EVO always does this to me...Gets me hyped for fighting games again.
Is SFV not terrible? I know I'm asking in the OT, but it's a question I figure you guys who play it regularly can weigh in on. Is it welcoming to newer players? I played some IV and enjoyed it, but got sidetracked from it due to PC issues. I know V got a LOT of hate when it first came out, but I'm curious if it's relatively well sorted out.
Called it Abigail will be joke char.
He looks cool , but his intro where he pretends to be a car is so weird.
I don't understand how she keeps flying under the radar. Necalli too, but at least he doesn't get completely bonkers until he gets V-trigger.Finally some Karin backlash!
Hmmm...nah, that's not much of a weakness.900 health
Yeah, this is somewhat of a thing, her most damaging stuff does take some practice, but it isn't that high. She is almost like S1 Chun at this point without IAL.High execution barrier to entry?
Yeah, but Akuma truly can DIE so easily. Especially with a character like Gief, or even a Cammy hitting you with 2 combo. Karin doesn't go down like that. And again, her game isn't so heavily reliant on mix-up like Akuma is, she can space the crap out of you, press her st.lk over and over again (or a tick throw from it) and control space with her HK and max. distance sweep (super hard to punish).Sounds like it can be applied to Akuma as well. Like how many times have we've seen demon flips?
i never thought the glass cannon aspect was that much of a problem. He could always do it.Also, please give Ken a 3-frame normal that isn't a special. I think with that one change, he could compete with top tier so much better, along with St. HK 12 frames instead of the awful slow 14. Seeing Tokido check dashes with jabs and his st.mk was so beautiful, but I'm not confident enough to play with the glass cannon himself. Please Cap, give us Ken players a 3-framer, that's it!
I don't think it's terrible. I think it's a pretty great game. I often forget that's how I feel until I actually play the game or watch an event like Evo due to the pervasive negativity. Like going into Evo I assumed that SFV would be boring to watch because that's what people parrot all the time. Even shit like how SFV is terribly balanced and then the common top 3 characters don't even appear in last night's Top 8 (which featured 9 different characters) calls into question if that's even true.
The matchmaking is much better now and only worse than IJ2, KI, and SG. The netcode is better than every other fighter than those three unless you're one of those people that really hate rollback. The game has way more content than at launch but I wouldn't say it's a good singleplayer fighting game (which I consider an oxymoron but whatever).
It's a really good game and it's easier to get into than SF4, definitely. Plus, most of the playerbase is in Bronze league so you'll easily find people around your level.
Called it Abigail will be joke char.
He looks cool , but his intro where he pretends to be a car is so weird.
He's definitely in that giant manchild archetype, which is fine. They made Hugo a little too dumb in SF4 which I wasn't fond of but with Abigail it's sold better because his fighting style is completely untrained. He's so oppressively strong he can fuck around like a little kid play fighting and devastate people.
Abigails rapid uppercut animation definitely looks bad. It looks janky and low budget TBH.
Im still keen to see him in action though. I like some of his other animations. I like that he is so distinct, visually - and his counter/parry options seem interesting.
I have concerns about the stage too. The preview pic was beautiful, but...
...in the Abigail trailer, the stage is dark/at night time. I want that those pretty orange clouds. It just looks better. I hope the time of day changes between rounds. I want people in the background too. There should be other Mad Gear gang members there at least. I know some people dont like the low-poly people we see in some backgrounds, but stages are too lifeless without them.
Just need to get a sponsorship in the next 6 months I suppose. Maybe I can take Big Bird's!The year is 2020. At SFV's final EVO, Japanese and American players team up to topple three-time consecutive EVO champion lucebuce12, who's taken the world by storm with his legendary Unbeatable Weirdo Triad of FANG, Birdie and Abigail.
Their efforts will be in vain.
Just for you, I'll make him a sub instead of a main.I've already claimed him leave him be!
Knew you'd like him xD
It changes time of day in Final fight. Starts out at night and by the time you reach Abigail, it's at sunrise.
Abby better have some damn good fucking normals.
I'm sure this is nonsense."Karin has no weakness"
except for low health, poor AA options without meter, a pretty mediocre VT, and being one of the only characters in the game that actually requires some execution for her tools
and she has some struggling matchups against the likes of birdie and gief
Akuma range timeAbby better have some damn good fucking normals.
I'm really curious about what that guard crush move of his is, and if it only works in V-Trigger (I assume so, but I guess you never know).Abby better have some damn good fucking normals.
Abby better have some damn good fucking normals.
Birdie has all of these factors and doesn't seem op for itwonder how will he balanced. it won't make sense if he doesn't have at least 1050 life. prolly 1100. and he should hit hard, and he seems to have decent reach
gonna guess those slow attacks have literal seconds of recovery
Meter gain does not change that she struggles to AA without it. I dare you to try her AA jab against some of the cast (rog comes to mind) and EVER connecting, go ahead. And her V-Trig does not make her buttons even more safe lol, she can end up putting herself in a mixup as a result and against some of the cast using your VT is 99% a free super for them.I'm sure this is nonsense.
1) You get meter super fast
2) Have you never heard of AA jab?
3) Nothing mediocre about a V-trigger that makes already safe buttons even more safe and gives combo potential
Low health, and harder execution. Disagree on the rest of your assessment. Fundamentally, she doesn't have a lot of weaknesses, and controls space better than most of the zoners in the game lol. And everyone has trouble with Birdie and Grief, they have command grabs and great normals lol. Classic 50/50 no matter your character really.
I think standing Fierce kills your opponent instantly.
She's not bad at all, she's a damn solid high/top tier, but she's not flawless lol. Cammy has a better rounded set of tools.St hp, st jab, ex meter and most importantly, spacing can make up for a lot of her aa deficiencies I think. I dunno if she's really that bad though. Fuck Karin tho
I think they're about even in tools. Cammy cant control space quite as well imoShe's not bad at all, she's a damn solid high/top tier, but she's not flawless lol. Cammy has a better rounded set of tools.
That's a specified character though with crazy range on his jumping attacks. Majority of the cast AA jabs works well in a number of situations. I'm not even arguing it's not a weakness, but it's not a big deal in this game when you get meter so quickly, that's the point. And I know her actual Trigger is 'fake' pressure, you can jab through it after the first hit, it's not crazy fast etc...But you are talking about the mix-up potential, and how that's mediocre compared to someone like Urien or Mika.Meter gain does not change that she struggles to AA without it. I dare you to try her AA jab against some of the cast (rog comes to mind) and EVER connecting, go ahead. And her V-Trig does not make her buttons even more safe lol, she can end up putting herself in a mixup as a result and against some of the cast using your VT is 99% a free super for them.
Birdie has all of these factors and doesn't seem op for it
He doesn't need to be significantly slower. That said I bet some of those jump attacks will be like -23 on block like Hugo
How is it mediocre compared to Urien or Mika? Well, when they put you in their VT mixer they're in a position that keeps them safe as well, just wasting a VT if they fail. If Karin messes up she gets punished, and there are situations where the odds are more stacked in the favour of the defender (like certain characters with full meter). Most VT activations will put you at an advantage so that's a moot point, it's kind of the go-to with VT activations.That's a specified character though with crazy range on his jumping attacks. Majority of the cast AA jabs works well in a number of situations. I'm not even arguing it's not a weakness, but it's not a big deal in this game when you get meter so quickly, that's the point. And I know her actual Trigger is 'fake' pressure, you can jab through it after the first hit, it's not crazy fast etc...But you are talking about the mix-up potential, and how that's mediocre compared to someone like Urien or Mika.
First off, she's gets in 2 bars. Has super great hit confirms she can fish with, like st.HK. I've seen Justin Wong do this move 4 times in a row fishing lol. st.HK is -4 and if you cancels on block with trigger you're telling me Karin is more negative? That's news to me.
The armor moves will be like -16 on block and easily punishable. If there are counter moves they will be counter hit table on startup and recovery and have a 30 frame plus window like everyone else.dunno; Abigail seems p liberal with the armor moves, even without meter
that may cut through the pressure happy SFV cast like a hot knife through butter
then again, maybe everyone can just combo the fuck out of him more easily
The armor moves will be like -16 on block and easily punishable. If there are counter moves they will be counter hit table on startup and recovery and have a 30 frame plus window like everyone else.
He won't have a 3 frame move and will eat careful pressure all day
You answered it lol...We're just arguments specifics at this point though, not really disagreeing. I just think Karin is a bit too good lol. Weaknesses aren't weak enough. In a game where S1 Chun and Ryu were considered too strong, I think she could be nerfed a bit is my stance on her.How is it mediocre compared to Urien or Mika? Well, when they put you in their VT mixer they're in a position that keeps them safe as well, just wasting a VT if they fail. If Karin messes up she gets punished, and there are situations where the odds are more stacked in the favour of the defender (like certain characters with full meter). Most VT activations will put you at an advantage so that's a moot point, it's kind of the go-to with VT activations.
I know I answered it, I was just reiterating your question.You answered it lol...We're just arguments specifics at this point though, not really disagreeing. I just think Karin is a bit too good lol. Weaknesses aren't weak enough. In a game where S1 Chun and Ryu were considered too strong, I think she could be nerfed a bit is my stance on her.
Listen I'm just salty because of that unblockable stomp (shut up, it's unblockable, it can't be blocked, it hits every time) into 60% VT corner carry UNGA BUNGA ASFIOJASOIFJSAOJFKLRog is ok
I think I hate Laura more ATM. At least you can react to some of his 5050sListen I'm just salty because of that unblockable stomp (shut up, it's unblockable, it can't be blocked, it hits every time) into 60% VT corner carry UNGA BUNGA ASFIOJASOIFJSAOJFKL
Oh yeah, I was just focused on Karin because Punk is dominating this year. Cammy and Necali IMO are equal to S1 Ryu, so yeah, I agree. I don't get who the final group of balance guys are at Capcom that go 'Yup, these guys are balanced" and let Necalli walk out the door with that ridiculous jab and 'rest of the round trigger'. Like seriously, WHAT IN THE FOOK is up with his dash? Impossible to react to online, maybe pro guys deal with it better off?I know I answered it, I was just reiterating your question.
The thing with S1 Chun was that she had options for damn near everything and had some stupid pressure options as well (and Ryu was cut down for no good reason as far as I'm concerned), but it's kind of a weird target to paint on Karin when the likes of Necalli and Cammy and others are around and have less in terms of problems (though I wouldn't say either of them need nerfs either).
Really all this game needs is some buffs for certain characters and some kind of nerf for Rog because FUCK Rog holy shit.
eh, dunno. I love the brazil plaza, but I could also use a stage without all the background going ons
It changes time of day in Final fight. Starts out at night and by the time you reach Abigail, it's at sunrise.
Yeah, I remember that. I'd be very suprized if that happened in SFV though.
That taunt combo to end the round was so unnecessary, heh.Tokido's mental fortitude is incredible. One of the best top 8's ever in Street Fighter.
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