anyone wanna play?
anyone wanna play?
I'm down to play some. Need to brush up on the Laura match-up. Your cfn is just CountBlack right?
He also plays Johnny from Guilty Gear
Got bodied. Not really fair to go up against Problem first round after byes, sob.
Need to ease off with the big slow buttons and be willing to play slower.
His flying kick is unsafe, his LP mixer is safe but he will usually not retain a turn after it. There is a gap in his whirlwind shot during which you can punish or V-reversal (double-check about punishing but I am quite certain you can reversal while he's spinning). His F+HK is -4 if not spaced properly. This all goes out the door when he has his V-trigger activated, however.Any advise dealing with Rashid? Everything seems safe -_-
Bison's ENG VO is God-Like as always and my favorite. But the JPN voice sounds cooler when you activate his V-Trig. Quite like how short it sounds.
He is not safe in most of his attacks light mixer can be punished with jab, eagle kicks are easily punishable, and most his block strings are up up down, against rashid you just have to calm down and stop pushing buttons to avoid his frame traps.Any advise dealing with Rashid? Everything seems safe -_-
JPN Bison is Norio Wakamoto, and you can't top that.
Any advise dealing with Rashid? Everything seems safe -_-
Depends on your jab, if it reaches far then it's your turn after his LP spinning mixer, experiment in training mode.
Ya basically light spinning mixer are just smokes and mirrors just be ready to tech after them and if he has guage watch out for the Ex mixer.Not just one's jab. Rashid's -2, and his quickest normal is 3f. So you have a 5f gap to do anything, so a 5f medium button would also work.
GG's count. You do some different laura set-ups then the ones at my local so I got some more knowledge on the character.
Ya basically light spinning mixer are just smokes and mirrors just be ready to tech after them and if he has guage watch out for the Ex mixer.
ggs! I have to learn about Rog's TAP because that shit threw me off a lot. I really don't know the properties of the attack.
It's high and throw invulnerable on the 3rd frame and it changes on block based on what level it is. Level 1 is -2 and becomes more advantage on block by one when it increases to a new level. Also when he hits level 4 he apparently becomes fully invulnerable after the 3rd frame.
level 1 is high and throw invul too?
It's high and throw invulnerable on the 3rd frame and it changes on block based on what level it is. Level 1 is -2 and becomes more advantage on block by one when it increases to a new level. Also when he hits level 4 he apparently becomes fully invulnerable after the 3rd frame.
To clarify: TAP is throw invincible on frame 1.
Rashid's LP mixer can't be punished by anything except, I believe, Akuma's raging demon and Zangief's critical art.
Had to double check. You can be meaty thrown out of tap, but it's a super meaty grab timing. And toolassisted and FAT have it as throw invincible at frame 3 as well.
The mixup is "EX Mixer" or "Block" on Rashid's side. If he has meter, you may be better off delaying a jab.If you 3-frame jab immediately it's is then your turn though right?
Yeah. So stuff like your as a meaty with stuff it from happening. I was seeing you were guessing with sweep or a
Usually i go with block, ex mixer or throw it's like a rock paper scissors situation i don't know if it works on higher level or local but it's a good mind game around my level for online.The mixup is "EX Mixer" or "Block" on Rashid's side. If he has meter, you may be better off delaying a jab.
Yea I realized I had to do something different because TAP was blowing me up hard lol lets get more games in whenever you're available.
Had to double check. You can be meaty thrown out of tap, but it's a super meaty grab timing. And toolassisted and FAT have it as throw invincible at frame 3 as well.
Yeah I need some more practice for my upcoming red bull monthly cause we have a good amount of laura players that come out to play.
Verified it now; are you certain that you can throw Balrog meaty off of a reversal TAP?
Because this is me trying it.
Those loops don't work because there is a 2 frame gab in between that because your advantage on command grab knockdown is 20 and your dash is 18 and with a 5 frame command grab the first 2 frames of tap go through and dodges the command grab on the 3rd frame.
But Mika is +3 after a dash on her EX Brimstone. In other words, that variation (which I used throughout the video) leaves her at a 21f advantage, and TAP was still going through.
Damn. You might just be right. That's interesting though. Everytime a gief has spd'd me in a really meaty way might have just been me fucking up the reversal timing. Trying every situation to meaty command grab tap and it doesn't seem to work lol.
Yeah, that's what I thought. Whatever the data is on paper, TAP is somehow immune to throws on frame 1 from a KD, but this might be different if he's doing it while standing. Haven't tested that.
You'll note that Urien's Dangerous Headbutt is supposedly "airborne on frames 3-19," but it is still somehow immune to meaty throws when he does it as a reversal from a KD.
Played for a bit for the first time in a while tonight.
Still cant stop doing Nash from doing whatever he wants.
I'm bad.
you are immune to throws for some frames when you are standing up...I think 2 frames?
so if he is airborne from frame three he is basically immune to throws the whole way
Were you playing Birdie? Sorry about that.
This doesn't work, because meaty throws exist. An example is that I can meaty command grab or throw as Mika after dashing following an EX Brimstone. She's +3, which means she's grabbing the opponent on frame 2 when they wake up.
There is something weird going on here, what does rog's hurtbox look like on TAP frame 1?
This doesn't work, because meaty throws exist. An example is that I can meaty command grab or throw as Mika after dashing following an EX Brimstone. She's +3, which means she's grabbing the opponent on frame 2 when they wake up.
Did you try both command throws and normal throws?