You were a wifi-warrior?
No. I had a wifi extender and connected my Ethernet wire from it to the PS4 - unless that's the same as being on wifi? Worked great last week with the EU guys here but thought I'd get something more solid lol.
You were a wifi-warrior?
No. I had a wifi extender and connected my Ethernet wire from it to the PS4 - unless that's the same as being on wifi? Worked great last week with the EU guys here but thought I'd get something more solid lol.
Read Bob White's post again. I only mentioned standing medium punch because like Ryu's it was one of the lighter strength normals that could be used for mid to close range footsies. Counterhit st.hp is a nice button, but you gotta commit afterwards. Season 1 could chain into itself from pretty good distances, so it was useful for staggered blockstrings and simple hitconfirms. In season 2 they nerfed it pretty much all around and it hurt his game pretty hard just like Ryu's and nerfs. Seriously, nerfing footsie buttons was one of the worst things about season 2 which was still an okay balance update. Forward heavy punch crush counter is part of an entirely different conversation altogether. Don't know what it has to do with standing medium punch.Stand HP or F.HP are Alex best tools IMO, his standing HP is a great button if space properly..
I saw tampa bison doing it at a tourney. Pretty funnycr. jab aas are a thing now. I want to die.
S2C3 character reveal inc?
cr. jab aas are a thing now. I want to die.
I don't really feel like checking, who has them? Bison and ?
cr. jab aas are a thing now. I want to die.
Ucchedavāda;234425327 said:If I understand correctly, then your connection went from your router to your extender via WiFi, and then from your extender to your PS4 by cable. If so, then yes, you were still on WiFi. Your connection is only as good as the weakest link.
You can't share the DLC right? Because it's tied to the account? There goes any plans of helping setting up multiple SFV things.
I have a digital and physical copy of SFV for PS4 but only used one of my accounts to get dlc.
Why do you want to make two accounts?
I don't? The idea is to have two PS4 setups? But with it being tied to one account, only one PS4 at a time can use dlc I think. Especially if the PS4s are not connected to the Internet.
Guile is the one I've seen the most. Saw it at NCR and now with Daigo at EL.
This is correct unless you can connect to the internet on one of them. Your primary can be offline, the other has to be online, then you can have two setups.
Balrog is stupid as fuck. Jesus Christ.
.Watching Eita's playstyle gives me PTSD.
No.Any reveal for the new character?
Eita is just playing sfv. Hes no random scrub or something like that. He didnt play like that in sf4. He made it hype though