moves are the old games supers, give them a little more flash so they stand out. The camera cuts can remain with CAs.