As in "Heathcliff"
Matt Edwards just confirmed that Abigail has more health than Zangief in his Tokido interview.
Matt Edwards just confirmed that Abigail has more health than Zangief in his Tokido interview.
This guy literally breaks the ground when he punches you down.
There was at least one occasion when Itazan caught him that you saw the "Counter" notification pop up, which means Tokido did try to press a button but Itazan caught him first.Can someone explain how Itazan caught Tokido twice with the normal throw whiff -> EX Air SPD setup?
I remember trying it back when Itazan first started using it, and it seemed like the defending player could easily beat the air SPD with an air normal. Is there another layer to the setup that made Tokido not press a button during his neutral jump?
Watch the reason for the high health be something crazy like he can't block.
Watch the reason for the high health be something crazy like he can't block.
Can someone explain how Itazan caught Tokido twice with the normal throw whiff -> EX Air SPD setup?
I remember trying it back when Itazan first started using it, and it seemed like the defending player could easily beat the air SPD with an air normal. Is there another layer to the setup that made Tokido not press a button during his neutral jump?
Yep, completely on board for Abigail. Nitro Charge sounds like a riot.
Also this is one of the best costumes in the game
Be afraid.
We war machine from mvc1 nowWatch the reason for the high health be something crazy like he can't block.
I don't like the goofy aesthetic. I'll probably buy him anyway.
I run into a 2.5 meter tall roided up dude who wears tires as armbands and acts like a child? You bet your ass I'm bailing the fuck outta there immediately.Yeah I would have preferred a more menacing feel.
Mecha Zangief tbh.We war machine from mvc1 now
I think Street Fighter is always gonna err on the side of goofy for as long as Ono is producing it.
I would prefer the tone to shift closer to 3S, but 7 years of SFIV tempered my expectations of that happening anytime soon.
I run into a 2.5 meter tall roided up dude who wears tires as armbands and acts like a child? You bet your ass I'm bailing the fuck outta there immediately.
I think Street Fighter is always gonna err on the side of goofy for as long as Ono is producing it.
I would prefer the tone to shift closer to 3S, but 7 years of SFIV tempered my expectations of that happening anytime soon.
I'm curious to see how certain stage transitions will affect Abigail. Like, in the China stage, instead of being seated in the back of the bus, I assume he'll knock over the entire bus down. lol.
Dee. Jay.Super Turbo was the last "serious" Street Fighter game tbh.
Yeah, but he could be more. I want him to step on someone in his intro and crush him into the ground and not even notice. That kinda thingI run into a 2.5 meter tall roided up dude who wears tires as armbands and acts like a child? You bet your ass I'm bailing the fuck outta there immediately.
Super Turbo was the last "serious" Street Fighter game tbh.
Oh yeah.Dee. Jay.
yeah I would say c.lp to be his 3 frame normal. Mostly for checking with. It really improves your defense and Ken seems the odd shoto not having one. I know in the beta it caused problems with his run creating an infinite I believe but that's poor design then if they can't give him a good jab without breaking his movesets.Ken's jab is extremely easy to confirm into combo/CA, so would it be fair to make it 3 frames? His also combos into super though that takes a lot more skill to confirm.
Maybe c.lp could be 3 frames? Ken's standing jab seems pretty good because on block it can be followed up with a throw or a frametrap (though that's hard to confirm off of) and on hit you can do a ton of damage and corner carry.
I don't know, I'm not smart enough at SF to do this balance work. What move are you envisioning as 3f and what would the repercussions be for his existing combos? If they took away the ability to link jab and target combo, I'd be finished. Back to bronze league in a day.
Zangief dancing with Gorbachev is serious business.People have the worst fucking memory.
Street Fighter has always been ridiculous. It was just always sprites so the ridiculousness could just be passed off easily as it had a "cartoonish" look.
Yeah I would have preferred a more menacing feel.
Yeah.People have the worst fucking memory.
Street Fighter has always been ridiculous. It was just always sprites so the ridiculousness could just be passed off easily as it had a "cartoonish" look.
Who remembers Sagats weird tiny shins in SF1 tho?
Who remembers Sagats weird tiny shins in SF1 tho?
People have the worst fucking memory.
Street Fighter has always been ridiculous. It was just always sprites so the ridiculousness could just be passed off easily as it had a "cartoonish" look.
ah yeah, good old 3S, the serious street fighter for the serious man
Except for that one time Capcom tried going for the serious look:
We all know how that went.
I ain't say 3S was serious. There's plenty goofiness in 3S. It just had a better tonal balance compared to the following Street Fighters.
Too bad when he fought tokido he spaced his divekicks high up on tokidos body and was blocked and fully punishedWhen you think about it, it actually is kind of hilarious that Gill just straight up carjacked Dudley.
I've been watching some sets from last night, and man. Forever in awe of Kazunoko's ability to space his divekicks so that he can always combo from them afterward. I'm not sure he's the best Cammy in the world (though I had a good feeling that he could beat Nuckledu), but things like that plus his godly normal pressure make him so fun to watch.
Too bad when he fought tokido he spaced his divekicks high up on tokidos body and was blocked and fully punished
And as soon as the sprites and animation started to get more detailed (around Alpha), you really started seeing that goofiness shine through. Alpha itself actually had a relatively dark storyline (with Ryu's struggles with the Satsui No Hado, Charlie's betrayal and murder, etc.) but it was also the series that introduced jokey folks like Sakura and Dan, as well as the series' anime aesthetic and Saturday morning cartoon plot devices like Bison's psycho drive. The whole thing was generally fairly lighthearted.
Man, Alpha was the best.
Tokido was moving forward to force the divekick to hit higher. He really was playing on another level last night.
Alpha was indeed the best. Thoroughly disagree with some of your points. The goofiness didnt 'shine through' in alpha. It was a small piece of the whole presentation. It worked well because the designers knew where the line was. There was plenty of darkness in the alpha games. The reason it worked so well was because there was a general aesthetic that balanced it all out. The real triumph of alpha was that it struck a fine line.